Happiness Consists in Contentment


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Liu Fang, a manager, died suddenly at work due to being too diligent.
She thought that she would turn into a wisp of dust and dissipate after her death, but she never imagined that – the new century, the new underworld, even if she became a soul, she would still be a worker!

Liu Fang has become a newcomer to the underworld Quick transmigration Department. In order to wait for a good reincarnation, she strived to accumulate merit and traveled into one world after another to repair the way of heaven.

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知足常乐 快穿
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7starkiller99 rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Novel 100% not recommended to read.

Author writes an extremely bloated, boring, and pointless novel about a Female Mary Sue like MC who dies and then enters the underworld Quick Transmigration bureau to get merit so she can reincarnate faster. This is quickly skimmed over so that MC can be dropped into various pampering situations.

The first arc (1-22ish chapters) is really the epitome of everything wrong with this novel.

You have extremely wordy background explanations of Mc’s family and her life situation: (she is the youngest of 18 sisters with tons of... more>> brothers and lives a pampered life) where everything goes perfect.

Forget romance and action, MC is just a perfect contented woman who does stuff because her family wants her to. Author introduces a poor but smart man scholar who is instantly shocked and obsessed with the MC who soon proposes marriage to her (despite this being quite ridiculous as he is poor). Then MC has a fairy tale like wedding where the poor man promises to have only her as his wife and they get married. Author immediately shoehorns in some plot intrigue about this super amazing female princess who should be empress and then we learn about how she becomes empress. What about our Mc? Well she’s sorta there being happy about her idyllic life.

The novel is thoroughly empty, with the author continually either preaching to the reader or occasionally adding fodder to be made fun of for how s*upid or wrong they are. Ultimately an extremely pointless and weak story where the MC is just there to enjoy life but yet not have one. -900Nonatillion/10.

P.S. This is basically just wish-fulfillment for someone wishing their life could be perfect after death and that everything would be perfect for them. It’s bland beyond belief and comical how the author attempts to inject any sort of tension. You don’t worry about Superman being shot by a normal gun and you don’t worry about the Mc’s family suffering any sort of a loss of status or danger when she has a super powered family of more than 40 caring siblings who also is connected to both the royal family and the army. <<less
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annhsu0222 rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly, I could see why people would call the MC a Mary Sue, everything pretty much always goes perfectly for her and she always excels whether she wants to or not. However, my favourite part of this novel is that it shows there's always good even if there is bad.

The MC may be strong and clever but never becomes the main character unless she has to. She believes in staying low until things occur that she morally disagrees with. I do think that in order to make the MC look... more>> logical, the author word vomits and maybe jumps through a few hoops. But I like how nothing is irredeemable, she changes the fate of those who turn into villains. Maybe it occurs too perfectly but I just really like wholesome, feel-good relationships. Also a strong protagonist even tho people may fall for her left to right but I like how the main focus isn't her love life. Her powers, tbh it's definitely broken with how physically strong she is but honestly, that's the extent of her powers (tho it's depending on the world).

A kind of unique part of this novel is how there are multiple love interests and the MC marries them but they don't meet again. Maybe it's unrealistic for the male leads not to have concubines considering that most of the arcs are in Chinese historical settings. But I don't mind. I like how she tries to live each life to the fullest and the way she tries to complete missions. Another unique point is how many tranmigrated, back to the past, side characters are. I like how they may have the same beginnings but not always the same ends.

in conclusion, this is a very messy review but yes the MC is a bit Mary Sue, the wording convoluted but it was a heartwarming and relaxing read. If nothing else I really recommend you read the exchanged at birth arc, it's my favourite and really lovely to read, plus you can read it as a stand-alone.


like in one of the arc's, two side characters transmigrated but one learned to make the most of her life, became happy in her own way and at the end, didn't fight to get the emperor's attention. While another also transmigrated and tried to become rich but became a pawn in politics but at the end, mostly escaped that fate and was happy.



there is definitely heavy patriotism themes in some of the arcs tho, so if you're uncomfortable with that I recommend not reading the novel.

okay wait that arc with the crazy emperor was kinda messy tho but damn what an insane series of events.

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lop777 rated it
July 6, 2023
Status: c10
Alright, I like that the story change from the typical, evil mother, step or concubine mother, sister, must take revenge, faceslap everyone around, arrange a couple mu*der or r*pe with the help of the super everything male lead and then get happily married. It's always nice to see different things. It's very slice of lifey so far with little conflict.

Now beware it's MTL, with little to no edition, I have to admit that there are whole part of the fic so far where I just coundn't understand what was going... more>> on.

I'm not gonna keep reading, no point if I miss half the stories but i'll keep checking here to see if there's been any edit to the chapters. <<less
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kayree2002 rated it
June 1, 2023
Status: prologue
I'm usually all about the revenge and face-slappiing, but it's pretty nice to read a QT novel where the family actually gets along. And by family, I mean an ancient family where the legitimate and concubine children aren't constantly scheming against each other and being used by their parents to gain favor. It was pretty refreshing and just a nice change of pace.
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December 1, 2022
Status: --
This is a good series to get into if you done reading a dramatic, tragic, and mentally draining story.

It didn't have much tension but I could see where tension could happen. What make me enjoy this novel is the author didn't really reveal the original owner tragic story, but proceeds with the story blindly. We don't know what would happen or what was happen. For me who like to read many QT story, is fun to gues5 where the plot point is and what actions MC take that make her... more>> story line diverged from the original owner.

The only downside of this novel for me is a bit to wordy and explain a lot of things.

I don't 100% recomend to read this, but people should give it a try. Is a good marysue story, happy go lucky story.

I should also add this, I only enjoy this because the way I read it. Is not much fun if you read it plainly, especially the long explanation part. Which I don't think is even necessary. <<less
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