She Is Not a Witch


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She is a silver-haired maiden who lives in the forest.

She is the teacher of the seven legendary heroes.

She is the Sage who represents the stars and wonders.

She is the guide who quells ten world disasters.

Her name is Lorraine Hill, and she is not a witch.

As the poem describes it.

Like the sunlight that descends upon the world, she who has bright and transparent wings carries with her the legacy of another human civilization, bringing hope and blessings to this new world.

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3 Reviews

Apr 10, 2024
Status: Completed
I read this quite a while ago so excuse me if I missed anything. I'm making this review now because I'm reading the sequel to this book and thought that it would be nice to return to the prequel. More people need to read this.

I need to make it clear that as of right now, you can only read the MTL if you want to fully finish the novel. That is the biggest barrier to entry; I've been brainwashed to enjoy MTL because I've desensitised myself to it after years... more>> of reading it. If you're willing to wait for someone to translate it to the end, keep in mind that it's over 3.8 million words in total.

If there was a way to describe 'She is not a Witch' in one word, it would be an 'epic'. It's the sort of tale that's spread in a fantasy world about a hero. Children would be hearing this sort of story as they grow up in this theoretical fantasy world.

Now, to elaborate more, the novel is somewhat of a coming-of-age story about a witch, an immortal being with special powers. Witches are the centrepieces of history and the sages behind civilisation; humans, elves, orcs, any race you could think of, witches are behind their civilisation in one way or another.


Lorraine Hill is the newest witch who is born with a 'system' (though the system becomes less relevant throughout the story). She explores the world and quickly becomes stronger, trying to live peacefully. Her personality is somewhat of a pushover at first but as she encounters more people and situations, she becomes more firm. I love her character because the growth is organic while not overly changing her core attributes. She remains the shy, quiet girl to the end while being the leader of all civilisation, trailblazing a path into the stars. The care and effort put into her is evident. One of the author's notes describes Lorraine as his 'daughter' and I fully agree.



All of the arcs in the story revolve around a certain country/civilisation that Lorraine Hill visits. They are usually riddled with certain problems and issues that cause instability in the world. For example, the first kingdom arc explores freedom, s*avery and revolution. She mentors a young man who is disillusioned with the world using books that she receives from the system about how to manage a country. Years later, the man raises a rebellion and takes down the ruling class, turning into a free country. He names the country after Lorraine Hill.



Probably the strongest aspect of this story is the world building. It explores aspects of the Industrial Revolution and how that affects different people. It goes into detail about different countries and organisations, their history and how they became what they are now. There is never really an unknown factor within the story. You feel like the author has explained everything to you. My favourite example of this is the witches. In this era, witches are more secluded from the world, hiding behind the scenes. They've all come together into factions that are separated by their seniority. In the multiple eras of the world, these witches grew up in a different environment so their attitude and modus operandi are different. Hence, there are a few conflicts between these witches, even if they loathe to fight each other most of the time.



It all isn't just fighting and kingdom building; the story also has surprising amounts of slice-of-life. The author wants Lorraine to enjoy herself and spend time with her friends. Sometimes, he also likes to spring philosophical and moral conundrums on different characters which can generate great reactions. I also believe he's bringing in societal problems in real life and applying them to these fantasy societies, which is very interesting to read. All in all, I think 'She is not a Witch' has many facets that can be enjoyed by different readers.

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Nov 03, 2022
Status: c164
8/10, I wish it had better translation tho. But I don’t like how MCs abilities are so heavily on the support side. Besides the demon sequence, there really isn’t any other ability she has in her whole arsenal that aides in combat. I get author wanted to create an MC who is some what of an advocate for peace but the world that author wrote isn’t so suitable for such a person at all. Also I wish she’d just taken the easy route and depended on the other witches for... more>> guidance <<less
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Apr 27, 2024
Status: v1c120
Starts out a bit slow but does so to lay the grounds for a nice worldbuilding.

It also established why the characters (MC included) do as they do with good and plausible reasons for their deeds. While still continuously, if a little slowly, expanding the story.

I have greatly enjoyed the merchant arc in particular so far.
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