Snowblade Vagabond


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The Snowblade Vagabond, Long Chengbi, along with his friend the Valleylord of Healer Valley, Xu Qiaozhi, are tasked by Dongfang Wuyou, the martial world alliance head, to kill the alliance head of the Thousand Demon Alliance. Along the way, Long Chengbi enlists the help of his friends, the professional killer Sima Xue, and the Head Chopping Xia Wei Kongkong. But there are many twists and turns that await them, as the situation becomes more and more complicated and unexpected…

This is the first book in the 50-book Snowblade Vagabond series by Hong Kong author Long Chengfeng.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Classic Wuxia Literature

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/12/23 Wuxia Wanderings c4 (end)
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08/12/23 Wuxia Wanderings c2
08/12/23 Wuxia Wanderings c1
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