Let’s Live Together


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I thought I was dead, but when I opened my eyes, I found myself in bed with someone who had an insanely attractive appearance?

That person was none other than the Blue Knight of the battlefield, Duke Roan von Bannister.

Oh my, my favorite character appeared right before my eyes!

He was born and raised as an illegitimate child, enduring all sorts of wounds in the novel. He was the supporting male character whom I cherished and liked the most.

I wanted to take good care of our Roan, who had suffered so much…

…but why did I end up possessing the body of the wife who relentlessly tormented him and then divorced him? Why did I have to possess this body of all people?

No, I can’t leave my favorite character’s side.

A second life with no dreams and no hope from the start.

Will I make it through this?

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Samosaaa rated it
July 30, 2024
Status: --
Hmmm. It was bittersweet. Despite the predictable plot like any typical transmigration novels, reading it felt completely different & I surprisingly enjoyed it. The story with only 103 chapters felt quite short and fast faced [especially in terms of development of ML's feelings] but also didn't at the same time.

I liked the ending & the characters. I am somehow surprised how I got so attached with this novel and felt a little sad as I read the epilogue. Maybe because I read it without any expectations, but I am glad... more>> I gave it a try.

The novel was simple yet beautiful, predictable yet enjoyable. Some of you might not agree still, some will understand what I am trying to say after reading it.

So, I hope the translations continue & everyone gives Roan×Delis a chance to share their unique love story. <<less
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