I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest


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The son inherited his father’s business. My parents have worked hard for a lifetime in the Northwest, and I will inherit it from today.

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FEMA rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: c17
So far it has been interesting largely by the novel at least for me setting of a gas station in the outskirts of the gobi desert, slow paced, kinda slice of lifeish. Got a minor pet peeve of the depiction of the islam, I dont think it works like that but eh its not like I feel like actually researching it and can always be handwaved by in that world the invasive religion aka Islam absorbed some of the local religion excuse, god knows the version of catholicism in my... more>> region its quirky by comparison with the vatican one.


The supernatural/mystery thing so far its that in thanks for feeding him a lone wild camel gifted/spitted at the MC a piece of jade that granted the MC upgradable mind map of his gas station and surrodings where at first he could only use for satellite view and scrying, after the so far only upgrade he can see the subterranean water ways and renove blockages.

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