M*rderous Lewellyn’s Candlelit Dinner


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Shavonne is a poor ghostwriter who lives in a run-down apartment in the streets of the slums. He’s lonely, as he has no family and recently broke up with his partner, now he only has a friend, Dr. Fawkes. One day, strange memos began to stick on the door of Shavonne’s house, where he worried everyday about being able to survive. Before he can uncover the mystery behind them, he encounters a beautiful young man that keeps peeling onions on the staircase next to his unit. After having to listen to the man greeting him every day in every possible language, Shavonne gave him candles so that he could hide the smell of onions. The man invited him to dinner, and it was then when Shavonne discovered a body in the man’s bedroom… Are the serial mu*ders that are causing sensation on Ira Street, the mysterious stalker and the young man who peels onions related?

Associated Names
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M*rderer Lewellyn's Enchanting Dinner Invitation
살인마 르웰린 씨의 낭만적인 정찬
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3 Reviews

New shavonnee
Feb 06, 2025
Status: Completed
I remember reading this in 2022 and honesty don't remember much about it but this novel was so good I literally cried with the plot twists at the end and was tripping because it was like 2-3 chapters left and they were still in the tension I was lowkey imaginating a bad ending but gladly they ended up well with that one dog they always wanted and the little house.

Honestly I thought this was going to be a red flag killer x victim plot but lewellyn turned out to be... more>> such a golden retriever throughout the entire serie's and was always trying to get to shavonne no matter what. Honestly it was so sad how he got deceived by that one corporal/sargeant or whatever his rank was because he was supposed to leave shavonne alone and literally make him have a good life but instead spied on him with men he'd send to date shavonne.

Maybe while writing this I got some facts wrong or missed some big details but I read this 3 years ago and if I did im so sorry lol pls correct me.

Anyways. Where are all the MLCD fans at????? I've never seen one irl or social media like where y'all at bro I wanna yap with someone about it and like THERES NO MERCH??????? Pls people come out ik y'all exist out there somewhere. Anyways my discord is shavonnee. With a dot at the end and uhm please add me I really need some MLCD friends to yap about we can like talk about other novels/manhwas too and recommend stuff to each other or idk. (Consider it, you won't regret it) <<less
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Aug 09, 2023
Status: Completed
Well, since no one has written a review yet, I'll do it myself.

I loved it, from start till end.

The story is about a ghostwriter (someone who writes books that are published under someone else's name, with the latter getting all the credit) named Shavonne, who lives in not-so-good conditions and has financial problems because he doesn't earn that much money, etc. Etc. More to highlight: he's an orphan, his only friend is Dr. Fawkes (he is an important character to watch out for, even if it doesn't look like it... more>> in the beginning), and his boyfriends don't usually last long.

One day, he discovers that he has a new neighbor named Lewellyn, who is obsessed with onions (and even the word obsessed falls short), and he invites Shavonne to have dinner at his house. While he was there (mini spoiler, but you can read it because it happens at the beginning),

he comes across a dead person in one of the rooms. It turns out that his new neighbor is a mu*derer!


This is a bigger spoiler, I won't go into much detail, but I recommend not reading it to be surprised.


Lewellyn and Shavonne knew each other before! But Shavonne lost all memories, which is why Lewellyn went to find him and reconstruct their old relationship.


So, there's much more to the relationship between MC and ML than what you might think.

Very good development of the story, and also loved how it ended! I highly recommend it. <<less
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Oct 31, 2023
Status: Completed
(Thank you, other reviewer)

I will also write a review on this spectacular story!

The story is fairly simple, in terms of summary (I won't dwell on the summary for you can look it up elsewhere). I absolutely adore this story because of its extremely interesting plot. The character development of both Shavonne and Lewellyn is quite interesting to see. I have read this story multiple times, yet I still find myself reading it again.

I will not write (in this review) anything related to the story as it's not what... more>> I intend. However, since you dear reader have decided to read this review, do read this story. Everything about it is marvellous, interesting and shocking. This story is my number 1 favourite Webtoon of all time. It includes: romance, thriller, horror and mystery. It's one of those extravagant reads, where you still find yourself pondering on the thoughts, scenes and quotes of the story.

Do read this dear reader, for you won't ever regret it. <<less
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