Evelyn Dale’s Broken Dream


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Evelyn Dale’s dream shattered one autumn day.

The day her fiancé, who had sworn love to her, inherited the Dukedom.

‘To put it simply, this is a prenuptial agreement.’

Jared, knowing that writing was as vital to her as life itself, demanded that she cease writing to maintain the dignity of a Duchess.

That night, Evelyn ran away from the Ducal residence and left the Trissen Empire.

Three years have passed since then.

She found great success as a bestselling author in the Kingdom of Ritten, but Evelyn’s resolve not to return home remained firm.

“Empress Reinus wishes to meet the author Dennis Howle.”


“Miss Evelyn Dale. She wants to meet you.”

Until Bryant Clifton, the head of the publishing company, came to visit.


“Please spare some time before we depart. We need to get to know each other a bit.”

Surely not. Evelyn furrowed her brow a little more.

“Mr. Clifton, are you coming with me?”


“All the way to the Empire?”


Evelyn was at a loss for words, staring at Bryant’s face. She needed to refuse, but no suitable reason came to mind.

‘I need to provide a reason why I can’t accompany him. An objective and logical reason.’

However, no matter how desperately she thought about it, she couldn’t find a way out.

It was a predicament.

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