The Cutest College Juniors In The Circle 1. Passive Senior And Proactive Freshmen


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In spring, a beautiful and elegant girl, who for some reason adores me, who doesn’t stand out, became a junior in college.

It was spring on the campus of a university.

At the welcome party for the new students of the “Cultural Festival Executive Committee” was the lovely and beautiful Kimioka Misono, who caught the attention of everyone there.

Well, even though I am a senior in the same circle, it would have nothing to do with me, who doesn’t stand out.

“Senpai. If you don’t mind, I’d like to sit down next to you.”

“Can I talk to you again?”

“May I join you on the way home?”

And yet, Misono came to me, a simple man, and adored me.

After that, I was invited to her new place,

was treated to delicious home-cooked meals,

finally, she even gave me a key to her apartment.

Misono’s proactive attitude melted my passive heart—

The relationship between a senior and a junior changes into something more.

A slightly mature “intra-circle” romance novel.

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Sākuru de ichiban kawaii daigaku no kōhai
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