I’ve Become A Holy Knight, But The Commander’s Breasts Are Too Amazing To Cleanse My Soul


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The Holy Knights, the key to humanity’s survival against the Demon King’s army.

Ruga Aldica, who harbored a goal that everyone had at least once, relentlessly pursued his dream. He graduated at the top of his class from the Holy Knight Training Academy and joined the Holy Knights.

He was assigned to the Holy Knight (Sixth Division). Thanks to his achievements at the academy, he was immediately given the position of deputy captain. However, this division was also famous for having crushed many rookies in the past.

“I will one day be called a Holy Knight. I won’t be defeated by this kind of trial!”

With high aspirations, Ruga went to greet the captain. And there to welcome him was—

“Nice to meet you, Vice-captain Ruga. I am Lyon Mairi, the captain of the Sixth Division. I look forward to working with you.”

She was a busty captain with a chest that rivaled her face in size.

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Seikishi ni Natta kedo Danchou no Oppai ga Sugosugite Kokoro ga Kiyomerarenai
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