Grant Me Grace


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The Day of the Oracle. A beautiful gift from the gods, Hissin, has appeared in the desert nation of Bahran.

A young princess, Dahlia of Bahran, encounters Hissin at the temple one day…

“You’ve learned so much in such a short time.”
” I know everything about Bahran.”

For a man who couldn’t remember anything but his name, he seemed to know a suspicious degree about Dahlia,

“It’s only a simple step, Your Highness.”
“For this night, it will be just the two of us.”

He kept leading Dahlia into forbidden territory…

“Only by falling into the filthiest and ugliest of places can I find favor with the Princess.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“You don’t like the filthy and hideous.”

But to Dahlia, who was tormented by her divine powers, the touch of Hissin’s hand was an irresistible poison that could soothe the pain.

“What can I do.”

Could he really be the devil who would lead her to her doom?

“The kind of man who wants to hold you.”

Or perhaps he’s an angel who might save her from this hellish world?

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Please give me grace
은총을 허락하소서
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