Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet


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“This guy, how heavy is his taste, he’s still able to eat?” Waking up, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, explosive hair, tattoos, and a demon-like face. Look at her for more than a second and you’ll have spicy eyes (your eyes will bleed-aka she looks really ugly).

Before her rebirth, she was in love with someone else, bent on escaping, and after having relations with him, hates him deep to his bones.

After her rebirth, she looked at the beauty on the bed, seriously thinking, the one who left his shadow in the past, seemingly should be him?

In her past life, her mind was muddled. She tried to get rid of the outstandingly beautiful husband that she didn’t want, was victimized by slag men and cheap women, and her most trusted friend brainwashed her. In the end, she found people rebelling and friends deserting (isolated and alone).

In this lifetime, all of the evil people scheming and longing for her divorce should yield. Sorry but this young miss’s IQ is on the line!

Associated Names
One entry per line
100% Sweet Love: The Delinquent XXX Wife Is a Bit Sweet
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New SweetLove rated it
May 24, 2024
Status: Completed
FL and ML with too many identities. Both powerful in their own way. I love the roller coaster coaster ride of a story and the face slapping was very satisfying. This is one of those series that you have to be invested in for the long haul, so don't quickly judge in just a couple of chapters. Give it a go~
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August 23, 2017
Status: c14
I see a lot of positive reviews, so apparently people like this. Here's a counter opinion to give some variety: This novel caters to a niche fantasy, so if it's not your thing, you better find something else to read. To me, this wasn't a romance but a nightmare. I only felt irritated as I was reading it, especially since it was presented as a humorous romance, when it's more like Stockholm "romance". I'm not going to give a rating, since I can't be objective about this.

Some spoilery details to... more>> give you an idea:

    • The male lead kidnapped the main character, who already had a man she loved and didn't want anything to do with the ML.
    • The ML has a temper, so after some repeated escape attempts by the MC, he r*pes her. They're not married, so there's not even that flimsy and entirely misguided excuse that his wife is obligated to have s*x with him. They have no actual binding relationship to speak of. He just keeps her at his house.
    • The MC's fake friend is giving her "bad advice" and setting her up to get caught in order to make the ML mad and drop the MC, so fake friend can slide in and marry ML (flawless logic).
    • The ML gets mad and in return takes away MC's freedom, r*pes and abuses her, confines her at his home, making her more like a pet than a human.
    • In her second chance, MC wakes up after the first (?) r*pe, so the deed is done. The ML is irredeemable to me at this point. The MC then promptly decides to stop listening to the fake friend and to treat ML better so she can have some freedom (like going to college). She blames fake friend for her suffering, even though the actual suffering was personally caused by the male lead. I guess she needs to misplace the blame somewhere, in order to accept the ML as her lover.
    • The MC decides to treat the ML nicely and tries to convince him to take this slow with the promise they'll end up as lovers. At this point I can't tell if she's serious. She does seem to be warming up to him.
    • The MC was convinced by fake friend to wear heavy make-up and fake tattoos on her face to make herself look ugly and unappealing. The ML still r*ped her and doesn't seem to mind her appearance (which makes him the only non-judgmental person in this novel, wow).
    • Everyone around the ML - friends, subordinates, home staff - seem to despise the MC for two reasons - one, she's too ugly to deserve any sympathy, respect, decency or trust; and two, because she used to always throw tantrums and try to escape (gee, I wonder why she'd do that).

So, we got a criminal male lead, a helpless MC who might fall for him, unlikable judgemental idiots as side characters, and a plot that twists all its issues around and presents itself as a romcom. It's fine if you enjoy the novel, but you gotta be blind not to see it for what it really is. One reason I can think of for myself to keep reading is to see whether there'll be some justice served eventually. To all the characters blindly supporting a rapist kidnapper, to the ML who needs jail time, to the MC who needs to get her life back and find a decent lover.

Oh, right. Forgot to mention the ML is super gorgeous, rich, and influential. So I guess that makes everything alright then, heh.

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cookieconquerer rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c892
I don't know who keeps downvoting these types of novels to 1star but seriously, STOP.

Judging after 1 or 3 chapters is ridiculous. It's like reading the prologue of harry potter then being like "oh, I know exactly how this will go" then throwing it away. You're just like those people who turned away JKR, because you wouldn't give things a chance. Don't be that person.

5 star in order to try to offset things a bit, it's probably more of a 3-4 star right now?

Anyway, I read the first 3... more>> translated then mtl'd the rest (the original is only up to ch8 as far as I found) and it's pretty interesting so far. We have some standard best friend betrayal, ex fiance nonsense and our girl seeing herself pretty damn clearly after her rebirth.

The ML does seem more than a bit obsessed with her, and if her pain in the first chapter is anything to go by he probably needs to work on his s*xual prowess. Preferably with her. But I like how this time around she seems to be trying to accept his affection and make it less unhealthy, working to improve their relationship to a more healthy standpoint rather than aggravate things so he becomes crazy enough to try to stockholm her. And that's pretty refreshing honestly, that she's trying to make a relationship she was (kinda, probably) forced into become something more than a point of stress and claustrophobia. That it's not instantly about getting her revenge on this guy who was probably always treated as someone terrifying and thus has no idea how to properly show affection.

It's obvious he loves her, he just doesn't know how to do so properly yet as he's afraid she'll run away the minute he looks away (like she tried to prior to the novel beginning). I look forward to him developing in a healthier direction, and our FL growing and making their relationship one not based on fear but something mutual that others can't break apart in jealousy. I have a feeling if she placed more trust in him, he would return that small amount of affection tenfold, as the poor wolf is starved.

Sidenote: not condoning kidnapping the people you love, because that is against the law. Don't do that.

Overall, give it a chance. It's a rare story being taken up in its foundling stage, so it could go anywhere from here. Preferably in the direction of the bedroom minus the pain, but tolerating the standardized "sore waist" aftermath.

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Kyrina rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: c140
I tried to read up to 140ish chapters hoping it would get better before I finally decided to drop it. The plot is just... meh.

There are too many elements recycled from HM; super beautiful female lead who knows martial art, filthy rich gorgeous powerful male lead, the entertainment setting, even the white tiger! At this rate, I'm not even surprised if there's a little bun introduced in the future story.
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whitespade rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: --
If you, like me, love reading yaoi thus you will find possessive love is the most common theme. If you read any other yaoi novel in this site, almost all the seme are possessive. That's the only reason why I pick up this novel, I find the male lead yandere-ness is appealing.

Of course in real life you really don't applaud such abusive relationship, but please don't think we glorify such things - its just a fantasy. If anybody done that in real life they deserved to be cut up and... more>> thrown to the dogs. <<less
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TripleA rated it
December 25, 2017
Status: c85
So someone is wooing Ye Wan Wan?It's her fault, she is a disaster of woman... f*ckin' bullshit

ML is tr*sh but he flawless, all the blame goes either to Shen Menqui (or whatever she's named) or YWW

I think all the charas are really irritating

I don't know why u like this kind of possesive "love" so much, it gets on my nerves
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NightEmpress rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c1208
I'll give a simple review:

It's good until chapter 500 but honestly, after that, I had no idea what I was reading. It's like I was reading an entirely different novel and suddenly this novel took the route of reincarnation, amnesia, transmigration, martial arts etc etc.

The reason I originally started reading this was because of YWW and SYH's relationship. Understanding the reason as to why is he so infatuated with her, their family backgrounds, exploring their relationships and improving their characters but the novel turned into something else entirely. It wasn't... more>> even about the leads anymore. All I was reading later were a bunch of filler arcs.

The novel had potential but the author ruined it.

P.S. This ML is the most boring ML I've ever seen. He's nothing compared to Lu TingXiao. No personality whatsoever. <<less
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solomaize rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: c34
MTLed it coz I was interested at where this was heading. This is a tricky genre to like. If you have a trigger for abusive relationships, it's better not to read this. MC was brought back to her life 7 years ago. Like a good rebirth story, she wants to change her future, having learn how bitter it could be. It all starts with repairing her relationship with her yandere lover. In the past she tried to escape him which resulted in him horribly mistreating her. Not much is reveal... more>> on how they met, only that it has been 2 years and she has been constantly trying to escape from him in that 2 years.

I like how after the rebirth, she tried to change in spite of her deep fear of him. I like how she slowly interacts with him and the people around him. I feel like their relationship was based on Beauty and the Beast in some parts, where the Beast's mood is largely dependent on the Beauty. And the Beauty is slowly realizing that had she made different choices in the past, she would have seen earlier on how easily the guy is willing to dote on her.

Spunky MC (she dressed like a goth chick, tattoo and all, to scare away the Male Lead, didn't work). Brooding Male lead (has insomnia, anger issues, trust issues, mysophobia, and is stinking rich, powerful and gorgeous) Comedic but gorgeous side male characters (of course). If you take this story too seriously, or based it on reality and logic, you'd hate this story. I think the story deserves a chance. I liked it, works for me. <<less
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Shinygold13 rated it
September 26, 2018
Status: c1652
Yes, I know, many people here who have read the 1000+ chapters are disappointed, ranting about how everything seems senseless. To be honest, that's what I felt reading the later chapters of Hidden Marriage too. Thank God the raws are already completed or else I can't connect what's happening anymore. Unfortunately, Perfect Secret Love is NOT finished yet so please, hold your horses darlings. This is a serial and may even take more than Hidden Marriage's 2100+ chapters so, unless you know the ending, you can't judge it harshly yet.... more>> The author is in the middle of finally, FINALLY, showing us the plot hiding behind all those before 1000+ filler arcs. Some of you may not have noticed it or chose not to notice it but from the start there are already hints here and there, hints that are sparsely thrown in the glitz of the showbiz trope Perfect Secret Love initially introduces us.

I became intrigued with Perfect Secret Love because I love the mystery behind the two leads, why is SYH so possessive? Why can't he let go of YWW? So many whys and it is slowly unravelling. One of those questions I have also centers on YWW because I remember in the early chapters that she had a dream

of blood and running away and violence in general

and also how she died in her past life. These things became buried after awhile as we focused on her success as Ye Bai and the family drama and to be honest, the whole showbiz thing, when I look at it, it seems like a filler arc.

In the latest chapters, the question behind SYH's obsessive love and his overprotectiveness is finally being answered! YWW is more than what she seems and all those random characters we met actually has a deeper role. I admit, I also have my WTF moments especially

when it is revealed that YWW is not really YWW but the sister of Nameless Nie and that she had a child with SYH but SYH didn't know because she disappeared from his life for ten months and when he accidentally reunited with her, she is in a horrible, bloody state. By then, he took her away from the Independent State and to China where, because she's suffering from PTSD and doesn't want to remember the hell she went through to the point of hurting herself, SYH decided to hypnotise her, changing her memory to that of the real YWW who is already dead. And made her live as YWW as she forgets her former infamous life. Frankly, the hypnotism part is the WTF moment

but then again, this is fiction so, suspension of disbelief.

So, what is my point in this whole review? My point is to wait for Perfect Secret Love to finish before judging it harshly because that is the crux of webnovels in comparison with published novels. We get to see and read the process AS it is written not AFTER it is written and if you are not satisfied with the former, why the F are you reading a webnovel? My plea is that let us withold judgment and just enjoy the rollercoaster ride because I, for one, am excited where Perfect Secret Love is going,

although, I'm annoyed at SYH right now because his charade of denying he is SYH in front of YWW to get her to return to China -they are in the independent state- is getting on my nerves and YWW deserves none of it especially when she is wading blindly and miraculously surviving

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dietcoke rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: --
The male lead has no personality what so ever. Really boring guy who despite being the main perpetrator in destroying the female lead's life, she some how completely ignores this fact and blames all of her lifes woes on some secondary villain. Its such a shame too, the female lead actually has an interesting personality but at the end of the day shes just a floor mat.


... more>>

The author tries to justify that the female lead deserves all the abusive treatment from the male lead because in her past life she was by far the most gullible idiot that is too dumb to live. I'm not exaggerate one bit when I say how dumb this character was written. We are made to feel like none of the bad things in her life would have happened if she had just acted like a submissive docile doll for the male lead and just accept her life as a happy lil prisoner.

You see, the male lead is really just "misunderstood." The female lead was really "ungrateful" in her past life and her whole family fell to ruin because she was a total bimbo.

Of course, when the female lead is reborn, suddenly the idiot ball that she was carrying had been dropped. Now she is soo perceptive, suddenly a marital art expert, was secretly a genius the entire time (except math to make her "relatable" and so the male lead has to "tutor" her), and manipulative mastermind. She apparently has all this inside information on every other single side character even though it had been stated that she had been locked away by the male lead for most of her old life...

Author tries hard to make the reborn female lead into a "quirky, badass, but also beautiful mastermind." All the other characters are really dumb too and will believe any line told to them.

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Shroom rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: c242
So far this is one of the best romance novels I have ever read.

The plot is amazing. And youll never forget about all of the characters names as they all have their own personality and roles. What makes this even much better is the world building. I also find it exiciting that youll slowly learn MC and ML real characters while the story progresses. And even if its mainly MC pov (rarely ML etc) the author cleverly doesnt reveal everything to the readers making us think and find "hints" !!... more>> Regarding to the early chapters its dark but when the story progress you'll realize more details. But I still hate the ML for raping MC

In my OPINION the MC doesnt suffer from Stolckhom syndrome, in later chapters it will drop some "details" but its vague.

In my opinion MC isnt inlove with ML yet! It felt like the MC is manipulating the ML to not make her life difficult but at the same time I suspect ML knows everything but still gave her "some" freedom


Also!! If you want a short summary for every chapters! Go to the forum of this novel. Ill attach the link! Atm its at chapter 200+

I recommed to read the full version then continue to the forum as it is only a summary. http://forum. Novelupdates. Com/threads/100-sweet-love-the-delinquent-xxx-wife-is-a-bit-sweet.45095/ <<less
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Miss.Rubii rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: c524
A rebirth story that truely stands out:

an interesting and perfect blend of school drama, rise in the entertainment industry (not as a celebrity but raising them... her imperial harem cough cough) , revenge and fixing past regrets, family plots/struggles/getting back her family, multiple/hidden identity and more.

Just when you thought you see it all, the author just surprises you with more interesting twists and turns and plot reveals, whether it’s the hilarious interaction between the MC and others or the intense situations she will face and overcome. Each chapter... more>> leaves you wanting to click to the next.

What I really like about this novel is that the MC’s character is realistic, isn’t stiff. She expresses a variety of human emotions and thinking. Normally, she is lovable, free-spirited, and loves to tease and take advantages of others but underneath that she is strong, calm-headed, and independent. Her high intelligence plus her memories from her rebirth simply makes her a calculating mastermind. But it isn’t like other stories where the MC is simply OP as he/she quickly resolved everything... instead the MC shows us how she works to resolve past regrets in a careful and steady manner. She shows us how she works hard to climb back up and get back her family and their positions back. Also, the MC isn’t the weak, only good for her beautiful face, and leecher that the ML’s family think she is (hmmmmm you know what I mean, they think she is a sly fox that tricked their family head with her beautiful face- a femme fatale that will lead their head astray and ruin the whole family haha, it’s funny how little they know about her but that’s because she is too busy with other matters up till chapter 500ish. But I don’t blame them with the way she normally acts in the Si Household... boy those that are plotting against the ML and her are in for it).

Another thing I like about the novel is the development between the MC and ML. Their relationship slowly balances out as the MC and ML acts like true partners for each other. They trust and protect each other.... and I won’t lie the ML is still possessive... but definitely less than the beginning!


Warning: contains spoilers, read at your own discretion.


What’s interesting is that the MC isn’t fully aware that there is also a hidden dark side to her which still isn’t fully uncovered in the novel yet... all that is written at this point is that she is having nightmares of her endless massacre of others, her keen fighting instinct (like detecting others weakness and reading their moves), her vague familiarity with guns, and god like fighting ability (character’description, not mine) when she is drunk and sort of unconscious (she doesn’t remember). And then there is Si Xia, it’s hinted that there is something more to him... <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: Completed
TRUST ME THIS STORY IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK AND IT"S SOOO WORTH READING IT. Also, some parts might not be too realistic but is it entertaining??? D*mn right it is! This is also NOT a story that romanticizes r*pe! This story made me laugh and cry, the fluffy parts are incredibly fluffy and the tragic parts are painfully tragic, it's actually pretty great. The reason it's so long is NOT because the author stuffed filler everywhere; there's a genuine interesting plot and a great cast of characters.

This is COMPLETELY... more>> not what you'd think based on the title and the cover photo. Maybe in the beginning it is, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. This covers angsty tr*shy love to entertainment circle management to a secret underground mercenaries world starring a tragic romance that will never see the light of the sun. You'd think it's just some s*upid romance bs story for preteens, but it's soooo much more than that. Honestly, it's a pity this story is titled the way it is.

In the beginning, I thought MC was just super mary sue but stuck on because it was just interesting. Later on, we see some reasons for her abilities and her weaknesses, so I don't think it's too bad. We see the things she does step by step, and it's not just relying on the things she knows from her past life.

I almost always HATE overly possessive and yandere MLs. I even get pissed at MLs that coerce MCs into the bed all the time where MC is always it stop it hurts and ML doesn't yet MC forgives. However, although this story seems r*pe-y and little-black-room-y at the start, that's not the crux of the matter at all. The only incident of r*pe that actually occurs is right before the story starts; otherwise, it's all in the past life. And ML has also said it was the thing he's regretted the most in his life and he suffered for it, never doing the same thing again. Plus, when you know their backstory, I do understand him. I know it's unbearable in the beginning, but the unveiling is very interesting.

In fact, this ML is actually very genuine and an incredible guy. He's also suffered a lot, but his love and feelings are (almost) unparalleled. You only see this in the second half of the story though, but trust me it's absolutely worth the wait. He really treasures her and keeps her at the tip of his heart, having absolutely no scruples or principles in front of anything she asks.

I also love this MC to death. She's hilarious, shameless, a go-getter, and true. The antics she gets into is amazing, but she's also very reliable and gets things done. We really see her growth; character development in this story is great. She basically never relies on ML's power to accomplish great things; she's independent, strong, and fearless.

World-building is also quite incredible. Ngl on its own a private mercenary island sounds so dumb but it was written quite well and the plots are nicely woven. It's quite unique tbh, normally we get some s*upid arrogant female MCs that "used to be the top assassin in the world". Here, we can see the progress of her growth to a large extent. The side characters in this story also have distinct personalities.

The only part I don't like is how ML for a bit kept things from her because it's "for her own good" you've seen her capabilities she's proved herself and you know she wants to stand by your side. Withholding information just means you're splitting your forces and creating s*upid, needless misunderstandings!!!

In addition... JI XIURAN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my absolute favourite character i've written his name in my heart oh my goodness gracious I just can't about this man.


I'm genuinely embarrassed by just how much I cried for JXR. I nearly couldn't keep reading the story because I felt so sad and read a spoiler that made me feel so much worse. This man deserves the whole damn world, he was on top of the whole world, and he gave up his everything. Every step of the way he was there to support her and sacrifice for her even when she didn't know it. He deserved her love, he got her love, and for her sake by his own hand he gave it away!!! Truthfully if he didn't erase her memories with him I honestly don't believe she would've ended up with SYH. I wish some dj existed about their happy ending :' (

He's also very different from SYH; SYH is cold on the surface and MC does all the assertive seducing, whereas JXR is gentle on the surface but very flirtateous with Worriless.

Why the f*ck does this not qualify for a tragedy tag I literally can't stop the tears at all. HE DIDN"T EVEN MEET HER ONE LAST F*CKING TIME. SHE DOESN"T EVEN KNOW AHHHHH!!!! Never read a more qualified tragic second male lead in my whole entire life, reading that video message broke my heart. NOT TO MENTION THAT SIDE STORY AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

*EVERY* *SINGLE* *STEP* *OF* *THE* *WAY* he was there for her, many times she didn't even see. He paid attention to the things even she didn't or couldn't, like the Tang sword.

EVERYONE else, absolutely everyone else, ends up with a pretty decent happy ending. EXCEPT JXR AHHHHHHHHHHH

Honestly it's to the point I wish TangTang was actually JXR's son so that there's something left of him and his devotion, sigh. Tried to fool everyone so much he almost fooled himself. I suppose in one sense the ending is what he worked for, but in the "new Worriless" by his own hand she hardly has any impressions of him and his whole existence disappeared with no one really noticing... I could write a full essay on him. Let me just say don't make the same mistake I did and spoil his story.

Okay but also I don't f*cking believe it. They're on this mystical island of martial experts with inhuman bodies and all types of gu insects, yet JXR can still get a terminal illness, that he caught quite early considering he was still alive for such a long time afterwards, that is impossible to heal from?? He had money, connections, the entire world in the palm of his hand. It couldn't possibly be genetics. Meanwhile, SYH's entire body was falling apart and he had less than 6 months to live, yet was able to completely recover into a superman again through totally natural means.

But wow I can't even imagine what that past life must've been like for JXR as well. Sigh, I guess we can say fortunately this time at least he met her, helped her re-establish herself, and confirmed her future happiness... bububut :' (


Anyway, conclusion, sure it's 2400+ chapters long and I've just about never even read such a long story in my life, but actually every step of the way was super interesting. I originally expected to read maybe a hundred chapters and stop whenever I get bored, but I was interested the whole way and stayed up more than one night to the bright AMs. I really recommend giving this story a try and not just judging it based on synopsis & a shoddy beginning!

Note I'm not claiming this is some masterpiece story with absolutely no loopholes. Imo the final wrapup was a bit too quick as well. However, I think the plots were weaved quite well and entertainment value is very high. <<less
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Yukari_me rated it
December 18, 2017
Status: c1000
As one of the people active in the spoiler forum, I'll have to say the author is doing a much better job building up her characters as well as the plot. Nothing gets dragged on for too long making it the center of the wole story like HM. But instead she slowly unravels the potential of each characters hidden qualties with a tinge of humor. They are all quite easy to differentiate as well since they have their own quirks.

As much as I hated the part where SYH r*ped our... more>> MC I find that he is quite adorable and much better than some abusive ML that force their love and is still full of arrogance.


As you progress on the story you will find that YWW isn't really innocent and that SYH isn't that much of a terrible guy. In the chapters (200+) you sill learn from YWW's POV how horrible of a character she had. How spoiled and naive that she lost everything that she didnt even remember her own death. But as far as she remembers SYH was with her all the time keeping her safe but dumb her keeps attracting trouble. In the end she was imprisoned.

SYH? Well I don't really find him much of an evil guy but instead finds him as someone who is a maiden in love inside but an ice block outside. In the past he made his entire family his enemy in order to make YWW his until he was no more than near by deaths door did he release YWW. In this life time their current relationship is slowly building up along with their trust and relying with each other. Their moments are also pretty adorable since YWW always have to make the first move in order to get what she wants leaving a dumbfounded SYH.


The enemies that they all have are all just some minor fries though. The real enemy isnt even who you think it is.


The main villain/antagonist of this novel isn't the plastic SMQ but the white flower BRX that is SYH's subordinate. And one more annoying character would be SYH's grandma who f*cking cant decide for herself but instead is just like a white board going along with what people writes on it.

The subordinates tho like XY is pretty hilarious now and Da Bai as well. Her career as a manager in the entertainment industry is building up. She also reconciled with her family but poor bro he is still in love with plastic girl.


All in all this novel is much better and more fast pace than HM. One thing I find a bit disappointing is that the plot seems to be leaning on becoming a xianxia or wuxia novel.... Hopefully it doesn't! I thank the translators for taking their time in translating this and giving us s*aves more summaries in the spoilers forum. *kowtows*

Edit: This novel is looking hopeless to me now with the author pulling all this nonsense with the recent chapters. For example,


The YWW we knew wasn't actually the real YWW but is actually someone else. YWW and SYH actually had a kid. YWW and SYH is a leader of some really powerful organizations, fell in love, etc.. then bam. The story is all over the place.

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Hanokaayumi rated it
January 2, 2019
Status: c2300
As with all the long c-novels, I really wish for everyone to please read the whole story before you decide to review. However, I understand that sometimes there's no full translations and hence, impossible. I assure you the full story is quite enjoyable and entertaining, definitely worth a read.

The plot is quite unique although the characters might seem flat at first. As all stories goes, more will be revealed as time goes by and you will understand why they are behaving in a certain way. This includes Si Yehan's obsession... more>> & over-protectiveness with Ye Wanwan and why he seems to know more about her than herself/others. I really like how the characters are written. Although the story seems long-winded and a random combination, I think it really encompasses the aspects of Ye Wanwan's journey in life- school, showbiz, family, etc.


For people who think that the author is just elongating the novel and throwing random stuffs (Independence State) into the mix, you are wrong. The author has planned this from the very start and has dropped hints about Nie Wuyou since the very beginning such as Ye Wanwan's nightmares, Si Xia's memory of a certain someone, etc.

There is no Stockholm Syndrome because she's Nie Wuyou with Ye Wanwan's transplanted memories. They were lovers with a child before the memory transplant took place and she just simply fell in love with him all over again as Ye Wanwan.

And for the 'rape' in the beginning chapters, the author didn't simply write it off. In the 1900++ chapters Si Yehan expressed deep regret and remorse for forcing himself on her at that one time. He didnt know how to apologise at that time.

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Noahjeno rated it
May 28, 2018
Status: c1134
I love this story very much. In the first life of our MC, ML was depicted as a cruel, extremely possessive and a psychotic person. But in the second life when MC tried to manipulate him by honey trapping him, things become entirely different. The reason for ML being a psycho is explained in the early chapters. But why he behaves like that particularly towards MC is not clearly explained yet which perhaps the most important puzzle or twist of the story.

MC does not rely on the ML actually She... more>> is very independent. Story is filled with diabetic moments ML is not a perfect human either. Ye wanwan is cute but drunken ye wanwan is extremely cute. Except for the antagonists almost all the characters are used in comedy. I am very much looking forward to her success in her job as well as what happened to her when she was in the foreign.

Oh I saw the main criticisms are like how she easily fell in love with him after all ML done to her, how she is not mature enough and the sudden action parts of MC.

Sure MC fears ML a lot. But u need to understand that MC believes that most of the torture she suffered from ML is because of her own provocations. She knows he will give her everything except her separation. Also when MC died there is only ML who still loved her. So when she overcomes her fear and found his sweeter side she fell in love with him

Initial stage MC have to act cautiously so she try to act like a goody girl. As the story progresses we will not feel that. She will learn to tame him and her surroundings ML character will have good development after he was involved in a incident and fell into coma. His low eq will be compensated by his high iq. From hating him we will slowly change our opinion on him.

Okay about MC suddenly behave like assassin queen or martial artist pls wait and continue read it bcoz only from this onwards why ML being so fixated on her will slowly reveals. Only from this story swift its gear in the main plot. Dont worry MC will stay cute till the end.


Oh there are two additional important characters are there great white tiger tied with pink ribbon and ML 's little photocopy baby only showing his cute sides to his mom


Read it. U will enjoy it. <<less
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Nemone rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: --
I really find this story amusing, mainly because of the main character. I can't say that the ML is a great person, but I also find the MC and ML's interactions interesting and find myself curious about the ML. He is a bit unstable but it feels like there are various reasons for it. I've seen others refer to him as a yandere and if you take it as him being that you can kind of see it, but he's certainly a more realistic "yandere" than I've seen in other... more>> writings. I feel like rather than hurting the MC for the sake of hurting he's simply like a child who is easily triggered when he sees his favorite person potentially slipping away from him. Traveling back to the past and taking a different approach to dealing with the ML, I feel like the MC might be uncovering his true self, which was something she wasn't able to do in the previous life because all she did was run, hide, and cry. He seemed like a tyrant to her before, but he might have been one of the few people who actually cared about her when considering what her "friends" were like and how easily fooled and manipulated she was. He can certainly be criticized but I feel like his devotion at least is admirable.

So basically I feel like anybody who likes romantic comedy could give this a try. It's got a bit of a dark vibe to it as well but the story is actually more interesting because of that. <<less
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Da Xiao Jie
Da Xiao Jie rated it
December 26, 2017
Status: c101

ML is useless..... Sigh.... He's not my favorite ML but he's okay except that he's too demanding, overbearing and moody. MC literally has to find any ways to please him and it makes me mad. I mean it's one sided relationship. ML forces MC (their past is not revealed. Etc how they meet or how they ended up in a relationship) Their relationship is not healthy at all. I pity our MC. But she's strong and independent thankfully. I hope ML changes for tbe better or the author changes ML character or sth. Srsly I don't even know if he rly r*pe MC or not. There are many speculations and I've too. It's still not known. But he even threatened MC with a lockdown. I mean are you kidding me? You're just her forced boyfriend (?) Duh..... I still read this story is because MC alone and only.

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Fathom rated it
October 6, 2017
Status: c145
It's still ongoing and up to Ch 145 thus far. I have to say this re-do type of story is quite interesting and unique in own way. In the original story line, the heroine naively and s*upidly trusted people that she shouldn't have, which lead to a rather dramatic life and then death.

There's no real explanation as of yet on why the male lead is so obsessive over the MC to the point where he pretty much had her in lock down mode in the previous life and is on... more>> the point of repeating the same type of attitude in her new life. There's no Stockholm syndrome type of romance because the MC didn't love the ML in the previous life nor does she love him in the new life yet. After getting rid of her naïve blindness towards all the supposed friends and enemies, she's matured and able to focus on what's now most important to her and manipulating this new life to get back a happy life. She's resolved and strong enough to know that if she can't change the ML, at least she can manipulate him so that she work around him still get what she wants. Because she's opened her eyes in this new change of re-life, she's begun to understand the ML at little and perhaps there may be some romance in this future. Rather than be rebellious and fight constantly, just go with the flow. I actually quite like her attitude.

Once some gory details of the ML come about, you can actually understand why the MC was so afraid of him in the past. But so far, we've never seen any POV from the ML so you don't know what is in his mind. He gives off the feel of a gangster thug almost. But despite it all, you do see he's not only deeply obsessed by the MC, he also quite loves her but doesn't know how to express it. To the point where he doesn't care of she has green hair, massive goth makeup and ugly tattoos. Quite funny in some ways. Yes, there is one instance of r*pe, but it actually happened in the past. When the MC wakes up to her second life, the deed has already been done. Given a chance at second life, the MC doesn't cry over spilled milk, and just tries to get on her life to make it better. And for all intents and purposes, she does accomplish it so far. It's sort of a Beauty and the Beast type of story. Well, except, the Beauty makes herself look like the Beast in public, and the Beast is the one that looks like beautiful in public. LOL. In any case, in this life, she's smarter and mentally mature enough to learn to adapt to living with a Beast in her life. Learned from her previous life's mistakes, this time around, perhaps she can re-edit her conclusion into a happy ending.

It's not a light read at times because it's filled with tension. Overall, it's a good read, and the MC is quite intriguing. I'm really looking forward to reading more the eventual romance between the 2 main characters, and more explanation on what happened in the dramatic tragedy of the past. <<less
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lacerem rated it
October 29, 2017
Status: c8
Typical Stockholm Syndrome novel setting, yet MC is not in love because of the SS but she basically have no one but ML.

You'll get used to it but have a lot of moments that you will question the logic of the author. Be ready to ask

What? Why? But wasn't it...?
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SusuTheSloth rated it
August 18, 2017
Status: c8
Seriously in love with this one \ (>.<) / although it is the same recycle theme which is the second chance... reincarnation..... revenges... yup typical one but there is something different about this novel that manage to make me stay and read until the latest chapter :D at first I search this one on google and found a website that has like 2000 chapters.. it almost make me turn back because of the number but then I found out that the novel is actually hidden marriage and not this one....... more>> google is tricking me..... thank god I check the other website

For the translation, I know how hard it was to translate using only MTL and dictionary (truly hard!! Specially, when there are idioms and slang....) I already read the translated chapters and it is pretty good ;) good job to the translator-san~~~~ <<less
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