I Won’t Go Back to My Family Who Abandoned Me


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Everywhere Leticia went, she was compared to her siblings.
Sadly, it was all too common.

She was not as pretty as her second sister Diana,
nor as smart as her third brother Emil,
nor as good with a sword as her fourth brother Xavier,
nor as talented with magic as her youngest sister Irene. However, she was never jealous or envious of her siblings.

In fact, she was proud of them. And yet, she never knew that her family was ashamed of her. Until the moment her family abandoned her.

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Skite rated it
June 16, 2021
Status: --
I have the feeling that anyone who ever did all the work holding up a group project and then finally got to glory in their lazy group mates crashing and burning, is going to like this story. The story is a tragedy-to-triumph tale, which will make you cry as you watch poor Leticia, who is average in all things except for her exceptional kindness, endure the tremendous misfortune of being a member of the world's douchiest and most-superficial family, ever.

Because Leticia has not awakened an "ability", the shallow-but-shiny-and-talented people she's related to downgraded her from full member of the family, to shunting her to the side like a red headed step child they should hide in the attic in embarrassment when company comes over. (Not that these abilities seem to do much: her younger sister, whom everyone treats like the sun shines from her backside, has the completely inane and pointless ability to make it rain flowers. Woo. So useful.)

Anyways, Leticia goes from non-entity to actively shunned and ab*sed when her exceedingly (and irrationally) superstitious father decides she is a bad luck omen, and being around her contaminates the rest of them. Dumped by her fiancé, and thrown out of her family, Leticia lands among the disparaged, but kind, Achilles household, composed of three, down on their own luck, orphaned siblings, and begins to forge a new family.

Of course, we as readers know she has an ability that outshines everyone in her family combined: she makes other people lucky, and seems to grant wishes. While it would be a more daring story if she became happy and whole without ever gaining an ability, our vampire smiles come out as we readers wait with anticipation for the slow destruction of this wretched family for daring to spit on the super powered golden goose and the final vindication of our heroine.

You'll cry and froth at the mouth during Leticia's downfall from her original family, and then cheer her as she climbs back up to a higher branch in her new one. Satisfying and not too complicated. Good for when you don't want moral grey areas: you just want bad guys you can hate, good guys you can like, and some cute moments as you run the gamut of emotion from sad, to incensed, to happy and everything in between.


As it goes on, Leticia does start becoming very Reddit-tween revenge fantasy. In these sorts of stories, main character needs to either be a saccharine-martyr, or transform into a self righteous fury (the creature, not the emotion). This tried to walk a balance between the two extremes, and the result is that Leticia tips into "ok, you're starting to just be vindictive now" territory. You can decide for yourself if that makes her seem like a complex character, capable of being both 'good', and happy when bad things happen to people, or if she just gets annoying and distasteful. But, you'll have a solid run of about 80 ish chapters before this becomes too strong to avoid noticing.


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znukhsoc rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: --
This is a middle school level revenge story: filled with plot holes, petty people, continuity problems, contradicting actions, changing hair colors, and forgotten characters... You'd think FL's dogshıt family is the pettiest thing in the story but no, FL herself slowly drops to their level.

One thing I liked was the fact that ML wasn't overpowered. It's quite uncommon in these kinds of novels. (but! his personality = air) That's it. That one whole star goes to the nice translator.

Save your time though, don't waste it on this.
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kawaii12345 rated it
July 2, 2021
Status: c98
It hits the emotional notes hard. The reader can easily empathize with Leticia and hate her family. The author does a wonderful job of putting the reader in her viewpoint and developing her nauseous family a little bit at a time. It;s impossible not to feel sympathy for her and hatred towards her family.

It's still early but I am very much looking forward to see where this goes. To borrow a phrase, it couldn't happen to nicer people.


While it did start strong it weakened in the middle. The story is... more>> still good but just not as involving as the opening. As the plot progresses things proceed far too easily for Leticia, she's a very passive character which explains how this all got started to begin with.

The ending is somewhat of a letdown and very anticlimactic. Still a good read. <<less
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Chewybibi rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: --
They have such amazingly sweet chemistry. Enoch is such an amazing ML cause he’s a genuinely nice person. He’s not just doing nice things for the sake of getting her to fall in love with him.
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Crantz rated it
November 7, 2021
Status: c44
The writing is good, and the characters are described colorfully while their emotions and thoughts are presented excellently. Only problem is that I don't enjoy the story. The good writing just makes it easier and more compelling to read. (Lol idk if I'm making any sense)

So the story is like ur usual revenge webnovels where the tormented FL will live happily ever after while her tormentors' lives are ruined. Usually the FL would actively try to find happiness while either being directly/inderectly involved in the downfall of her tormentors.... more>> But in this story, the FL is a walking deus ex machina. Almost everything in the story is dependent on luck. I know that the characters are trying their best, but because of the FL's luck ability (though not explicitly confirmed, but the authors hints seem to be pointing that way), everything just seems to work out thanks to her.

The FL is just so loving and kind, to the point that she was a pushover for her fam. Thankfully she's learning to ignore those who can't see her value and respect her, I'm all for this. But despite that, her personality is just that - ur loving and kind older sister that's like a saint. She is trying to find a thing she wants to do, while also trying to find out her ability, but it all just points to her being kind and lucky. So I kinda got tired of that.

The ML is just like the FL but only to those he love. So he is indifferent to all. His interaction with the FL is very cute, especially as their relationship progresses. He is a kind brother, showing support and not forcing his siblings. He is talented with the sword, very handsome, kind, and hardworking. Though he is trying to regain their family, he did enter the imperial knights just for that, the ML just does nothing outside that. He supports the fl, his siblings, do knight things, and do paper work, and nothing more. Apparently aside from being poor, he is perfect in every other way. So no development here cuz the money thing is being solved by luck.

the events leading up to the downfall of her family is just sad and forced. There are statements that say they became lavish spenders after the FL's excommunication, thus money problems for her greedy father. But...

investors backing out for no reason? Tableware just breaking?? Testpapers suddenly being lost??? I know it's for dramatic effect and to highlight how much of their success was caused by the FL. I also know that it's a fitting way for them to end. But it's all just s*upidly funny to think that without the FL, they won't be able to live normal lives cuz bad luck just seems to stick to them. It's as if the FL was a shield or counter against the bad luck. (Or whoever falls out from the FL's grace is cursed with bad luck haha I'd rather read a story where her father's s*upid actions, or decreasing mined gems (while the FL was still there), was the cause of investors backing out or something similar.

Edit: so apparently she does cause bad luck as well, Im glad that thats the case. Ill try to reread it now bcoz of that lol. Anyways, if u want to read the downfall part or her fam discovering her powers I think ive read in the spoilers that it would be from chapter 80 and onwards


The arcs for the FL's 3 siblings are better cuz we know that they have these amazing abilities. So it would be s*upid of they just suddenly lose the abilities after their sister went away. So their downfall is directly caused by their parents and 2nd elder sister, because of the pressure to do well, be perfect while taking their achievements for granted. I don't hate them as much cuz their actions are clearly influenced by the adults around them. So I'm looking forward to their redemption arc. But their parents and 2nd eldest sister seems to be irredeemable.

It's not a bad story, and from the other reviews, ppl find this really good. And objectively I think I would too. But I think this kind of story just isn't for me. Though it's "tragedy" after the first 13 chapters everything is just a-ok, mostly light hearted moments, not much sad. I don't think it's a roller coaster story where there are ups and downs, sometimes loops. It's more of an escalator ride to the top with minor inconveniences. <<less
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whobbes rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: Completed
a 5/10 novel, another turn off your brain if you want to enjoy type of novel. Which is okay occasionally.

I think one of the main problems in this novel is that basically nothing happens in it. The same scenarios happen over and over again with the FL voicing a stronger opinion each time. These scenarios are usually the FL being grabbed by her ex-fiancée to try and talk with her, or someone from her family running into and or grabbing her and trying to talk with her. Running into the... more>> same people over and over again is pretty much all that happens.

The secondary characters are way more interesting then anything the FL can offer which is not a good sign. I think it is also problematic that the love interests siblings have more screen time then him.

It is hard to describe it, but everything just didn't add up. I could not recommend in good faith for anyone to read this novel. <<less
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tenshineko rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: c1
It has an interesting premise, but the writing is so poor that I couldn’t continue. It reads as if a very young person is writing, with a lot more “telling” than “showing” and very juvenile logic. The family is a caricature without any substance, acting like jerks for no reason and completely failing to notice how s*upid they’re being.
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tempelis rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: c80
I just want to correct something.

MC ability is not just bring luck, but bring misfortune as well. More specifically (in my opinion) that her ability is bring luck to someone that she wishes to AND bring misfortune to someone that she hate (or that she wishes to).

Logically, her family should be back to 'normal', do not have luck, and do not have misfortune. But in the novel, after the MC is abandoned, her family is just waiting for its downfall.

For the story its just so-so but why I give it... more>> 4 star because the story is very shoujo and it really fits with the genre. I recommend it for you that like shoujo, but I dont recommend it for you that want good story without many holes. <<less
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Manhwaria rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: c70
Alright I may be biased here cause this was my first webnovel. Now let's get onto the review, so this is your typical cinderella story of the FL being bullied and scorned by her own blood-related family however this trope was executed beautifully, this kind of trope is hard to execute really well since this trope is used so commonly but most of the time ends up rather disappointing . The story starts off with our female lead 'Leticia' being the eldest daughter of a very powerful family in the... more>> empire what's this family famous for ? Well for having abilities but our FL does not have any ability even tho she's already 18 years old while her other sibling have abilities and are very accomplished but she doesn't feel jealous of them instead she's proud of them but her family however do not approve of her not having abilities basically, they consider her to be the downfall of their family but one day she helps a stranger who had a bleeding hand when she offered him a handkerchief (yes you guessed it this "stranger" is the ml) and a few days later her sister (2nd eldest child and is pampered cause when she was born the family had alot of good luck) framed her by saying that Leticia had hurt her of coarse the family did not even try to verify if her claims were true because at this point they just want some ''valid' reason to abandon the FL and she was kicked out of her family and is left to wander the streets but then the stranger who she helped a few days back found her and offered her a place to stay and while staying there she learned the true feeling of having a family who loves her that's the basic premise. This story doesn't have a rich af ML but a ML who's from a fallen noble house who has a lot of debts and he's someone with a heart of gold I tell ya so we also see not only the FL grow as a character but also the ML and I don't really blame her sibling but I blame her parents it's obvious that her siblings aren't happy with any of this but are forced to accept so I really hope that her siblings won't have a sad ending but rather have a character development. As mentioned before this kind of trope is hard to pull off and I have only seen a few other webnovels that pulls off this trope namely 'How to get my husband on my side' which I really recommend even tho it's much more tragic than this one and has a different kind of story but belongs to the same trope. Overall I enjoyed this webnovel very much and would like to thank the translators for translating this amazing story and with good translation cause when I see rainofsnow you can bet I will read the story. <<less
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bookwurm247 rated it
November 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I have to agree with another reviewer who said that there’s a lot more “telling” than “showing” and that the characters are pretty much just caricatures and don’t have much substance.

I especially agree with the caricatures comment as I find that the evil family members especially fit this description. Imo they just seem to hate her for no good reason (this is my biggest gripe about the characters). Sure you can argue that it’s because they’re influenced by their father who raised them with the idea that no ability=no worth.... more>> However, this doesn’t explain to me why her siblings actively hate her so much. Hate is a very strong word but it’s appropriate in this case because the actions that they displayed aren’t even just simple dislike or shame about her being related to them. Examples:

1) Her brother Emil kinda figured out early that they made a mistake kicking her out for being “unlucky”. Instead of just letting it be, he actually spread the rumors about her being unlucky which was why she was kicked out of the family. Before that, it was unknown why she was kicked out by the general public. His reasoning? It’ll look bad for the family if people find out that they kicked her out for her “ability” but turns out she didn’t have that ability. 2) Her other brother Xavier meets her by coincidence at a store. He accidentally touched her when they both reached for the same item. He took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands as if she was contagious and was actually disgusted. 3) On several occasions, when they coincidentally meet her, they’re all surprised and disgusted at her for actually living normally and happily. It’s like they all expected her to be begging on the streets. Emil even told her to live quietly as if she was dead so that she wouldn’t “bother” the family with her presence. 4) Diana, 2nd eldest and the golden child of the father, hates her the most for some reason that wasn’t ever really explained. She would ridicule FL almost daily and treated her like dirt while FL was still with them. Author didn’t even explain that it was because she was jealous of FL for being engaged to her crush.

It’s like they were evil and hated the FL simply for the sake of the story. I’m not saying that their father’s policy wasn’t a good reason. I’m just saying it’s not enough and I wanted more complex reasons for the hate that they displayed towards her.

overall, an okay read for me. Just wish the characters were more complex and better written as the plot itself isn’t that unique. <<less
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MajorGPuff rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: c4
What is with K novels' FL? They are all tremulous, helpless, pinnacle damsel on distress, do people really enjoy reading about those kind of girls?

It's as annoying as C novel's standard trope of 'tr*sh to megapowered heroine', and J novels' excessive use of 1st person narrative & repeated "eh" that can be interpreted into million different meanings (surprise, agreement, uncertainty, etc).

Difference with C novels--which made C novels slightly more palatable to me--is the writers don't usually dawdle/offer chapters after chapters about the tr*shiness of the original useless FL. They go... more>> straight 'boom this tr*sh is dead! Fwoosh insert another omnipotent soul from another world. Bang! Revenge to all who previously schemed on the original body, slap slap slap!!!'

And this one novel is no difference: welcome to 4 chapters of useless, scaredy cat, tremulous FL, and it doesn't seem like this torture is gonna end in ch 5.

Okay we get how lovable and gentle yet misunderstood the FL is. Okay we understannddd how wrong everybody is about her. NOW CAN WE MOVE ON, PLEEEAAASEEE? T__T

So to be fair, this one is definitely not up my alley. I've got no patience in reading abusive relationships, pushover FL, and worst of all: I can already figure out who the ML is, what FL's power is, and no: it's not worth my time to explore her revenge/clapback story. As other reviewers have kindly provided the information: you will get 20 chapters full of familial ab*se and FL's tremulous little actions. This simply reminds me of 50 shades of gray, which repeatedly assaulted my eyes with words like inner goddesses and other eye rolling phrases. And I think, after reading the first 4 chapters, it is a punishment if I plod on to read more. <<less
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FreyjaVanadis rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly I don't understand why this novel has such a low rating. It's a sweet, relatively uncomplicated story about overcoming adversity and reclaiming yourself. I LOVE how Leticia struggles with herself to truly cut off all the feelings she used to have for her family and friends, and honestly it's pretty realistic how she deals with the aftereffects of long-term trauma.

I have to admit my favorite character is probably Keena. She's such an utter boss, and REALLY doesn't give a flying fornication what anyone thinks. The contrast with Leticia is... more>> fascinating - they have both lived through similar childhood trauma, but they deal with it in different ways. They're opposite and make a GREAT pair of friends!

I ADORE that Leticia and Enoch communicate with each other and respect and support each other SO much. They really are a fantastic couple. Ian and Elle never fail to crack me up. The side characters are so well written in this story - they feel very real, from the Leticia's siblings who don't regret their actions or even realize what they've done wrong, to the Count and Countess Aster who are such kind and loving people. They all feel so REAL, and I feel like I've met people like all of them personally.

My one criticism is I wish there were about 5-10 more chapters - I wanted to hear more of Irene's story, and what happened with Keena, Ian, Elle, and the CP. I'll have to see if the author wrote more - I've certainly enjoyed this one! <<less
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Trulycloudy rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: c104
Alot of the reviews talk about how they don't like the FL as she is weak, but I think she's really strong. Her development is so realistic. It shows how she goes from hating herself to gaining confidence and eventually learning to love herself. This story teaches us that we shouldn't go back to the people who hurt us just because they are family or people we were supposed to love. I love how the MC eventually finds her own happiness and learns that there are people who loves her... more>> for who she is. Its really a satisfying read. <<less
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Smaforte12 rated it
December 7, 2021
Status: c1
the novel is well written, good plot with enchanting characters. Romance progresses really slow on this novel, if it can even be considered romance 🤷🏻‍♀️

... more>>

I mean, how are you going to live with a person you like but not have any s*xual urges at all? There is no s*xual tension between the ML and FL while they live together. It's a vanilla novel. It's to the point where They look like robots in that sense. They talk about possessiveness, love for each other, etc. but not s*xual urges 😂 like, how innocent were they back them?! I think she's in her twenties but behaves like they're 12 in that field?!

It's too innocent.

also!! The FL...

oh my gawd...

i don't like her at all!!!

I don't think the author really thought through about her character's persona. She was all naive and sweet in the beginning, a character that simply exuberanted kindness and all... but then, suddenly, after one moment of pain, she turns into the most cynical, sarcastic, and quite cold blooded, individual on this novel.

mans why do I say she's the biggest lied of all?

because apparently! She's "nice", but treats her old family like sh*t after they mistreated her. 😂 she don't hold back at all, such as telling them she hopes they die suffering and shit.

Yeah, she sweet like candy and soft like flower huh?

She talks down to them, and is quite rude too.

and the worst is that the new "kind" family, are always beside her during the encounters with the old family, and they don't say sh*t about her behavior.

they are all behind her on it. like, "you did a good job. You hold onto that grudge and rub it in their face whenever you see them."


Yeah, they hurt your feelings and all, it was a Shitty move, but your remorseful as f*ck!

If you are going to hold a grudge for that long, I don't think you were that "kind hearted" in the first place!

Call me soft hearted, but I wouldn't be so petty to keep dragging the past along for soooo long. She goes from a angel to a rancorous mournful individual. Cross her once... and that's it! You done for! She'll drag that sh*t out as long as she lay her eyes on you!


I just kept reading to see the outcome of things, but lost interest quite a while back. 😒 I'm starting the think the author might've been a creative middle schooler... OR! An adult with emotional issues. <<less
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Quenthel rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: Completed
Overall: 9/10

A very nice story about kindness, choices and warmth. There are characters who changed their ways, characters who remained villainous, sweet ones etc.

A recommended read for all those who need a break and have a dose of happy endings.

... more>> Translation: 9/10

Fluent, quite sophisticated. I found a couple of errors, but nothing that would disrupt the flow.


+ fluff

+ nice character build

+ good FL (you might think she is a softie, but later on she can be serious and straightforward)

+ loving ML

+ well written character development (Irene)

+ a very nice ending

+/- it is a simple novel <<less
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October 18, 2021
Status: c41
Im not sure how to rate this one. Its not the best but it is decent and the translation is alright as well.

The different perspectives are well done. The author does a good job portraying the perspectives of the original family. The translator also does a good job bringing it over.

Its sounds like its a about a single child abandoned by her family. However its reads more as being about how parents can ruin their children with demands for perfection and pressure with expectations.

I dont hate her siblings, I... more>> feel bad for them as well as her/the MC. Who hasn't met some crushed under the weight of their parents'/family's expectations. I don't want them to be crushed. The MC tried to protect them but that is something next to impossible to protect against.

Even the most antagonistic sister, early on the MC realls what she was like as a child. To change so much what happened to her? You can get an idea as you think about the mc's and the other siblings experience.

Well the tragedy tag doesn't belong to the MC alone.

Her power is rumored to be one that brings misfortune to the people around her. When you look at her family this is somewhat correct. The false rumours have a smidge of truth... Before the overall success of the family it appears all the children weren't under the same pressures to succeed. Before the MC is kicked out the siblings are successful but are not happy. In a way the abnormally good luck the MC brought was too much and helped with the future distruction of the family she once loved. Its rather macabre...

Yes she doesn't have to forgive the emotional damage done by her family and its good for her to get out of it. But I for one am not looking forward to the family being face-slapped/ destroyed as seems to be typical in this type of webnovel. <<less
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Chazza rated it
September 18, 2021
Status: --
Loved reading this novel, although sometimes it's a little repetitive but it's not as annoying to the point I'll stop reading it ! The fluffy lovey dovey moments between the ML and FL is super cute
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xiyhan rated it
May 15, 2024
Status: Completed
I had to really triple check if what I'm reading is a Korean novel or a Chinese novel lol. Because for some reason the way the author wrote it is how C-novels are written. You know, when FLs are being mistreated, the FL will overcome it but then, she goes back to try to make herself hurt again. Kind of like how your friend who gets beaten up by her BF will forgive the BF cuz maybe he didn't mean to beat me up cuz he's drunk. The next week,... more>> no he didn't mean to beat me up. He was just annoyed his football team lost. And then on 3rd time's the charm, No he's not like what my friend said. He said sorry this time so I know he didn't mean to hit me again. And then the cycle continues. Anyway, here's the spoiler for characters in case anyone just wanna know how it went

  1. FL- typical dumb sh*t FLs who has no backbone and continues to throw herself into the fire (even after the supposed I've broken free from the ab*ses. Example, how she constantly CANNOT stand up for herself and keeps being pushed/harrassed by the ex fiancee. Tf man, all you had to d9 is ignore. Diana too. All she has is to push pass her or ignore. Pretend to not hear her, whatever. Yet she keeps getting roped back to confrontation with her up until the last chapters. Only bright side of her is she's literally LUCK. That's her power. Married to ML by the end too.
  2. ML- greenest flag. Deserve so much better than a pathetic fiancee/wife like FL.
  3. Ian - (twin) younger bro of ML. Love interest is Keena (?) the other fallen family daughter. Became imperial civil officer.
  4. Elle- (twin) young sis of ML. Crown prince love interest (by end of story). Successful businesswoman.
  5. Seios (?) - pathetic godfather or FL father. Like bro is head of magic tower? Or maybe someone higher there but only thing he can do to help FL is NOTHING. Cuz FL already has an idea of her power but he (after all f*cking chapters) discovered it and told the whole world about it.
  6. Bart- FL father. Power is growing weeds. Pathetic father.
  7. Nameless mother of FL- non existent tbh
  8. Diana- pathetic 2nd older sister. Power is make flower rain. Pathetic till the end. Wished everyone in fam to have no power and ofc, god granted it.
  9. Emil- annoying little 3rd brother shit. Delusional asf to the point of creating false bad rumors about FL cuz she should just shut herself and dont damage fam reputation. Shoulda died when Diana pushed him tbh. Power being smart
  10. Xavier-little sh*t too. 4th bro. Power is swordsmanship till Keena beat him as 1st place. Then power went downhill.
  11. Irene-not that bad tbh. Youngest and only one to be remorseful. Power magic. She gained her power back in the end after they were expelled from capital
  12. Levi-ex fiancee. Pathetic too like the FL. Only, he really loved FL just that he probably got influenced by FL family and left FL feeling abandoned. But he never cheated and didn't love Diana.
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6kinoko rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c73
Reading it because it is completely and has actual good translations (thank you translator <3).

I enjoyed the whole idea of her not having an ability and hence getting shunned by her family. I like angst, basically.

But I simply can't overlook the overall story feels really childish. The plot, the characters, their interaction all feel so lacking. I can basically guess what happens next.

... more>> At this point, I'm just skimming through the lines to only read her family suffer :')

I love you Enoch, but I'm actually not that intrigued when it comes to FL ML interactions since it's just so straightforward and kinda, 2d. <<less
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August 9, 2022
Status: Completed
The dynamics are very weak and the story ist written poorly. The actions kept repeating and it was very boring. Cant believe how I managed to read till the end... took me a while to finish it though. Be ready to read „Leticia bit her lip without realizing it“ and „Leticia held the hymn of her dress tightly“ at least 20 times. Also the romance was indeed cute but far from good. This read was definitely a waste of time, I don’t recommend!
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