Heroes Save With Their Bodies


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※ This book contains multiple s*xual relationships, exaggerated and explicit s*xual descriptions, and many unethical elements. Please be careful when reading.

「Rosé, a third-year employee of the Transmigration Planning Department’s aftercare team, ignores company policy and possesses the headquarters computer…….」

She accidentally transmigrated while working overtime!

It’s in a game that has been declared harmful by the review committee.

Now, in order to return home, she must raise her ‘ability points’ and become a hero.

But the only way to increase her ability points is to…

“You can acquire ability points every time you seduce a man who has a ‘target card.’ To be precise, it’s based on s**en absorption.”

She discovered a new talent that she couldn’t find anywhere else, neither in school nor at work.

Its name was s**en absorption.

[excerpt from text] “Could demons be conquered too?”

Oh my god. What kind of a lunatic would think of having s*x with a demon. Rosé thought she should really question the mental state of the creator god. But that aside…


Whether it was because of her elf-like mysterious eyes or her showy black skin, she was an attractive beauty who caught everyone’s attention.

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영웅은 몸으로 구원한다
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EmoniBR rated it
November 7, 2023
Status: prologue
Obsessed reader of this group and the works they help translate for the world. I have to say this is my latest favorite. Great balance of smut and and a good storyline. My only issue I would have to say I have regarding the work is due to my bias. I would prefer the MC be a little more aggressive/dominate and a little more intelligent. But, I understand this might be due to the fact that she is still getting used to her "situation". Overall, a great read so far... more>> can't wait to read the rest. <<less
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jiafeistan57 rated it
January 17, 2024
Status: c10 part6
Definitely one of the best smut stories about there. It's gimmicky and corny at times but I've also laughed really hard at some moments. There is a good balance of smutty fun and light-hearted fun. There is a good amount of fetishes showcased if you enjoy a story that isn't insular and tries to include many. The plot is good too! The author was smart about making the smut necessary for the story, because once it ends the story continues! There is no lull in the pacing due to it,... more>> so I was never bored once.

somewhat a spoiler, but more explicit uncensored thoughts


I'm not against dubcon in stories, but what I enjoy about this story that when it occurs the protagonist isn't sad about it. I know that sounds weird lol, but with context, s*x literally levels her up and helps complete her goal AND it's enjoyable for her! I dont like s*x scenes that are depressing because they didnt want to engage in it. S*x is supposed to be fun imo, and this story reflects it.

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