Fantasy Family Simulator


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After crossing over to a fantasy world, Rhett finally becomes a minor noble at the age of forty— the Lord of Hawkeye Town.

It is then that he discovers that he possesses a special ability.

Staring at the options of [Text Simulation] and [Real Simulation], Rhett hesitates before choosing [Real Simulation].

[Do you wish to start Real Simulation? Each simulated day will consume 5 Destiny Points.]


[Real Simulation Complete. Please choose one attribute to retain.] [1. Constitution] [2. Battle Qi] [3. Mental Power]

Fantasy simulation, lord’s territory management, family growth—more exciting content awaits you!

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Aventura
  2. Life Simulation type novels , male mc

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/17/25 NO_NAME c186
02/16/25 NO_NAME c185
02/15/25 NO_NAME c184
02/14/25 NO_NAME c183
02/13/25 NO_NAME c182
02/12/25 NO_NAME c181
02/11/25 NO_NAME c180
02/10/25 NO_NAME c179
02/09/25 NO_NAME c178
02/08/25 NO_NAME c177
02/07/25 NO_NAME c176
02/06/25 NO_NAME c175
02/05/25 NO_NAME c174
02/04/25 NO_NAME c173
02/03/25 NO_NAME c172
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New tropezero rated it
February 7, 2025
Status: c49
It's not bad persay, but not really that great either. More specifically the MC's system seems a little meh. Oh, and the names keep changing... you can guess who it is by context and the similar spelling most of the time, but it gets tiresome after a while. Also noticed a few examples where I'm pretty sure the names were swapped around. Otherwise the scene wouldn't make logical sense.


His consumption of points far out weight his gains... and it feels like he uses the simulation (foresight) a bit much. Then again his family seems to always be in danger of having one or more deaths. But the predictions he gets are pretty flawed. I don't know if it's fair to call it an unreliable narrator because at the end of the day it just leaves the MC guessing most of the time because it lacks important details. It's like his simulated self is ran by the worst AI ever. It never investigates anything and just attempts to brute force every battle. Usually with less than satisfactory results. I get that all of this is probably the author's attempt at adding tension in what would otherwise be overpowered. But it feels a bit to contrived imo.

It also doesn't help that each simulation he runs is basically the same year again and again, with mostly minor changes. There's a lot of repeated events and it ends up feeling like how some anime overuse flashbacks.

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Miss Ruby
New Miss Ruby rated it
January 25, 2025
Status: c28
This is an okay story but the tone is very flat.

I suspect the reason for the flat tone is both thanks to the author and the translation. The names of the characters keep changing every few chapters which makes me think that this is MTL but edited.

I am always interested in these kind of stories so of course, I started reading but the premise is interesting but the execution falls flat.
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zhanxian rated it
December 3, 2024
Status: --
a solid 3 star story. the writing is fine, and the translation is good. but the mc's powers remove most of the tension and mystery from it. His first power gives him a quick and dirty checklist of personal/family events to watch for which allows him to dodge all major problems he might have, and his second power lets him dupe the effects of rare items and experiment with dangerous challenges with no risk or consequences to himself or his family. It makes things kind of boring and removes a... more>> lot of the emotional pull anything might have. For example:


one of his children has no talent for anything. And awakening talents in people is very risky. So he just uses the simulation to test different potions to see which one could make him awaken. His first attempt causes his child to explode into hundreds of gory chunks. He does similar things to himself. But who cares, it's just a simulation. I don't mean I don't care... the MC doesn't care. He accidently kills his son in his first experiment then decides he doesnt want to waste this round of simulation and lives out the rest of the day with his son's dead body rotting in the room nextdoor. It makes logical sense to do that but also makes the MC come off as a kind of a psycho. The author puts in a line or two about how shocked he is to make him kind of not seem uncaring but it isnt very conviencing.

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