Hey, Don’t Act Unruly!


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This is a story about an unemployed woman trying hard to find herself a man. However, she accidentally found a wolf instead.

Gao Yu Lan was framed by a colleague of being a lesbian. With photographs as evidence. As a result, she was dismissed by the company. The priority now is to quickly find a man to prove her innocence. Unexpectedly, she met a rogue called Yin Ze…a handsome, nice, warm and funny rogue with a cute and cuddly puppy called Mantou, plus a sweet and adorable niece.

There is a spin-off novel on Yin Ze’s friend, Dr. Meng Gu, and Gao Yu Lan’s friend, Chen Ruo Yu, in Ambiguous Relationship.

Associated Names
One entry per line
喂, 别乱来!
Related Series
Ambiguous Relationship (Shared Universe)
Finding Glowing Beauty in Books (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. a lil bit of life [slice of life/comedy/fluff]
  2. Complete Novels (Part 5) BG
  3. Classics
  4. TBR 2
  5. Binge-worthy (Modern) #2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/21/20 Foxaholic c50
08/21/20 Foxaholic c49
08/16/20 Foxaholic c43
08/16/20 Foxaholic c42
08/15/20 Foxaholic c41
08/15/20 Foxaholic c40
08/13/20 Foxaholic c39
08/13/20 Foxaholic c38
08/12/20 Foxaholic c37
08/12/20 Foxaholic c36
08/11/20 Foxaholic c35
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08/10/20 Foxaholic c33
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18 Reviews sorted by

keima rated it
November 15, 2017
Status: c9
4 for now since the chapters are still few, but it was super funny ?

Its about an MC who was framed ... more>>

many times! By her so called best friend, boss and co worker

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love-cutter rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c15
It's soooo funny. I'm so glad I didn't read this in public, else I'd have a hard time holding my laughter.

This is a story about a woman who gets fired for being a lesbian due to her fellow female coworker for reasons I will not spoil you with (... more>>

her female coworker is a valued employee who also happened to go out one night with her lesbian friend and got caught kissing in a photo

). Our miserable MC tries to find another job in City A with no friends and family (her family is in City C).

While drowning her anger in alcohol, the female coworker calls her to apologize and suggests that she bring a man to prove her innocence (which frankly is quite foolish since this coworker could just admit she lied and just makes the coworker even more annoying). (Thankfully, that coworker hasn't appeared much after her part was over) But our MC not only tries to bring a man home, she

steals his dog


The story's got me hooked ever since then though. Our MC meets a few unpredictable people just like the man from the bar. Really, it'll make you laugh like no tomorrow. And I have a feeling our male lead is


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darkclouds rated it
January 3, 2018
Status: c15
Rating: 3.7

Accused of being a lesbian and violating work ethics and other nonsensical rules, Gao Yu Lan finds herself unemployed and miffed with all the injustice against her in the world. She decides to drink her sorrows and find herself a man to prove everybody wrong. And that's where the biggest twist occurs.

She gets drunk, finds a man, injures him and steals his dog away instead.


She thus begins her extremely taxing journey of being entangled with the mysterious Male Lead and his life.

The MC lacks strength and lets herself be bullied by others. She isn't exactly a pushover but finds herself helpless in testing times. The ML, with his glib tongue and flippant attitude, and the added benefit of serendipity (for the ML) /a series of unfortunate events (for the MC) quickly worms into her life. But with time, we realise he is more than that. His family members are equally adorable and black-bellied.

My favourite character so far is the little girl, Niu Niu. She wants to eat at McD, but is denied at home. She conveniently places herself outside the eatery, pretends to be lost and cajoles the MC into buying her food with her adorable and pitiful looks.


I'm looking forward to seeing the growth in character and confidence in the MC under the influence of the devil in disguise. This is a light romance with hijinks and likeable characters. Translation is decent, ignoring the gripe with typos.
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Tyarena rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c5
MC and ML acted like a toddler. The humour aren’t funny and are forced. Translation is done by MTL and are confusing and headache inducing. It’s not a pleasant read at all!
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chande rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: Completed
After reading "Ambiguous Relationship", I really look forward to read this. ML and his family are definitely the highlight of this novel. ML is so funny and his cousin is so adorable. They successfully outshine MC who supposes to be a heroine.

However, I still love to see MC's growth from a timid woman to be braver after meeting ML. She could now face her past calmly and doesn't run away from conflict anymore.,

But it doesn't mean that I don't have any dissatisfaction about this story:

  • I actually dislike Chen Ruo Yu in this story. I thought she sincerely apologized to MC when she asked MC to meet for the first time after years of lost contact. But then she shamelessly tried to sell insurance to MC even after she knew that MC just lost her job. I knew she's desperate but it's still not cool. If I'm MC, I'll choose to severe the relationship with this kind of friend.
  • The ending is so abrupt and makes me so disappointed. I like "Ambiguous Relationship"'s ending better where we could see a glimpse of Chen Ruo Yu and Meng Gu's marriage and their blissful life after that. Really, MC and ML deserve better ending.
  • I hate the fact that Wen Sha never try to clear MC's name in her previous company and ML's sister, who is her girlfriend, never persuade her to do that either.
  • I really hope Yin Ning could have her happy ending. She really deserve it. But the author leaves her ending vague so I don't know if she really ends up with Guo Qiu Chen or not.
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tedy2004 rated it
October 21, 2020
Status: c1
It starts like the description actually, just it's different with that forced kiss on FL, it really gives me a sour taste with that kiss. I didn't even ask for the tag lesbians, even at the beginning.

Though this is my opinion, you can read it, secondly I don't recommend such.
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sangmaharani rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: Completed
This story has cliche setting where MC gets framed by her colleagues and cheated on by her (former) boyfriend and friend. But it departs from the those cliches by having refreshing characters, humorous tone, and non-toxic relationship between MC and ML. MC has people who actually cares for her, her family, her besfriend, and ML. The story itself focuses more on MC's self-discovery, self-healing, and gaining bravery through love and friendship.

I love that there are lots of things going on in the background. It gives a wider picture to the... more>> setting. Like in real life, the world doesn't only revolve around MC and ML. Supporting characters have their own life too.

However, I can't give this story a full star. The heaviest conflict happens before the main story starts. They are told in narration and dialogues instead of shown to readers in real time, or at least in flashback. I can't indulge in MC's feeling at her lowest point and thus, when they finally confront the source of conflict, it doesn't really give an emotional punch.

Same thing about the real first encounter between MC and ML. It happens years ago, and MC doesn't even remember. As result, I only know why ML feels so attracted to MC, but can't experience the feeling as if it's mine.

Still enjoyable story though. <<less
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sweetbitch___ rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: Completed
amazing read, loved a lot 10/10. The ML nd fls love nd chemistry is so funny and cute af. Love the shameless acts the adorable ML does to get the fl
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yumakichan rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c65
well, this is a kind of story that gives you what you expect from the "slice of life" tag. ML is not overpowered. He dropped school, has loans, handsome yes but not drop dead gorgeous. As a long time cnovel reader, I'm not used to have a ML who can crack up some jokes, act spoiled and be shameless. So I really liked him. And FL is also not that beauty and def. Has normal brain functions. It was just that she was a kind of person who couldnt say... more>> no to people and cared so much of people's opinion. But she was not that timid and she has her sense of humour.

it really shows the struggles of being raised in a small town where everyone knows eachother. I'm also from a small town and it's not easy to handle your life while every single person you know gossips about you. I wish it could be a little bit more detailed and I wish I could read the both sisters stories. <<less
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Kururisu Nikusu
Kururisu Nikusu rated it
April 15, 2019
Status: c29
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mshh rated it
October 8, 2018
Status: Completed
I read the rest of the chapters on catmeme's wattpad. The ML is shameless but he is hilarious in his dialogue. It was a good read, I wished it was longer since I felt it ended pretty fast after FL's problem was solved.

... more>>

I wish there a chapter on how they dealt with that pe*verted manager. And the scene at the class reunion - I felt the angst weren't enough for what the FL went through. But it is wonderful that she developed relationships with great people who have her back.

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God I love all the characters! They are not the usual clichéd types because they are imperfect and each one is unique from another character.

I thought the story is like the typical c novels where we have black belly boss and cute innocent but sexy female lead. Boy was I wrong.

... more>>

Yin Ze is quite the opposite. He is a rogue. And likes to play jokes on Gao Yulan. He didn't finish high school but came out victorious, with his restaurant being popular and all. I thought Yulan was the s*upid girl because at the start she did something s*upid because of being drunk. But after a few chapters it revealed Yulan is smart (not that smart), but hardworking, and strong. She's also not the type who trusts someone easily, and thinks before acting and does not get her heart fluttering easily just because a guy acts so sweet to her.



The side characters also have their back stories. The relationship with her best friend is not perfect. The other guy introduced in the story does not necessarily fall in love with Yulan. Yin Ze's sister is not the typical aloof or carefree sibling. And lastly the cousin who is ao cute and smart you won't hate her.


I also love that the story is very realistic and relatable. Kudos to author! The comedic tone is so spontaneous you will be able to relate. Even if the jokes are corny you will laugh because it was written befitting the situation.

Just read this guys. You will cry, you will laugh, and you will feel the sweetness rush up to your jaws. I love it. <<less
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xiyhan rated it
January 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Don't bother. FL is basically as dumb as any other C-novel FL. It was fluffy here and there but basically it's such a brain cells sucking kind of plot where they suck out as much braincells as they can kill. It's tr*sh, the ending is tr*sh too. There wasn't even a satisfactory karma to those who hurt the FL (granted she probably deserved it cuz she brainded asf). Dont be afraid to skim/skip chapters if you decided to pursue reading this. You won't be missing much tbh. You'll still get... more>> the plot (and as I said, there was no karma to all the villains so dont bother looking for it in between chaps). <<less
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tenshineko rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: Completed
It was an ok read, though I think the writing is rougher than Ambiguous Relationship, where the story runs concurrently but was obviously heavily revised as they don’t match up. The MC isn’t my kind of character, being occasionally weak willed and woe-is-me over very s*upid things. I had the urge to shake her a few times.

The ML is amusing to read about, but would get old quickly IRL. He’s a big prankster and playacts all the time, to the extent that it would be difficult to take him seriously.... more>> Probably the most amusing part for me was when they met, where alcohol played a big role in her actions.

The author should stay away from detailing any sort of business plans, as they don’t make much sense IMO. The antagonist was a fairly a cardboard villain without much substance to her. An ok read, nice and short without much drama. <<less
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Dayang_Dyan rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: Completed
this is much more hilarious than Ambiguous Relationship. ML is the definition of shameless. The side characters are also lovable
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March 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Very satisfying to read. There's not much conflict nor scheming although the FL gets taken advantage of a lot by others, the ML is a wolf who supports her to be more firm, like what he told her, if she falls into the water, he'll make sure that before that happens, she knows how to swim. So she's not totally dependent on the ML. There's a lot of fluff and a very mild smut. I think the story deserves some side stories for the side characters, esp the ML's sister,... more>> Yin Ning and Xiao Guo <<less
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attolia.irene rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: Completed
The low rating is really undeserved. I really liked this story as well as Ambiguous Relationship which takes place around the same time.

Recommend Foxaholic translation over plumlizi. I would have enjoyed the earlier chapters much more if I read the Foxaholic version.
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September 3, 2020
Status: Completed
the low rating kinda undeserved. Not good but not bad kinda novel.
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