Never Going Home Again! ~ Since I Was Persecuted, I Should Repay the Favor, or Else I’ll Be Unreasonable ~


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Baron’s daughter Chelsea was persecuted by her mother and twin sister.

Every day, she is forced to clean before dawn and receives corporal punishment such as being whipped and deprived of some meals.

Suddenly, a turning point finally came for Chelsea who was living such a life.

A skill appraiser originally called for her sister unexpectedly determines that Chelsea has awakened a new kind of skill!

Since her sister also need more control training for her skill, they were both sent to live at the Skill Research Institute in the imperial capital.

Now that she got the chance to leave home, she will never come back!

Also, since she was persecuted before, it’s obvious she needs to repay the favor, right?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’ll Never Go Back to Bygone Days!
I’ll Never Set Foot in That House Again! (LN)
Nidoto Ie ni wa Kaerimasen! ~Shiitagerareteita noni Ongaeshishiro toka Muri Dakara~
Related Series
Delicate Mother of a Villain (1)
I Won’t Go Back to My Family Who Abandoned Me (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female MC (japanese) first part
  2. Female MC
  3. Sibling Warfare
  4. Princesses
  5. Novels Ive seen as Anime or Manga

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sjmcc13 rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: epilogue
The translator dropped this without even finishing the first chapter : (

I read the first part via MTL so expect some errors in my interpretation.

The MC if the first born daughter of a poor baron family and treated like a s*ave by her mother... more>>

closer to step mother, the MC is the daughter of the first wife who was from a high ranked family but eloped and died in childbirth, the mother is the 2nd wife who had a child a couple days later, the father faked the birth records (which is a serious crime for their nobility) and told the mother she had twins fearing how she would treat the dead 1st wife's child

, who claims since they are poor they all need to chip but the MC is the only one every doing chores. She is being forced to get up early, do the entire cleaning and going days without food on top of random ab*se. Her little "fraternal twin" sister is treated as a golden child and spoiled rotten.

The father's status is not revealed till the end of the arc

Apparently he has been kept away doing work by the "mother"'s father for several years. Who knows the truth and helped fake the birth records but also deliberately planted the seeds leading to the MC's ab*se, as well there appears to be some complications with the "mother"'s birth that means she is not technically a noble (child of a commoner concubine or something like that) but was presented as one for marriage. From his reaction when he shows up at the end of the arc the father has explicitly told the "mother" not to mistreat the MC before


In this world people awaken skills when they turn 12, and nobles are required to have their skills appraised when they awaken, because among the nobility there is a tendency to awaken stronger dangerous skills that need special training and smaller chance to awaken new unknown skills, the mother presents the sister as her only child to the testers when they come by after she sent for them, the sister has a strong fire skill requiring training but their appraisal (and possibly a registry of nobles) reveal she is a twin, which the mother tries to deny, but the testers demand to test the MC as well. The MC awakened a new skill and this world handels new or unknown skills intelligently (unlike so many other stories where the MC's unknown cheat skill is treated as useless tr*sh), and she is taken to the capital so they can investigate the effects of the skill because they want to know if it is useful or dangerous, and they need to be put under guard because other nations might try to kidnap or assassinate them.

The MC's skill is seed production she can use magic to create the seed for any plant. Which sounds simple but is actually extremely useful, and can upset economies. Groups have withheld seeds of highly desired plants in the past to maintain effective monopolies (coffee being one example), and her ability gets around that

They test her on extinct species, and plants from myth with her being able to generate anything she can imagine, even modifying the natures of plants (she is asked to make an out of season seed for a duke that is needed to cure a fatal disease his grand daughter contracted but the seed contains a toxin that causes other lasting issues, though she would live, the MC makes the seed without the toxin and full medicinal effect)


After the MC and her sister are taken the the research institute for training (the sister causes a slight scene on arrival because she think the researcher they meet on arrival not using last names means they are commoners, the researchers all all nobels) and they are seperated. And most of the rest of the arc is the MC adjusting to her new "home", while learning o use her skill, as well as the researchers and staff reacting to her ab*se and the habits and damage

The first day she gets up early and starts cleaning out of habit, which causes the guards to go on alert thinking something is wrong, as well she is severely malnourished which caused her to look years younger as well as having major developmental defects (low mana pool and permanently stunted growth) that they end up using healing magic on

and it becomes a nice slice of life story with the researchers becoming more of a family then her own relatives and healing her emotional wounds, and the researchers seem to want to ensure she never goes back to her family

During this she interacts with her sister twice

the first on a public holiday, they run into each other in some gardens then the sister "orders" the MC to change her cloths and goes to beat the MC only to be stopped by some knights. She tries to tell them to release her and that she was trying to "discipline" the MC and seems to get annoyed when they do not listen.

The second time the MC is outside in a field and notices a group stepping out for a session of the skill control training, including her sister, and with escorts goes to watch. The sister outright ties to kill the MC by launching a maxed fireball at her (seems to be a combination of lack of control of her emotions, a sense pride and that she should be superior, and jealousy over the MC getting better treatment) when she was supposed to be making a small controlled fireball. (Those who fail control training have their powers sealed, and can lose their status as nobels)


The arc ends

after using her skill to save the life of a duke's, who is a relative of the king, grand daughter they give her a permanent place at the research institute as a reward and she is adopted by a relative of her biological mother (the faked birth records meant they thought there was no child they needed to look in on, but an encounter with one member has him start to look in to things because the MC strongly resembles her biological mother). Her family loses their rank and pierage, due to several issues including faking records and fraud, with the sisters power being sealed


All in all, it seems like a nice story, with other then her family everyone is decent people (though in research mode) <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: epilogue
3 stars I read this before it was completely translated but I think the problems are not from it being MTL

  1. It's far too much a Cinderella story. It's trying far too hard to out Cinderella Cinderella. From the abusive family to the incredibly pure and simple heroine it's all too much
  2. The comeuppance while reasonable is completely unsatisfactory. The punishment is nowhere near the crimes.
  3. The setup for the ab*se to happen is too damn ridiculous
In short it's trying to hit very low and dark emotional notes while keeping it light... more>> and fluffy, which just breaks suspension of disbelief. <<less
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