Lord Preston’s Secret Tutor


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Jacqueline Somerset, a penniless girl, becomes a governess at Preston Manor!

Miss Somerset, who had suddenly become penniless due to her father’s death and bankruptcy, was hired as Benjamin Preston’s thirteenth governess.

Amid rumors that Lord Preston’s difficult temperament was responsible for the dismissal of twelve governesses after an average of two months, it was reported that there was a lot of betting going on among noble gentlemen as to how long Miss Somerset would last.

Meanwhile, a custody battle began between his uncle, Lord Preston, and his maternal grandfather, His Majesty the King, over Sir Benjamin, Lord Preston’s nephew and the next Marquess of Preston. Meanwhile, attention is being paid to what kind of wind the appearance of Miss Somerset will bring.

Miss Jacqueline Somerset went from an earl’s daughter to penniless in an instant.

Lord Preston of Windsor, who went from being an illegitimate son to the Marquess of Preston in an instant.

Benjamin Preston lost his parents and was on the verge of losing his property to his uncle.

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