Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru


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July, 1946. The existence of an alternate world was confirmed. It was supposed to be a new world for mankind. However, the enormous cost, the annihilation of the advance troops, and fierce public opposition, led to the signing of a non-aggression treaty. Mankind turned their eyes towards space.

Half a century later, a certain company formed a team in order to explore the alternate world’s dungeon. Five professionals, three artificial intelligences, and one reserve member. With modern weapons and technology, the adventure was expected to be easy.

However, the ones who had arrived in the alternate world were a defective artificial intelligence, and a non-professional. Through trial and error they lived, ate, and fought. And, they explored the dungeon.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Foreigner, Explores the Dungeon
The Otherworlder, Exploring the Dungeon (LN)
Related Series
The Old King and the Faceless Adventurer (Sequel)
Gate – Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri (1)
Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru (1)
Exiled Prince Without Skills: Infinite Growth in a Mysterious Dungeon (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. pls remeber ''
  2. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  3. All the rest.~
  5. Protagonist has S E X list pt2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/18/22 FoxTeller c249
05/16/22 FoxTeller c248
05/14/22 FoxTeller c247
05/12/22 FoxTeller c246
05/10/22 FoxTeller c245
05/08/22 FoxTeller c244
05/06/22 FoxTeller c243
05/04/22 FoxTeller c242
05/02/22 FoxTeller c241
04/30/22 FoxTeller c240
04/28/22 FoxTeller c239
04/26/22 FoxTeller c238
04/24/22 FoxTeller c237
04/22/22 FoxTeller c236
04/20/22 FoxTeller c235
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17 Reviews

Jan 19, 2020
Status: --
This novel is full of plotholes, like a slice of Swiss cheese. I can't recommend it to people with common sense. Means, if you're older than 10 and willing to give it a go, please reconsider.

The large list of plotholes:

... more>>

- Top brass hired some random guy (gamer) to fill their ranks despite the high cost of the isekai mission (looks like no one cares about the success, poor investors). And they've done it because his name was neat.

- They're also prepared a big remuneration for his sister in case if he dies (can't you just hire an orphan if you don't care about his training?).

- The briefing time was so short, MC failed to remember crucial facts about the other world.

- Isekai (in its true meaning) is a popular subject (according to the story), but MC was absolutely obvious about it except for some negligible points. This is despite the fact that MC is a gamer!

- MC was introduced to his squad a few minutes before the mission start (Nuff said). Squad's leader also refused to introduce everyone before passing through the portal (probability of the emergent situation right from the start? Nah).

- AK 47.

- Rifle in hands of an amateur with zero training and doubtable mental health.

----- end of the 1st chapter -----

The more you read the more glaring plotholes become. How MC handles storage of meds and equipment, how carefree he is, how naively he handles thugs, how lame his combat tactics (though maybe this one is not a plothole since he just a gamer, but even a gamer will try his best when he feels cornered) - everything bad.

The worst is, he was complaining about a short briefing but done nothing to gather the intel on site.


In short, this is a very typical JP novel with JP morals and JP lack of sense. <<less
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Aug 01, 2020
Status: c36
Main character starts acting like a womanizer after having a wife

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[Due to some circumstances MC got a wife (Rana-elf princess) but he still lets other girls cling to him, literally in front of his wife, even though she hates it. His mental describes how good it feels and how he "doesn't have the courage to push the girls away". He keeps saying his marriage is a sham even though his wife actually treats him like a lover (Sitting on his thighs, letting him feed her, gosh he even rubbed her belly and kissed her). In my opinion, this novel got worse when new girls started appearing and MC became Rito

Note: The first girl who tried to seduce him is the beast girl Lanseal. Why don't I like her? She initially served a h**ny prince who kidnapped MC's future wife, she didn't outright do anything bad, but she didn't try to stop the prince either. She threatened MC and his wife to help stopping the war (Elf King wants to use the fact that h**ny Prince tried to do bad things to Elf Princess Rana to start a war. After MC's wife asserting dominance on MC to stop Elf King from making things troublesome, Lanseal was like, omg MC you are my lover thanks so much for stopping the war, Right. In. Front. Of. His. Wife]

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May 22, 2021
Status: c250
The story structure is a bit like a cycle: calm, happy periods followed by more serious, heavy periods. I feel like many readers were put off by the first half of the 2st arc (cooking + exploring the dungeon with Irvin and co.), thinking that this will be a story about a typical Japanese MC with an obsession for cooking going on regular adventures exploring a dungeon with women swooning over him left and right (or something of the sort). However, the first half of arc 2 doesn't really end... more>> until chapter 36. This is when sh*t hits the fan and you start to see the level of world-building that is going to be put into this story.


Generation-long curses, forbidden names, Beasts, intentionally erased-histories, alternate universes (and how the MC's universe relates to all this), and conflicts between and within other countries (feels a bit like Overlord-quality in terms of politics here). A common theme seen throughout this story is the weight of lore/history, as past events, even false ones, influence the present.


Even the "fluff" portions of this story are important. They usually either will be important later on (even the food), drop hints, or build upon the MC's personality and character. Seemingly random topics brought up will end up being important several arcs later. I feel like a lot of people were also put off by a "lack of common sense". However, is it not also true that people don't always react "logically"? Even if you don't like the decisions made by the MC, his actions are still extremely consistent with his personality and thought process ("plot-hole" decisions like destroying the guns are usually explained later on in the story if you don't already figure out why).

Still, some things will take a long time to reveal so if you might not enjoy this story if you dislike "slow" stories.

Concerning the relationship issues bosbarret brought up:

The MC viewed his marriage as a "sham" due to its political nature. The conflict caused from this view is solved later in the story. His love for his wife is real though, and this sentiment stays consistent throughout the story. In fact, he feel guilty when other girls start becoming interested in him, but this concern isn't shared by his wife (or many others in his adventuring party) as most are familiar with the practice of polygamy (well, there are some who oppose it but in general it's presented as a not-too-serious culture-clash issue).

Harem conflicts usually only interfere with the MC during social/calm moments of the story, so the main aspects of the story (adventure) is not affected. Translation quality is excellent.

Oh, and something to keep in mind: as the translator notes, "the author loves subverting expectations". tldr: Read this story if you want deep lore, a non-traditional story, good translation, a reasonable harem, and forgotten heroes. Please do make it through the first two arcs before you make a final decision to read/drop though. <<less
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Aug 29, 2022
Status: c465
Ignore that 1 star review here with the most votes. I almost got led astray by it. It's most probably due to people's snap judgments and not reading enough chapters.

Admittedly the way the novel starts off does feel a bit haphazard/cheesy, even to me.

However if you keep reading on, you'll quickly notice how good the author is at describing scenery/events, and how good the translation is. It really puts you in that world. This is definitely not some crappy 1 star novel.

... more>> Pros:

-rich world building and lore

-vividly created characters

-not some fluffy story, it gets dark at times. But it has fun light and comedic moments

-the twists and turns and journey MC had to go through to arrive at the (seemingly simple at first) goal of reaching XX floor of the dungeon, is fantastic

-the strongest theme that makes this so good imo - love and bonds between people


-maybe the lore was a bit too complicated?

-MC goes through a LOT of trials and tribulations

-MC doesn't stray far from the typical template

-towards the end, some characters are pushed to the background

Spoilers for ending, if you'd like to know whether to invest your time in this:


It's a happy ending

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Mar 23, 2021
Status: Completed
At first you'll feel that this novel is ridiculous but, continue read and you'll find just how intricate the stories. This is great story, I'm not lying.
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Jun 11, 2020
Status: c32 part1
The story starts well considering the focus was on the MC and how the interactions between him and the other characters (especially the AI) were amusing, However, things got boring quickly as he stuck with his former party members (e.g. Irvin) for his adventure and he turned out to be the typical dense jp protagonist lacking in personality and wisdom. The adventures were plain and there were no more comedic scenes. It was unfortunately quite a disappointment.
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Apr 23, 2020
Status: c20
Underrated story, I would dare say that it is better than a ton on isekais out there. The protagonist isn't afraid to stand up for himself, he's not one of those naive idiots MCs and his personality is pretty likeable. The story has a mix of comedy and serious moments but isn't all over the place while keeping most things consistent. The side characters have a defined personality and they are not just there to fill space. The world-building it's not that great but it's not that bad either, pretty... more>> decent. The translation is pretty good and chapters are released every 4 days so you don't have to wait long to read more.

One of my recent favourites, definitely recommended. <<less
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Mar 04, 2021
Status: c77
To be honest, this novel is good but there is no single character that I love.

This story is like a diary of the protagonist so you can say everything that is happening is from his pov.

But twist is that his memory of past and sometimes the things happening with him are quite blurry. So we cannot trust the story at all. This Ln is good example of unreliable narrator.

Though I don't love any character very much, each character has strong personality and past that MC don't know. So it's very... more>> lifelike. Story is good but I think at start many of readers won't find this story attractive (me included!), but I we read more and more story gets really interesting,...! <<less
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May 01, 2022
Status: c240
Hooo boy, this one is not what the cover seems to be. It's beyond surprising and amazing. If you like soulsborne titles then this one is for you.

It all starts out generic y'know, standard isekai harem stuff however, sh*t happens and you are left looking for more. The lore is rich and very engaging. Characters are well written, some of them you'll hate and some of them you'll love.

I suggest y'all read this until the end cuz it is THAT good.

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 21, 2021
Status: c38
Gave up on this novel. MC is too much of a goody tu shoe and very dense. Novel focus too much on food to the point that I had to skip every time its mentioned. As other has said novel has too much plot holes and plot armors. MC isn't even a professional soldier and he instantly becomes Rambo (like what). When MC is about to die, boom someone saves him (the hell, just let the guy die already). I like the first few chapters but after he... more>> spared the adventure thieves it all went down the drain. <<less
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Jan 12, 2021
Status: c83.2v
This WN started off a bit shaky but has steadily improved in the quality of the world building and story. The translation quality is also excellent.
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Apr 02, 2020
Status: c16
Pretty good. The MC's personality is a mixed pot, you never know what's the real deal with this guy, he's pretty much a weirdo. The comedy is fairly subtle with little to no tsukomi humor and the serious moments are fairly immersive. Some of the characters aren't without their cliches and the MC even cops a couple of elf sisters right off the bat but at least so far, they've had enough personality to get them by. Hopefully the side-characters go through more development in the future, but other than... more>> that, I haven't got many complaints. All in all, a decent start with the first volume, hope to see it continue. 4.5/5 <<less
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Apr 02, 2020
Status: c16
Are you tired of some wimpy MC that dont even fight back when they get make fun with? Well dont compare it to the MC here because he will really beat the hell out of them like the thugs he made into meatball or how he deals with his stolen goods in some merchant company then blows their storage with his goods with bombs or some other more. Well I made it 5star because for me this novel have refreshing taste to give for me.

*sorry for the bad english*
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Oct 27, 2021
Status: volume 3
First volume is solid. Kind of unique and MC is okay. He isn't too nice or too twisted and he stays pretty consistent at his core, and the author does a pretty good job unraveling his past and depicting how he changes as he gets subjected to the craziness of this new world. He's not that strong or smart and makes understandable and relatable mistakes, but he's crafty and courageous enough, and he uses his AIs, modern knowledge and tools well. The parallel world is pretty interesting, lots of good... more>> mysteries revealed, and I liked the goddess character and would have liked more focus on her. Disappointing that her development was too brief. Not much humor, except for the twisted villain and the s*upid mistakes the MC makes. From volume 2 onward the story starts getting annoying with all the food and cooking crap. His little harem is kind of charming when it's just the elf sisters and guild girl, but then it's one beast girl after the other and gets annoying. <<less
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May 02, 2020
Status: c15
I really liked the sci-fi/fantasy setting and the main character actually has a personality, unlike many other isekai protags. But the harem stuff really starts taking over the story and it is so tedious. Every woman who meets the protag falls in love with him instantly and is ready to die for him. Gag. Why couldn't we just stick to the plot? Ah well.
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Apr 20, 2024
Status: --
Love this WN. It is very well done and a lot of the “plot holes” are actually devices that are filled in later in the story. Hate that it never got finished in by yen light novel but the web novel translation by Solo is fantastic. Highly recommended.
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Jan 08, 2021
Status: c15
i was really disappointed. It has a nice concept, but the writer gets lost in the harem olot and sidelines the main drive of the narrative. MC is not dense nor op thankfully
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