I Ran Away And The Reverse Harem Started


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My friends in the orphanage are back with a golden return.

Abandoning the original female lead…


When I came to my senses, I was possessed as kid who lives in the same orphanage with male leads.

After living in a orphanage with male characters for five years, and then disappeared around the time the original story started, telling me to be happy…

“If you hide in a corner like this, you thought I wouldn’t be able to find you?”

Ten years later, the main male protagonist Daniel, a self-made millionaire from southern Maine, came to visit and bought up all my debts,

“Who’s this?”


“Rose, who made you this way.”

Colin, the sweetest person in the orphanage, asks about my well-being with an eerie atmosphere, and,

“I can’t sleep. But I think I can sleep if Rosie is here.”

The cute youngest brother Lucas whines as if he has separation anxiety.

Why are these guys who are supposed to be obsessed with the original female protagonist doing this to me?!

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