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“Every day, a recurring hellish dream. Junseong is stuck in a world that feels like an endless loop, much like a roguelike game. It’s a cursed world where he struggles every day. Two months have passed since he set foot in the zombie apocalypse world in his dreams. “Ha….” As soon as he woke up, his gaze was instinctively drawn to the internet broadcast that he habitually left on. -A major riot is occurring in some regions due to the current situation… Then, beep! A loud sound announcing a disaster alert echoed in Junseong’s head. Unconsciously picking up his phone along with the alarm sound, Junseong couldn’t hide his confused expression.

[10:44 AM] It was the exact time he had always woken up in his dream. Everything was just like his usual dreams. However, a man he had never seen in his dreams before, Do-hanseo, appeared right in front of Junseong. “I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”

“What?” As Junseong was about to reply, he felt a change in Hanseo’s gaze. The smile that had been on his lips disappeared. Consequently, Junseong felt a strong, cold, and sharp pressure, as if a dagger was piercing his throat. “Why do you look at me like that?” Feeling the strange pressure, Junseong, who had tightly sealed his lips for a moment, asked instead. “How am I… looking at you?”

“….” Instead of an immediate answer, Hanseo just gazed silently. Then, he showed the ‘fake smile’ he had been holding onto a little while ago. His clothes were too clean, his body had no wounds, and the smell of blood was so strong in comparison. When he took off his clothes, he could be sure. The scent of blood from the man named Do-hanseo was not from his ‘clothes’ but emanated from him.“

Associated Names
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레드 닷
Related Series
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2 Reviews

Dec 25, 2023
Status: c13
The story itself is very interesting and good, it has many minor and unnoticeable details that go by and then appear, revealing it to be of great importance. Just a few scenes of the blood pumping parts were actually quite exciting to read, and you had to pay attention to the small details the MC was noting in the situation as well. Only thing that’s questionable is translation quality. Some genders get swapped sometimes, and sister sometimes turns into brother. I hope another person picks up this series to help... more>> make it a bit easier to understand. <<less
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Apr 02, 2024
Status: c64
Weirdly enough, this novel reminds me of a infinite flow danmei novel. It's not infinite flow, it's way better than infinite flow, but it kinda has that feel to it. It has a lot of the best tropes from an infinite flow novel, like the MC is more competent than he should be, the ML is a complete psychopath, they both know more than they should, there's a big bad who knows the most, and there's horror elements. It's just all set in one world and there's no interdimensional shenanigans.

It's... more>> very well written, the characters are likable and the world makes sense. I love all of the tropes in infinite flow novels but I hate switching worlds and MLs so this novel is just perfect for me.

The novel is greatly held back by the translation. It's very obvious it's MTL and it's sloppy MTL. Another reviewer mentioned the issues with keeping track of gender which is very common for MTL because Korean doesn't use pronouns the same way that English does so the MTL AI has to guess the genders to make English sentences work. There are also times when multiple paragraphs are repeated, almost like the translator was copying them out of their MTL program and didn't realize they'd already copied that section in. I'm still giving it five stars because it's not fair to the novel that the translator is so lazy. <<less
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