Spirit’s Paradise And The Idle Another World Life


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When I got out of the supermarket.

wilderness spread out in front of my eyes.

I will use my “what seems to be” cheat cultivating tool, and my high affinity with spirits as a weapon, and aim for enjoyable different world life.

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Seirei Tachi No Rakuen To Riso No Isekai Seikatsu
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Fluffums rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: c7
So we're not supposed to review the translation of the novel, but I'm glad that the protagonist buys "Retort food" five paragraphs into chapter 1 because I'm going to be doing a lot of mental retorting while reading this. People who can't read MTL will likely not enjoy this novel. It gets better compared to the beginning, but it's still obviously ESL writing. Aside from the somewhat confusing start, I think there mostly shouldn't be an issue understanding the story.

Which, so far, is like watching a father play Minecraft while... more>> his wife and very young daughter (spirits) cheer him on. The protagonist has some really cheat items and the spirits are very convenient. He reacts pretty realistically to the new world, overall I'd say the characters are decent and it looks like it will be a heartwarming family slice-of-life kind of story.

For now I'll give 3 stars but I can't really recommend it without some grammar and spellcheck editing at the minimum. <<less
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Neiri rated it
January 11, 2018
Status: c10
Good enough to pass time. Mainly slice of life and the main struggle so far to find food and water. Signs that this would be one of those kingdom/nation building novels.


It is 100 days walk to nearest settlement and the land don't have food and the solution is to have spirits reside and they won't because it is undeveloped. He is now developing it mainly for his own survival. Title also suggest this.

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talosparoxi rated it
October 1, 2019
Status: c23
A really nice little laid back slice of life/kingdom building story. So far it doesn't have anything really substantial going for it but the writing style is nice and the characters are all likable. It looks like the translator's dropped the project so there isn't much hope for more chapters but it's a good, unoffensive, little read to pass the time.
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DizzyMiko rated it
April 7, 2024
Status: c295
I tried. I really tried. The premise is extremely interesting, and the first few arcs are actually quite fun in their own way, actually managing to make me burst into laughter with a few sentences; a rare occurrence for comedy considering nearly all stories written with a comedic undertone are neither funny nor entertaining.

The problem with this series is Yuta; specifically with how inconsistent and ret*rded he actually is. Where I ended up dropping this series,

... more>>

Yuta wanted to spend 3 days and two nights solo in another kingdom (another problem I'll get to in a bit, pertaining to pacing), yet literally as soon as he encountered ANY sort of resistance, he calls Sylphy, completely nulling his "solo" outing. If this was supposed to be written with the intent of being funny, it fell extremely flat. I haven't had this much of a vitriolic response to drop a series since Hayate no Gotoku, a series that's so f*cking infuriating and unfunny I still get pissed every time I think about it.

Anyway, I digress.


Yuta's inconsistency of CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING about a lack of women that he could flirt with and ultimately romance, yet at the same time literally deny EVERY. SINGLE. WOMAN. he comes into contact with makes his "plight" utterly farcical. Again, if this is supposed to be done for comedic effect, it has the completely opposite effect and makes the reader feel completely worn out from the constant complaining of the situations he puts himself into.

Another major issue with this series is the pacing. It took the author over 290 chapters to even go to another kingdome; an ability Yuto has had since he

was able to contract with Silphy (yes, I'm putting this in a spoiler bubble lol).

It's completely unacceptable and breaks all immersion from the series.

I also do not understand the breast envy trope and why people think a girl's reaction to how a man views women's breasts is funny or amusing. It's well-trodden, tiring territory that honestly brings things to a screeching halt for a random LOL THIS WOMAN ENVIES ANOTHER WITH HUGE BREASTS WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LAUGH HAHAHAHAHA moment.


Side note: I'm extra touchy on this subject because this f*cking trope (breast envy) utterly RUINED Ryuujou in the Kantai Collection fanon (yet another reason why I utterly abhor fandoms in general) considering in the actual f*cking game, Ryuujou is quite proud of her flat top design because, as an aircraft carrier, she has one of, if not THE, most unique silhouettes of all aircraft carriers ever designed (line is literally 独特なシルエットでしょ?, Don't I have a unique silhouette? while sounding quite upbeat). Anyway, I'm digressing again.


The worst part about all of this is that there are so many heartwarming moments, and more surprising, a few tear-jerkers, as well.

And almost none of those moments had to do with the spirits imo, who I found amusing at first, but annoying afterward with the author utilizing them literally for nothing but fluff (both in word count and cuteness) and failed attempts at comedy after Yuto's initial struggles for survival. I honestly wished there were more serious moments because the author has something absolutely golden here, but shits all over it for the sake of the annoying attempts at comedy, esp when the author is CONSTANTLY reminding the reader that Yuto feels more like a parent and has these blossoming paternal feelings, overreacting over every single little thing like a f*cking helicopter parent (for those who don't know: a helicopter parent is overattentive and overly fearful of a child's experiences and problems, particularly outside the home) ; an incredibly apt term that describes Yuto's ret*rdation to a t.

Also, the author is incredibly bad at introducing characters and then doing very little with them once their main arc is over.

The only exception to this is his s*upid diatribe chapters with the Galley father/son duo. These chapters literally serve no purpose other than to showcase just how much of pieces of shits they are.

but they do very little with them.

This ultimately leads on to one of the biggest issues with this series: the cast is overbloated. Severely overbloated, to the point where there's just too much going on in the scene when it involves more than just Yuto and his spirits. Which, by the by, the author is constantly either forgetting about constantly and comes up with a random scene as an excuse to bring them in after not being there for a while, or just not bringing them up at all for quite some time.

Thankfully the author isn't all that great at descriptions (probably because they are trying to portray Yuta as a bumbling idiot? quite plausible).

This all leads to a bit of a mess of a story,

especially after he deals with the Adventurer's Guild; something that never should've happened in the first place if Yuto wasn't so f*cking ret*rded and egotistic. Yeah the Guildmaster and the adventurers were pieces of shits, but god damn does the author love to ramp the ridiculousness up to 11 just for the sake of "comedic" moments that weren't funny and only made Yuto, and the author, look like morons.


1 out of 5 stars. 20%. Author tried, but failed to keep me entertained. It may be a harsh grade, but I was letting a LOT of things slide until I got to chapter 294, when I just lost what little shreds of respect I had for Yuto, watching him destroy what little pieces of decency and self-respect he had. God damnit, why is it so hard for people to write interesting Slice of Life and leave out the f*cking comedy outside of little moments that're supposed to enhance the scene with a bit more vibrancy?

Oh, I also forgot that the translation is... sketchy at best. I don't wanna dog on the translator TOO much because they ARE doing something others are not, but it's CLEARLY OBVIOUS that it's either being run through a machine translator (my guess being DeepL because it sounds way more coherent than Google Translate, that's for sure), or the translator is literally not even reading what they are typing on the screen whatsoever because there are just some moments where dialogue is being said and it's been written in such a way that it's exceedingly hard, and sometimes outright impossible, to even know or understand who is even talking in the dialogue.

The sheer amount of constant changes to the spelling of names, and constantly wrong pronouns (which are so f*cking inconsistent that there are some lines where the pronouns used for the same f*cking characters are changed IN THE SAME SENTENCE) is honestly mind-boggling. Frankly, it's unacceptable and inexcusable. What's been translated so far is in dire need of an editor with translation checking abilities to make sure that grammatical usage is right.

I know translating from Japanese to English is not easy, at all, especially considering how Japanese grammar is structured, hence why I ultimately still applaud the translator's effort. It's not good, but at least it's actually understandable... well, most times, which is far, far more than I can say of other translators. <<less
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April 17, 2022
Status: c50
It's a 1 maybe 2 star novel at best

World building

Its ok by Isekai standards although that's not saying much.

The MC

He is an immature, s*upid, naive, cowardly, pe*vert, who's a kid in a teenagers body if your reading this novel you aren't reading it because of the MC to see his adventures your reading it because of his female companions because they carry him and the story which says a lot about him.

Character development

what is that?

Overall a generic Isekai with a disappointing protagonist that has absolutely nothing to offer.
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dJava rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: c500
Its a nice slice of life fantasy when he building his base & interact with spirits & people.

The strugle of building base in dead land, and the strugle with the people in the kingdom.

But when he establish the proper base & connection, and the story start widening, although there are still some interesting parts, the other parts of it feels like a chore to read.

Also, the MC is very reliant on the spirits, even on some small matters. Making him feels like a child & an idiot. (Even tho he... more>> supposed to be a "teacher" & a "landlord")

I would personally say this is interesting; thats why im reading till this far; but it also very understandable if many people hate this kind of story & MC. <<less
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