Sleep Early


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Mu Bai was a mischievous bed-pressing ghost. The kind that fed himself by pressing down on people. Recently, he was assigned to haunt a newly graduated manga artist. However, for three months, Mu Bai hadn’t managed to get a single meal. He couldn’t understand how someone could sleep less than a ghost.

So, Mu Bai had to switch targets. He chose the artist’s young uncle, who was a CEO of a big company, known for his stable and calm demeanor, extreme self-discipline, and a habit of going to bed early and rising early.

Mu Bai was delighted, secretly visiting the CEO every night to press down on him. Worried that the CEO might change his early-to-bed, early-to-rise habit if pressed too often, Mu Bai considerately chose to only haunt him for half the night. After a while, having had his fill of meals, Mu Bai began to slack off. But the CEO began to sleep earlier and earlier, and for longer periods. Eventually, he was sleeping all day, and soon, he even started to reverse his day and night routines. Mu Bai found this very strange.

CEO Yan would see a little ghost pressing down on him every night. The ghost was small, murmuring “I’ll just press down a bit, I’ll just press down a bit” as he lay on him. Once, the CEO turned over, causing the little ghost on top of him to roll off in a confused tumble.

CEO Yan: “…”

He thought to himself that this little ghost didn’t seem very powerful. So, he switched to a larger bed. But then, the ghost’s visits became less frequent, and eventually, he stopped coming altogether. No matter how early the CEO went to bed, whether he slept all day or reversed his sleep cycle, even if he showered with incense-scented body wash, the bed-pressing ghost never returned.

Ultimately, CEO Yan spent a lot of money to hire a Taoist priest. After catching the ghost, the CEO’s first question to Mu Bai was, “Who are you pressing down on now?” His second question was, “Is the grass always greener on the other side?”

Mu Bai, being held by the neck: “?????”

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User1729378145781 rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: c17
(No spoiler)

The novel itself: Honestly I thought it was pretty good, not so bearable (just a little nota bearable), but it's not bad

The translation: Pretty good, I didn't find any errors, it rarely happens to me that I don't get lost between which character is narrating, but this time it didn't happen.

Mu Bai (shou) is very cute, Yan He (gong) is neither toxic nor manipulative from what I see, The way the two of them interact seems very cute to me.
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