My Brocon Sister Turned Out to Be the Strongest Magician. I Can’t Hide My Power at School Anymore


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I have a sister who is a brocon. She loves me so much that she would do anything for me.

She even became the strongest magician in the world to protect me.

But one day, she accidentally revealed her true identity to me. She is actually the reincarnation of the legendary witch, Lilith.

Now, I have to deal with the consequences of her actions. She has made enemies with the church, the nobles, and the other countries.

And she has dragged me into her mess. How can I survive in this chaotic situation?

And how can I stop her from clinging to me all the time?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Brocon no Ane ni Jitsu wa Saikyou Mahou Shida to Bareta. Mou Gakuen de Jitsuryoku wo Kakusenai
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