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Ji Je-hyuk, 21 years old. Because of his tall stature and neat appearance, he’s been constantly confessed to and was dated by many. Still, his relationships always ended up with him getting dumped. The reason is always the same. He simply never held hands with his partners throughout their relationship. Je-hyuk truly wanted to change that, but because of trauma-induced compulsions, connecting with someone was too difficult for him.

Then, one day, he receives a proposition at a drinking party.

“Want me to teach you how to love?”

Yoon Si-hoo is popular, but despite having flirted with dozens, he was never in a relationship. And so, Je-hyuk drunkenly accepts the offer from his only friend since high school.

They gradually started holding hands, experiencing intimate moments while they practiced dating, the contact and the stimulation were things Je-hyuk had never felt before, and he realized he liked Si-hoo. Afraid of losing him, Je-hyuk, while harboring an unrequited love, begins to hope for reciprocation from Si-hoo, who seemed to be opening up to him at one point. Eventually, Je-hyuk mustered the courage to confess, but Si-hoo gave him an unexpected answer.

“Sorry, Hyuk, you’re not my type. I must have misled you.”

After Sihoo’s rejection, their relationship took a turn for the worse, and before Je-hyuk knew it, Si-hoo went to study abroad, and the two of them parted ways like that.

However, six years later, under unexpected circumstances, they meet again.

Read this If: You want to see the process of someone falling in one-sided love with a skilled partner and that unrequited love becoming mutual.

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퍼스널 스페이스
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