Live Stream: I Am A Lord In Another World


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【Anchor, is your maid a cat-eared girl? 】

【Anchor, I’ll reward you with ten million. Let me have another look at that elf. 】

【Anchor, so domineering today, bringing so many people. Are you preparing to slay dragons? 】

【Anchor, your territory is so powerful now, why not establish a kingdom and become a king? If you’re short on money, just let us know. 】

After crossing into another world, Richard found that his mobile phone could access the internet for two hours every day.

He could also buy things from the original world through a certain online platform.

He also gained a reputation system. The higher the reputation he had in the other world, the more abilities he could exchange for, even magical skills.

So, after exchanging some items like a stainless steel kettle from his backpack for a piece of land, Richard began his leisurely life as a lord in another world, livestreaming daily.

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