SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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214 Reviews sorted by

LongXi rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: c99
When you think about it maybe even the title was made to be like that, generic, just like all the arcs' themes, generic; from towers, levels, wuxia, there's even romance, all as generic as it can be; at first glance that is. Because the moment you start to read it then you see it all, that even the most generic of all tropes and genre, can be, if written carefully be full of emotion, with each sentence, and paragraph full to the brim with ideas and thoughts, that can provoke... more>> and contaminate you <<less
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March 21, 2021
Status: c50
Being immortal is broken... and going back 24hrs is even more broken... this 2 abilities is not enough, copy a skill of the person u died from, infinite loop of gaining skills

And the only downside is mental dmg?and the feel of pain

Tbh I think is too much of a cheat.

... more>> Imagine being able to go back 24hrs and u cant die... theres no way u can fail reaching the top

Im not saying the novel is bad

In fact I like the plot

But at the same time because of his opness the plot is useless?

He can jus fight and die repeat till he reaches the top. <<less
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Tsudow rated it
March 13, 2021
Status: c115
I've never written reviews before so this might be a bit of a mess to read.

Possibly one of the easiest 5/5 rating I've given to a web novel series.

First impressions were something similar to Solo-Leveling power fantasy with the typical setting where the main character starts out weak then they slowly build themselves up to be overpowered.

The biggest difference between this series and the others in the same genre. It's that the story-telling and execution in each arcs are top-tier. Especially the arcs from floor 20th+. After each chapter,... more>> you're left with the thirst of wanting to continue reading and that's something really rare. The author doesn't play around and is not afraid of pulling dark situations for the sake of the story.

Looking at the other reviews with low ratings, they barely made it past the interesting parts of the story because they only read through the first few dozen chapters. So it's best to take their reviews with a grain of salt. Another thing I see is that they dumpster the MC because he's a psychopath with a hero complex. This is a valid statement but ultimately flawed once read the story. The only criticism I'd give to the series is that it doesn't quite focus on the world-building surrounding the Tower. It's vaguely explained in the beginning and I can barely remember any of it. I don't know how the source material is conveyed through its original language but the team currently in charge of this series is doing an excellent job at translating/proofreading/formatting each chapter to give the readers a good experience. Don't read the machine-translations, it's bad. Very bad.

Personally, I would give a very high recommendation to any of those that are thinking of reading this. Blew all of my expectations away and managed to find an amazing series to read.


Expected Gong-ja to end up with the alchemist girl somewhere in the story but I was so wrong. He managed to find himself a wife, Raviel Ivansi, while clearing the floors and they're a match for each other with their twisted love. I'm really a sucker for romance.

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February 24, 2021
Status: --
This is so awesome. The way the author danced with her words, how the translator captured every words beautifully and how each sentence waltz rhythmically to the music. Damn. A novel where the MC overcomes all situations little by little, improving his mindset and his views of the world. He uses such devious skills for good. This is a fight for the head hahaha. His Ego, his pride, everything about him that changes little by little as he improves himself subconsciously. This is honestly one of the best novel I've... more>> read so far <<less
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Bourne91 rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: c91
This is really a hidden gem. It starts like many other Korean novels with a MC who is weak but is given the chance to go back in time and redeem himself while also getting revenge on an enemy. The world on the surface is the same as many other WN where there is a tower full of monsters and riches and the MC and his friends try to climb it.

Although the premise is used a lot the way the author develops it is great. The MC very early changes... more>> his goals and during his climb understands that power isn't everything. The side characters are well developed and even the Tower is more than what it seems. The bosses are not your mindless monsters that are just stronger than your average monster that the MC struggles to kill but have a meaning to them (can't say much because spoilers).

On top of the very well written world this novel has a lot of emotions. In one chapter you will be laughing your ass of will reading the interactions between the MC and his friend the next chapter you will be holding your tears after reading the tragic story of someone (and for once the tragic stories are well written and have a meaning to it instead of just being just background noise that can be forgiven 5 minutes later like most other WN).

All in all if you are looking for a novel that isn't only mindless killing and grinding, it has emotions but is not your usual Japanese MC then this novel could be for you. <<less
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Clara_French rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c91
Literally this ln is my current favorite. It’s so good. At first I didn’t like his personality and was scared that it was gonna be super cliche and the MC was gonna be unlikable and super greedy and stuff like the beginning stages of the MC of Overgeared, but it’s definitely not. I was sobbing crying at the latest arc that stopped around chapter 89. It was really slow, but I loved it so much. I don’t know if it’s the translators and editors or just the author that is... more>> making the writing so good, but it’s really well written.
I’m not a big fan of its current arc. I read ahead on a pretty bad translation site up to like chapter 112 but I had to stop because the translation was so bad and it got to the point where I couldn’t understand what was happening. I could just be the translations fault that I didn’t like the current arc, so I’m gonna reread it when the translation on NU comes out. It’s much better. Anyway, I highly recommend this one. Plus, it has a manhwa that looks super promising so far!! <<less
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Akamori rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: c92
Good regression story.

MC has a really interesting character development so far. He is not that cold type of MC that we often saw in other regression story. Many people might not like what they see in first 10-15 ch. But it will get better soon.

Note: World-building are kinda lacking in many area but bearable
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Ironman96 rated it
January 10, 2021
Status: c86
Props to the author as this novel starts off with a BANG like holy f*ck, what an intense first couple of chapters. If you read the first couple of chapters and don't like this novel, then its probably not for you. Great writing and word choices to make me really feel the emotion of MC.

I'd say one of the best things of this novel is the MC and yes he is OP, but this is not your typical "Korean action tower climbing/dungeon novel" as this focuses more on MC emotions,... more>> world-building, and relationships with others which I prefer to the action. MC admits he is selfish - he wants to be praised by others, he wants to be a good hero, and wants to save lives, but what kind of person doesn't want that and it makes him relatable to us. Not only this, but its his emotions along with the tower climbing that drives the plot forward which will cause MC to make different choices than what a rational person would make with his powers (some people might be upset with this as MC doesn't always make the 'correct' or rational choices, but I much prefer this as it is more realistic).

There is no cliched reason for MC climbing the tower such as 'everyone will die' or 'I must save those close to me' or 'I must become the strongest person alive'. MC climbs the tower because he wants to and if you were given a power, who wouldn't want to be the best-of-the-best and see the view at the top.

Another thing this novel nails is the side characters. We have a great cast and most of them are likable and make their own choices and decisions. The comedy is well inserted into certain scenes and there are no overused or returning jokes like in some other novels.

Every arc so far up to the current chapter (86) has been amazing, there has not been a drop in quality and I believe it will continue to stay this way. Great novel, 5/5. <<less
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Haitaka rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c88
I started reading this novel because of the manhwa that recently came out and was expecting mostly comedy and some character building based on what I had seen from the manhwa, but ended up getting a much more whole story. I'd put this up there with Second Coming of Gluttony and Overgeared which I have as my favorite novels for their character development.

Serious spoilers ahead. Be warned.

... more>>

From the start of the novel, the MC is obviously a psychopath who is jealous of other people, enough so that he gains an ability centered around his jealousy. He wants to be the very best and will do whatever it takes to get his revenge and become the best (such as killing himself 4, 090 times to travel 11 years in the past). Up until the MC gets to the 10th floor his personality remains mostly the same, just a crazy bastard.

After the 10th, the MC experiences the trauma of the boss and takes their experiences into himself and slowly begins to change into something which can be seen as a hero. Someone who wants to take the pain and suffering of others so that he can carry them with himself. From this point on he will take the "hard" way to solve issues which involves taking the pain of others into himself so that he can learn from their suffering and in doing so "save" them and himself.

The most recent arc showed probably the most human side of a character I've seen since the Last Stand Arc in SCOG, and it honestly made me tear up a few times with just how well written it was.


The MC allows NPC's and monsters to kill him so that he can experience their traumas and learn of ways to help them and try to give them their happy ending.

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ddrhckrzz rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: c84
... I don't know what to say really, just... the latest arc has been extremely good, I can't recommend it enough, for all the slow translation, it's very worth it. Please give it a try, I'm sure you'll eventually enjoy it somehow.
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Skyblue rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: c74
It's very good. It's like a cross between Mother of Learning and Liar Game.

Although the MC has op skills he didn't use it to strengthen himself (not mainly). His main focus is still climbing the tower. He is very smart and knows how to use his skills effectively.

For me, the main attraction of this novel is the characterization. Every characters is interesting and unique. The story itself emphasize a lot about human emotions and trials, and how people react to it.

The story starts like just any light novel with weak... more>> MC that stumble upon an OP skill. But the story will get interesting when you see how he decide to take revenge on his first enemy. And when he reached floor 10 the story will only keep getting better. <<less
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Tintl rated it
August 10, 2020
Status: c51
Update: reading on, from ch 51

Ive noticied, the author is really good at writing, with how he presents the story to the reader and literary techniques and language (thank you translator for conveying that!). Seriously, I admire how he tells the reader whats happening over the huge spanses of time in an interesting and artistic way. His wordplay is astounding.

but, they have plot holes. I got over it bc the rest was so enthralling. Especially the comedy.

And I love how MC is dumbfounded by and stares at the insane hunters... more>> when he himself is so insane
Ex of plot hole:

on 21st floor hunters read books and feel emotional bc they're so good yet end in s*upid ways. But then when they enter the world of the book they don't know that the sickness is zombies. If they read the book and felt bad then the old guy who read it shouldve known it all and thus been important enough to be included. But this wasnt even considered by the author.


(spoilers below)

ok I almost dropped it near ch 25 but then I picked it back up and CHAPTERS AROUND 45-51 WERE SOOO EPIC!

like when MC talked back to first constellation how the Devil King was my game so please don't touch it


and how he bsed on the 20th floor!
and I ended up really liking his character, how he doesn't desire attention from everyone, but acknowledgment and from powerful ppl and how completely fine he is w going through basically years worth of regressing for his morals/goals without anyone knowing. But it isnt like Holy mary level of fakeness, He unabashedly flaunts it, hes proud of it, he literally said it, no yelled it into the middle of a whole city!

tl;dr this is an awesome fic, it just takes a while to show. Everything comes together really nicely.

one thing I do wonder is how the grampa would and did react to MCs kill count rising even under 24/7 watch. <<less
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Luttinger rated it
July 31, 2020
Status: c47
Look, this is one of those stories that is more about the characters than the action. Very similar in world bulding to Second Coming of Glutony. MC is kinda of OP but doesn't matter because is not about defeating the stronger enemies, is about the process, the emotional aspect. It has a certain uneven start, like is finding it's genre, but by chapter 47 is a really good story and I wish there were more chapters to binge read.
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Galaleo1000 rated it
July 27, 2020
Status: c43
This only a preliminary review because I hope that more people stumble into this novel.

Overall the setting isn't much different from the average Korean World Disaster/Tower/Dungeon trope. The MC is lacking but becoming better. The world-building is slowly but developing.

The main reason this book gets 4 stars is the beginning of the novel, the envy struck MC just wants to have a cool badass power and basically gets slapped with a super op one-time power out of pity. When he dies his power can copy another power from the person/thing... more>> that killed him. Honestly, if they keep the powers interesting and refrain from only giving out useful powers this book could become one of my favorites.

Overall 4/5 (Temporary) <<less
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July 27, 2020
Status: c10
Was unique. Bcs of his unearthly envy he got the most useless skill, however he was lucky and basically tranformed it in the most powerful one.

It was interestingly how his envy turned in hate and he su*cided 4000 times to get his vengeance. However, what now??? He is left with the most powerful and tbh anti-climatic skill and plot is as usual as it can get from what I can see.

In the end I don't see a reason to read this guy with the most typical hero syndrome and skill... more>> that doesn't generate any hype. Further more, his skill is through you can say "glitch" enhanced so his choice isn't even random anymore. It makes it more boring.

It's very predictable and similar to other novels as well, not that it's necessarily bad. Just I feel there are similar yet better novels like this to read. <<less
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sif99 rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: c38
It's super entertaining, so it's flaws are barely noticeable for it and it's got some great writing as well.

I'm sorry but only idiots would say that this novel is bad. But I don't really wanna spoil so I can't really go with any further with explanations on that.

You'll basically love it after as you read the first (short) prologue, so at least finish reading up to it, it then sets up some stuff so it gets slow for a while but it slowly builds up to gratifying developments and growth,... more>> unique plots and twists and even though it notably stumbles sometimes getting there, it absolutely nails the important moments, and its cleverly written and pretty cohesive to boot, barring some loss of clarity in the writing itself sometimes (which might just be difficult to translate parts), It's definitely a super fresh gem.

And also the MC is pretty great and stays great, that's not really in question to anyone I think. Or at least it really shouldn't be, speaking super objectively here. He's complex and interesting to watch. It only keeps getting harder to not spoil as I go on, but his character is consistent to anyone who actually paid attention to his actions and thoughts. It's really worth a read, at least up to what's currently translated. <<less
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Mai Mee
Mai Mee rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: c20
For now the humour is good. Had me laughing quite a few times.

Is this review too short? I don't really have anything to say except that and it's a tower climbing KR novel so... Nothing problematic yet.
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June 24, 2020
Status: c17
I absolutely loved this the MC has an extremely likable personality and has the guts and mental fortitude to follow through with his decisions the end of chapter 17 was extremely sad and hard to read for me but it has a deep emotion behind it that you can’t help but support his decision
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BepsRose rated it
April 13, 2024
Status: c361
Some of the criticisms this novel receives appears to be the result of the author not giving all the answers to the reader at the beginning. Once it's important to the plot to understand how something works, you learn about it with the characters.

Also, the takes some people have on the characters are so contrary to what I've read that I wonder if we read the same novel.

I understand why some people are put off by the romance arc, but I found it to be a well timed break from... more>> the previous arc's angst. I read the manhwa version before the novel version and honestly.... words spoken that might make some people cringe definitely made me swoon due to the way it was portrayed. He basically did a speed run through a romance novel (although from his perspective it was months) and I found that hilarious. Yes it came across as rushed/forced romance, but that was the only way it could have been, given the constraints of the level. People would be complaining if it was written all drawn out with emotional drama like an actual romance novel. It was a fun arc for me. <<less
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sadduck rated it
August 7, 2023
Status: c212
The best action novel i've ever read. 5 stars because this novel get philosophical, and in a way that make you ask yourself "why did I never think in thar way?". I kinda forgot since it's been such a long time but I especially cry like a baby when I read murim arc. Still got chills when I remember the last battle between demonic leader with heavenly leader. And with his ghost as well. Ah.... my life's completed that day, I finally found my best novel.

I see many review hate... more>> romance arc. Well I kinda agree when they said it felt like being pushed. But I do found the way author describe love in a mind blowing way, so I let it slide.

Oh, and the orc civilization arc. I think that arc is made for humor and I find myself laughing (and touched ofcourse) so that arc is also my personal favorite.

Now, on c212. This arc is so hard to read. I do remember the translator said this arc also hard to translate so maybe this is a lost in translation situation, or maybe my brain is just not capable enough to swallow the whole situation, but this arc need so much energy which I dont have right now so i've been stuck in this chapter for months. Author try so hard to make

the tower god the saddest (?)

person that ever exist in every universe but all I see so far is her being arrogant??. It's enough to drag this novel to 4.5 stars tbh 😥. I'm optimists this will come back to 5 later on but for this arc... that's all I could give 😔

Edit: I CANT EDIT THE STARS?! <<less
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