I Was Loved So Much by the Beautiful Twins That I Was Imprisoned Before I Knew It


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What would happen if I were confined by the love of beautiful twin sisters?

“Tetsuya-kun. I’m sure you’re barely aware of it, but you’re being confined by us.”

“Starting today, this room of mine will be the love nest for you and us!”

Tetsuya Fudandori, an ordinary university student, wakes up one day in an unfamiliar room. There, he meets Sakuya Ryoten, who has shining silver hair, and Satsuki Ryoten, her twin sister who cooks incredibly delicious meals. Confined by these beautiful twin sisters whom he has no acquaintance with, Tetsuya is forced into a strange captive life just before summer vacation.

“I won’t lay a hand on you! Absolutely not!” Against the nightly aggressive attacks from the elder sister, Sakuya, the younger sister, Satsuki, eagerly awaits, ready to embrace him as if she had been waiting. The reason for their confinement is only revealed to be “Sakuya loves Tetsuya”… There seems to be some extraordinary circumstances behind it.

“Hey, let me hear the sound of your heartbeat…”

Now, the slightly stimulating and sweetly thrilling life of Tetsuya and the beautiful twin sisters begins…

Will Tetsuya be able to escape from this “cage of love”!?

Huh? Do I have to get out?

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