Holy B-Class Life


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B-rank hunter Yoon Pa-ran has a buff skill that she keeps secret from others.

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성스러운 B급 생활
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Recommendation Lists
  1. want to read 2
  2. Hunter/Awakener/Gate/Dungeon - BL
  3. There are too many stories on here Part 6

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/15/25 DarkStar Translations c56
02/13/25 DarkStar Translations c52
02/12/25 DarkStar Translations c51
02/11/25 DarkStar Translations c50
02/10/25 DarkStar Translations c49
02/09/25 DarkStar Translations c48
02/08/25 DarkStar Translations c47
02/07/25 DarkStar Translations c46
02/06/25 DarkStar Translations c45
02/05/25 DarkStar Translations c44
02/04/25 DarkStar Translations c43
02/03/25 DarkStar Translations c42
02/02/25 DarkStar Translations c41
02/01/25 DarkStar Translations c40
01/31/25 DarkStar Translations c39
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