In the Name of Special Contract Marriage


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I had a precognitive dream that my sister would die soon after entering into an arranged marriage. To prevent this, Aracilla chose to marry Damian, the younger brother of her intended spouse. The problem was, both of them happened to be formidable rivals—one a magician and the other a knight.

“Last year, was Young Lady the mage who snatched the orb like a sneaky weasel during the expedition?” “If I hadn’t helped, you would have been rotting in a dungeon by now, don’t you think so?”

The individuals who were moments away from throttling each other, dramatically agreed to a contractual marriage.

Falling in love? We’ll never see each other as romantic partners, even if we live and die together.

…or so they said.

“Why is this woman so fragile and thin? It’s making me worried for no reason.”

“Why does this man insist on doing everything alone? I could help too.”

They kept getting involved with each other…

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