Reservoir Dogs


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Outwardly elegant but inwardly wicked, a lawyer who is a degenerate literati X Outwardly fierce and capable of fighting, inwardly pure and innocent parolee.

Early stages AO, later stages AA

Xiao Zhou always felt that he and Jiang Chengyuan were using each other.

Jiang Chengyuan was infatuated with his pheromones, using his body to break free from pheromone control.

Meanwhile, he wanted to obtain parole, needing an Alpha to be his guardian to deal with regular checks and reports.

All of this was taught to him by Jiang Chengyuan, who told him to be gentle and patient, and to atone for his mistakes.

So when he regained his Alpha status, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the bizarre relationship between him and Jiang Chengyuan should end.

But Jiang Chengyuan still waited for him downstairs, still liked to hug him from behind as before, rubbing his gland with the tip of his nose, gently biting with his teeth.

Clearly unable to mark anymore.

Xiao Zhou felt uncomfortable all over due to the clash of two types of Alpha pheromones, but Jiang Chengyuan said in a hoarse voice, ‘So this is your scent.'”

Due to body modification, changed from Alpha to Omega, will change back later.

Distorted values, melodramatic romance, slight mystery. Age gap of 12 years.

HE (Happy Ending), power couple, professional, ABO dynamics (Alpha/B

Associated Names
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Related Series
First-Class Lawyer (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. To be read
  2. BL- Alpha x Alpha
  3. NOT Slow Romance
  4. BL ~ Good novel (top rated)
  5. worth reading/ wont disappoint [BL]

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/08/24 KnoxT c125
08/08/24 KnoxT c124
08/08/24 KnoxT c123
08/08/24 KnoxT c122
08/08/24 KnoxT c121
08/08/24 KnoxT c120
08/08/24 KnoxT c119
08/08/24 KnoxT c118
08/08/24 KnoxT c117
08/06/24 KnoxT c116
08/06/24 KnoxT c115
08/06/24 KnoxT c114
08/06/24 KnoxT c113
08/05/24 KnoxT c112
08/05/24 KnoxT c111
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6 Reviews

Jul 29, 2024
Status: c60
Honestly, I don’t read a lot of novels about real life nor do I often contemplate about morality (other than at work). Initially, I found the ML a bit detestable but as I read on, I found him more complex and interesting than the MC. The romance felt a bit dubcon to me until the shower scene because of the MC’s conflicted mindset; fortunately it was readable due to the author’s good showcase of human character and society. The translation is also really good which made it more immersive, so... more>> I give this novel a 9. <<less
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Aug 13, 2024
Status: Completed
after reading it, i'd now categorise this as one of my favourite omegaverse novels. The plot is well woven to contain enough mystery and intrigue, I couldn't put it down after I began. my favourite aspect is the MC and ml's characterisation. they are very real and human i.e flawed. the ML will be detestable from the get go... he's arrogant and haughty. however you'll understand how this characterisation is inherent to the plot. he's a complex person I truly enjoy how the author wove his persona. the MC, xiao... more>> zhou is quite likeable as well... he seems simple-minded and kinda plain but he has quite an introspective personality. he is sensitive and caring and with a sense of justice and very self-aware. as the plot progresses you get to see more of his personality shine through when it comes to both his relation to the ML and those around him. I felt quite protective of him quite quickly. especially when he becomes more vocal and forthcoming with his emotions.

the author also put in effort with the side characters. there's a certain complexity to each character you cannot simply box them as either good or bad. since the narrative majorly involves around the legal system, there's a lot of talk about justice being served, how the legal system in conjunction with lawyers uphold or fail to uphold law... etc.

my one bone to pick is with the lead up to the story's conclusion despite being well-paced.


thinking about it, I felt the inherent power imbalance was a permanent fixture in the relationship even if the ML "loses" to be free. because why does he get the right, even after realizing he like MC to be in control of when and where the MC gets to see him. like yeah it concludes with them in love but it pissed me off a little bit thinking about how the MC infiltrated prison just to see him, waited for him to get released and then waited for him to come back him. the ML was always in control. always the "alpha" of the relationship. maybe it's because the MC was too in love idk. I didn't mind the ML getting his career screwed over as some karmic retribution. still liked reading it.

17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 07, 2024
Status: Completed
realistically a 4, but my enjoyment was a 5

great tension between good!MC and selfish!obsessive!ml, extremely unbalanced power dynamic (very in-line with ml's personality)

MC is situationally weak, but has power both in body and spirit (although everyone starts to fall in love with him, which I found amusing)

riveting read, although plot (and pacing) begins to derail as the end nears
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Nov 17, 2024
Status: c114
All I have to say is that the ML has completely ruined my interest in this novel,

there was a particular moment where one of the characters said “if *insert ML name* can get away with doing so many bad things and get to live a good life why can’t i?, if u’re such a righteous person shouldn’t u agree that he should rot in hell with me?” And this statement just solidified my opinion on the novel, the ML is too much of a shitty person for me to... more>> attempt to like it, the author says he walks the path of good and evil but I see no good, it seems like the author sprinkles in some moments like “oh he bought flowers from this girl, he’s gentle”, but the contrast is way too heavy for me to feel like he’s actually good for example

he watched MC partake in a fighting ring, and when he was under the illusion that MC was gonna lose, he left him for good and didn't care that the result was gonna be that MC is gonna get Gang-r@ped, in fact that’s part of why he left, because then he’d have no worth and he didn’t need such an “omega”, afterwards when he learns MC did actually win and then he goes to him he himself admits that if MC hadn’t won that fight he wouldn’t care for him, he just admitted that he doesn’t give a fvck abt MC getting Gang-r@ped??? Like??? Ruined my mood I swear

I have so much more to say but I feel as if I gave this novel too much of a chance, the relationship is heavily power unbalanced, the MCs whole shtick feels like sh*t cuz he’s supposed to be this goody two shoes innocent pure character but he keeps condoning ml’s downright vile actions with a blink of his eyes and that just makes me go ??? How can u say u’re a good person but lay with a man that genuinely treats human life like actual garbage??? <<less
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Dec 27, 2024
Status: Completed
Unusually well written and beautifully translated AO novel. (Not that much of a fan of the AOB genre as it is often too formulaic, but it is so relevant to this story.) The book kept me reading long after I should have slept. Very engaging. I struggled a bit with one section where JC locks up XZ and behaves like a psychopath toward him. XZ's response to this behaviour did not make sense to me. I get his own traumas mean he'd respond differently to a normal person, plus the... more>> impact of Stockholm Syndrome, but still... That aside it is a genuine story with a focus on XZ's feelings and thinking. He's naive but no sap. He has so much heart even though he has been so powerless and unfairly treated. He is such a hidden hero in how he approaches his life and experiences. Ultimately he's much stronger than JC even though JC has all the power initially. There's plenty of smut but all relevant to the story line so it adds to the pace of the book. <<less
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Aug 18, 2024
Status: Completed
The story had lot of potential but the execution was poorly done. The story is all over the place and filled with plotholes. Starting part of the story is good but it does go downhill somewhere in the middle, some of the plot don't make sense and the ML is detestable and the MC is too forgiving. It could have been a solid novel.
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