My Rental Boyfriend Is My Boss?!


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Michiru Oikawa, a magazine editor, was told by her long-time male friend that he was getting married just when she thought she was going to be confessed to. She lied to him that she had a boyfriend, so he asked her to bring him to the wedding party. As a result, she had no choice but to hire a rental boyfriend. It turns out, the man who showed up on the day was her boss Kamijemori, someone she has been uncomfortable with.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Status: Complete pt.2
  2. Good read.
  3. pocket full of sunshine
  4. CKJs fav lighter romance (modern)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/25/21 Sleepy Translations c13
05/16/21 Sleepy Translations c10
05/10/21 Sleepy Translations c7
05/10/21 Sleepy Translations c8
04/28/21 Sleepy Translations c5
04/24/21 Sleepy Translations c4
04/21/21 Sleepy Translations c3
04/17/21 Sleepy Translations c2
04/16/21 Sleepy Translations c1
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3 Reviews sorted by

Tillda rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: c47
Very decent story. It's relatively short, so only FL & ML have more screen time.

FL is kinda childish and immature, but not to the annoying level. ML is more mature without typical CEO/boss vibe. Both socially awkward but willing to change.

Story is short, so I miss some depth in their backround or ML POV.

On a side note, describing ML as 'very tall' when it's said that he's 178cm tall made me 😂🙈
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chande rated it
July 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This story was a bit cliche but it was quite sweet and entertaining. The plot wasn't something new but I like to see the growth of MC in this story; from being a timid and sceptical woman to a woman who could bravely face a challenge and speak out her mind. It's a pity though that I couldn't see more of their sweet moments after they're officially dating.
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rosie bae
rosie bae rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: competed
quick read. Not fluffy story with overwhelming boss. So close to reality.

not even steamy scenes that's was okay.
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