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A tender-hearted yet stubborn beauty Shou X A strong-willed Gong who can’t express his true feelings

Song Yan and Bai Yucheng hit the target with one shot!

Bai Yucheng becomes pregnant with twins but stubbornly refuses to admit his feelings for Song Yan, insisting their intimacy is merely due to biological attraction.

After getting married during the pregnancy, their life is as sweet as honey, but once the babies are born, things take a turn as they fight over their daughter in the hospital! In a fit of anger, Song Yan declares he wants a divorce! The whole family panics, but Bai Yucheng remains obstinate. Though he rashly agreed to divorce in the heat of the moment, they only end up sleeping in separate beds to spite each other.

The contradictory antics of chasing after his wife leads to many humorous situations, and Song Yan’s image as a CEO begins to crack. Despite his stubborn facade, Bai Yucheng lies awake at night, regretting his actions and feeling sympathy for his Alpha.

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