One Day, My Dad Showed Up


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During the springtime of the year I turned nine years old, a father I didn’t even know existed suddenly showed up.

“Why are you here, Duke? It was comfortable when we didn’t see each other.”

“You’ve been comfortable all this time, so isn’t it time for you to be uncomfortable, Your Highness?”

It turned out, my mother was actually the daughter of a tyrant. And my father was the Duke who overthrew that tyrant.

“O, great and busy Duke of Chelsiers. Did you look for me just to make me feel uncomfortable?”

“Is it so strange for a husband to look for his wife?”

“Do we still have that relationship? Ah, I forgot. Well then, let’s get divorced.”

… could anyone tell me what was going on with these two??


“I wish I was there to hug you when you were younger.”

It was a low whisper filled with a mixture of soft, warm and sad feelings.

I hesitated a little before I confessed.

“I often made Mom upset before. If I met you earlier, you might’ve hated me.”

Dad burst into laughter at my words. Even though… I meant what I said.

After a long laugh, he looked at me with a hint of a sorrowful smile on his lips.

“If we had met earlier, you would’ve called me Dad more. That’s enough for me.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Father, the Possessive Demi-God
어느 날 아빠가 나타났다
Related Series
Baby Tyrant (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Family
  2. Fiction Addiction.
  3. ImSick
  4. young protagonist
  5. Reads I enjoy

Latest Release

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07/10/24 DarkStar Translations c56
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07/10/24 DarkStar Translations c54
07/10/24 DarkStar Translations c53
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2 Reviews sorted by

kawaii12345 rated it
July 17, 2021
Status: c1
Translation and writing are solid, but there's a problem when the synopsis is more interesting than the actual text. The author structured the first chapter as a cliffhanger to try and rope the reader in and failed. The MC is a 9 year old girl with the flat personality of a 40 year old divorced man and it just doesn't grab.

I can see this getting better but worse is just as likely
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DiggetyDog rated it
October 5, 2024
Status: c1
Amazing story. Full of depth and intellectual emotionalism (contradictory terms but it fits this author's perspective). Definitely not fluff, but with humor and love, not smutty or low-brow. A serious story but warm and quiet, a little angsty - stirs your heart quite a bit from time to time, but definitely worth reading. The relationships are complicated but not nasty/ugly. I also love the skill of the translation and editor - this team of author-translator-editor are strong and the evidence is in this story. Good job, everyone.
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