Only Under You


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A being too beautiful to be called a monster.

Despite the enchanting sight, the surroundings were entirely gruesome.

Erin rose to the rank of leader of the Holy Knights with the sole intention of killing him.

One day, a strange phenomenon occurred that was presumed to be the work of the demon god.

Even though the opportunity for revenge came, it was at a time when she was overwhelmed by an immense power and consumed by despair.

Gabriel, the silver demon, mockingly appears and begins to shake up Erin’s life.

“My condition is simple. Until the night demon dies, every other day, give me as much blood as I desire.”

“Should I start giving blood from today.”

It was a terrifyingly sweet proposal.


He overlapped his hand with the hands that was choking his own neck.

The chilling hand of death was kindly guiding her on the path of corruption.

Even though he was struggling to breathe properly, he spoke affectionately and seductively.

“This is how you should do it.”

It was the devil’s temptation, urging her to kill him quickly.

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