Lord of Enigma


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When the spiritual barrier that has been intact for a hundred years is shattered by a meteor, spiritual energy that had disappeared starts to return. The mystical realm slowly begins its revival—magic, witchcraft, curses, supernatural lifeforms, strange and mysterious legends, monsters, and gods from other worlds… The old world order collapses, yet the new order is mystifying and chaotic in the wake of the spirit tide.

Just before the unprecedented reformation is here, Tang Qi awakens and finds himself hung on the cross, having turned into an inferior demon and in great pain and agony… He manages to turn the tides on an evil ritual, snatching himself a new body of the same name.

With his special ability to see through the nature of all things from the mystical realm and a sly and crafty mind, follow Tang Qi as he develops new skills and powers—as well as making new friends and allies—to battle and protect himself from never before seen supernatural threats in an unfamiliar world!

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Lord of the Mysteries (2)
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  5. Historical Novel

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puukkiss rated it
January 9, 2023
Status: c13
Reading the reviews here and elsewhere made me wonder if I had read the same novel as them.

While I didn't read very far, what I did read had far too many issues to overlook. I have to admit that the novel's beginning was satisfactory. It made me want to keep reading to find out what happened next. Unfortunately, logic problems began to appear more frequently.

The author made the error of writing a clever, logical character while spending insufficient time in research to pull off a believable smart and logical character.

... more>> THE DEAD BODY

Smart MC delegated the disposal of the dead body to someone he hardly knew. It was demonstrated as a wise decision to address an issue. The businessman was also described as crafty. He merely knows that the other individual did business with his parents. Without knowing anything else, he trusted this person.

What would you do if a coworker's son phoned you and offered you a large sum of money if you got rid of a dead body?

A: Accept? You're a bad guy who doesn't care how you make your money.

B: Decline. You have morals and will not cross a line. You then contact the police to report the kid.

C: Accept and extort. You're a horrible, bad man. After uncovering such a delicious secret, you will ensure that even after disposing of the body, you have control over the kid and will exploit it to extract more money from him.

D: Accept and double-cross. You're a bad guy with principles. On the one hand, you did everything the youngster wanted, but behind his back, you made sure that once the boy believes he's gotten away with it, cops show up at their house. Hey, you already have the money and a clean nose. You've been at this game far longer than some snotty child.

Any of these scenarios may have occurred. As you can see, just 25% of the time he would solved the problem. Would a smart and logical MC take a risk like this?

I also didn't notice if he had contacted this world lawyer. This clearly showed the author knows nothing of these things. Even my parents, a middle-class family, use a lawyer when dealing with this that requires them to sign their name. My family's friends, who have a small business, even have a personal lawyer. It hurts a lot more to lose money than to spend it.


Now that is out of the way. Let's talk about that god afoul scene in the beginning. For me it felt like until now I was reading a mystery supernatural novel. The synopsis and tags of the novel support such impression. SO WHY DID IT SUDDENLY change into most basic tr*sh teen drama? Like we are talking the bare bones tr*sh tropes with nothing added to them. It seemed like author watched too much american teen drama shows.

Alpha b*tch: A popular female student whose purpose is to be mean to the other characters. ("A casual glance from Tang Qi revealed to him that all the students around them, no matter male or female, held fear towards these few girls, especially towards Angela the leader.")

Cruel Cheerleader: Cheerleaders are portrayed as mean or vain. ("Unfortunately, not only did the hot and sexy girls in front of her not show any sympathy upon seeing her pitiful form, they burst into laughter instead, a look of joy derived from their malicious prank all over their faces.")

Jerk Jock: An athletic guy who is also a jerk. ("The male student immediately reached out and grabbed Tang Qi's shoulder with his muscular palm. In a mild-sounding but in truth extremely domineering tone, he said, "Junior, I'd suggest following Angela's arrangements instead....")

Bully Magnet: A character targeted and picked on by several bullies. ("However, most of them had a terrible personality and liked to bully the third kind of student.

In other words, people such as the timid, well-behaved, and unfashionable Sally next to Tang Qi.")

Stereotypical Nerd: An unattractive (by physical features or styling), socially inept, and socially unpopular stock character with geeky interests. ("She looked to be about the same age and was very pretty, just that all of these were spoiled by her way of dressing.")

This basically felt like the author opened tv trops and wrote the scene. All the characters in this scene can't even be called characters. They only have names an attached trope to them. Only poorly written teen shows have such scenes.

Not to mention the level of hypocrisy the author has with his MC. I have noticed that lot of Chinese authors who like to write tr*shy face slapping scenes, love love to write their MC indifferent in face of beauties but at the same time author writes as the good-looking characters show off their bodies and try to get in their pants.

MC: ("Tang Qi was not in the least bit interested in this sort of matter. This was nothing more than just hormones at play during puberty and the malicious prank of a few mean girls.")

Alos MC and author: ("The ones talking were a few glamorously dressed girls. Their way of dressing was sexy, wearing jeans that revealed their midriffs or cropped T-shirts that showed off a good half of their chests.

The one in the lead was a blonde girl with fair skin and a curvaceous figure. Added to this, an attractive face through the use of skillful make-up techniques, anyone would be able to tell that she was likely that type of girl who enjoyed the most popularity in school.")

("She stood in Tang Qi's way, her well-endowed chest heaving and forming an extremely fine view. Her attractive face leaned towards his, and she gave him a mesmerizing smile. As if deliberately showing a marvelous view of her chest to Tang Qi, she said intimately...")

("He ignored the splendid view Angela was showing him and continued walking past them.)

("Being dragged into trouble the moment he entered the school and even being treated as a tool to bully and humiliate others, even though Tang Qi still looked very calm on the surface, he was already angry deep down.")

Author: Purposely writes a farfetched teen drama scene, just to have his character look cool and uninterested in drama.

Not to mention, te level of racism in this novel. MC is Asian. Up to now, the bad guy who tried to kill him was a black man, the black man's mother will try to kill him when she learns MC killed her son, A white blond girl bullied another character, a white blond boy tried to bully MC.

I bet those three hooligans were also white. After all, whenever in novels Chinese characters go oversees to Europe/America, they return as addicts, gabblers and overall worse people influenced by the bad bad west.

You might say, there's nothing wrong having a black character being bad in novel. You might be right. But I have almost never read a good black character in an Asian novel. If they show up, they are always portrayed as poor, evil and violent. Chinese often use saying, Did I become an African, to say, I have become unlucky.

TLDR: This novel is just full of authors wish fulfillment while lacking skills and brains to pull off a believably smart person. What we get is a novel full of teen hormones and Chinese racism. <<less
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Lil K.O
Lil K.O rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: c100
So far so good, the writing and pacing quite good, the system part of the novel almost turned me off but other than basically providing information for the MC it just serves a basic function as a plot device, world building is quite good and have a relatively unique world with a bunch of secrets and mysteries to explore. Character are on the acceptable side, not the greatest or really in depth characters but good enough to serve the plot.

Over all its an interesting novel with tons of mystery and... more>> secrets to explore giving it some really good potential plot wise and entertainment wise and as of chapter 100 it lives up to it, lots of room still for The world building as well with its con being the characters are pretty lack luster compared to everything else

Worth your time for sure <<less
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hypersniper159 rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: c149
It's nothing bad that's for sure, but it's light to read and so much more enjoyable because of its simple nature. Everything about this novel is simple. The worldbuilding is nothing complex, the characters are also simple, 'good is good, bad is bad' mindset. The plot is also simple, The best way to explain how 'light' this novel is is to directly compare it to LoM. LoM is your hyperactive 6 y/o toddler that always goes on the craziest adventure, and (probably won't live past 20 but had enough experience... more>> for 5 lifetimes) while this novel is that nerdy 6 y/o that only reads books and sips tea all day, forever. But children are still a bundle of joy at the end of the day.

Chapter 361 A. 17, 22.- The first 200-ish chapters were perfect and flows like a flooding river. After that, it gets sooooo choppy I take a break after each and every chapter. But it seems to have potential it's just that the writing goes downhill and the author is way more concerned with word count than anything else. I'm just so tempted to write a fanfic bec. I know this could be a absolute masterpiece but its not. In order to improve, it just some scenes need to get replaced, and remove all the extra words, and it turns into perfection. Its just borderline there I wont drop it for now, just hoping it gets better. I can't believe I read so little of it in just 5 days, normally I would eat this up and be almost finished but there's 1200 chapters, meaning two thirds left. <<less
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Absolute-Melody rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: c113
I don’t think it’s anything special, but I did enjoy the mc’s attempts to enter into the spiritual realm. It’s very reminiscent of LoM except this time the MC is at the start of the spirit tide instead of in the middle of one. Like other reviews mentioned, character interactions are kind of weak, but not so much that it detracts from the story, for now.
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