Hello, Sunbae


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Jae-hee took a sip of hot coffee. I can’t sleep when caffeine goes into my body.

“Have you finished drinking?”
“Good job.”

Jung-hoo smiled. The sound of him putting the mug on the table was especially loud. Then he stood up and approached Jaehee while loosening his tie.

“You’re… now…”
“I’m not going to let senior sleep tonight.”

With her eyes wide open, she looked at Jung-hoo nearing her.

“What are you doing?”
“Don’t you usually scream? Aren’t you going to scream?”
“Get out of the way, don’t mess with me.”

When he touched her lips, the lips suddenly opened and Jae-hee was surprised and tried to let go of his hand. However, Jung-hoo grabbed Jae-hee’s hand and pressed it against his lower lip.

“I kept thinking about you.”

His moving tongue touched Jae-hee’s blunt calluses on the tips of her nails slightly. The hand holding her own was a fine hand without any callus. She was suddenly bothered by her calloused hand that was being held.

“What are you thinking about? I’m still speaking.”

White teeth bit her itchy finger.

“Sleep with me. Sunbae just nod your head. I’ll take care of the rest.”

As I lowered my head gently, I could feel his black eyes examining my actions one by one.

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안녕하세요, 선배님
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2 Reviews

Jun 30, 2024
Status: Completed
Other than the smut part, I thought this novel was good. It suits my taste. I even cried a few times on a flashback part, about how she struggled to face the world at such a young age, how she didn't give up and kept fighting for her younger brother.

Some parts of the translation were a bit confusing, but it still so much better than the mtl, thankyou tl-nim.

Just give it a try
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Feb 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Our boy imprinted on her 10 years ago so when he found her the second time, he didn't waste any time to swallow her. I'll admit that smut was hot, even though I wasn't really interested in that aspect... The plot sure is... there. But it bored me in the 2nd half when it got even more cliche.

She kept leaving ML even without a note while he had abandonment issues (originated because of their past) and he was "salt" fcking her at the slightest chance. They weren't equals exactly so... more>> it bothered me. We know that he's her soulmate but she doesn't know that. Well, she enjoyed herself at least... But then kept running away.


The sickness arc was ridiculous, he called his family doctor in the middle of the night to check her subsided fever.


I would give this a higher score if they spent more time with each other rather than proposing on the 7th day (?) of their reunion. So quick! Doesn't matter you were close 10 years ago, you two are different people now. You don't know each other that well.

Anyway, maybe it just wasn't for me. <<less
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