In Another World, Even a Clumsy, Hungry Salaryman Becomes a Skilled Tamer


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One day, a certain regional branch office of a trading company was transported to another world. There were dozens of employees there. The other world was an unknown place. Unknown places, unknown environments, unknown monsters, and unknown humans or unknown settlements. The people from the branch office armed themselves to protect themselves while engaging in negotiations and deals. Everything was for survival.

Among them was the section chief of the sales department, Akaboshi. Akaboshi, a glutton, was unfazed by the struggles of middle management or the negotiations with colleagues, all for the sake of tasting the delicious food of the unknown world. With talent awakened in a pinch, vitality born from being a glutton, and negotiation skills honed in sales, he survived in the other world.

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New D..
June 1, 2024
Status: v9c112
It's a decent story however the translation is horrible. Names mixed up gender mixed up repeatedly. I found myself rereading paragraphs three times just to understand who is supposed to be speaking. If it gets a good polish id raise it to 4 stars. Story seedling needs to have someone competent in English to edit and polish the books. Often their site is lacking in this aspect it's as if a bunch of ten year olds are doing the editing.
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