I Became A Squirrel Seeking For The Villain


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I became a Shinsu squirrel capable of stopping a mana rampage. It’s said that a Shinsu can become human if it absorbs a large amount of mana. However, my current owner had a significantly low mana level.

I was determined to become a human in whatever way possible, hence I approached the child who would become a villain in the future, and absorbed his mana.


I used my front paws to absorb the stray mana.

“Kyu kyung!”

I even dealt with wicked servants, throwing acorns at them.


He looked pathetic and lonely, so I patted him till he fell asleep…

“Uh… mmh.”

I never imagined I’d become a human being-

“Ni- nice to meet you?”

Certainly not in his bed!

* * *

In the main plot, the evil boy is summoned and taken to war. Initially, the mana rampage was intense, and his personality became twisted. But now that I’ve relieved his suffering, he’ll grow up to be a decent grown-up, right?

I was even adopted into a really nice place after becoming human. However…

The evil child had grown up and returned as a young man, and his condition was rather alarming…

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악당을 구하는 다람쥐가 되었다
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Aqua_the_idiot rated it
November 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Oh my oh my it's been some time a novel caught my eyes and I could not stop reading it~ love this! I really like Novels where mls are not just for show but actively participate (like not solving every damn problem FL faces) but when fl&ML become a power couple. Loved the twist of FL "possesion" in the story. Read this if you like romantic comedy, amazing leads, great background characters and resonable villains. 10/10
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