Disaster Strikes


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In the world of “Disaster World,” Chen Mo finds himself reincarnated into a realm devoid of the sun, moon, or stars—a world without vitality. To survive, inhabitants must become calamity wielders, plundering resources from other worlds to sustain themselves.

This dangerous world is a place where beings learn power systems from different worlds and attempt to create power systems unique to themselves to evolve into higher-level lifeforms through the mysterious Tianhua Quantum Technology.

Taking on the name “Traveller,” Chen Mo traverses from one world to another, plundering resources to grow stronger in this ruthless environment. He witnesses the painful self-immolation of bio-reconstructed people in evil laboratories, the wailing of castle wars in the misty Worm Sea, and the despair sealed by ancient cultivators in ruins and he experiences the gaze of monsters that appear once every thousand years in the cycle of day and night.

As terrifying demon gods invade through torn spacetime rifts, they are torn apart by antimatter weapons. Civilization, born from the smallest dust, launches a great ecological extinction. Chen Mo realizes that the vast and magnificent wars in every corner are merely epitaphs on the road to self-destruction for the insects that rose later.

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3 Reviews

Apr 18, 2024
Status: c1007
Don't know whats the deal with Iiloveme reviewer, but I guess I just skimmed over mc"lusting over every woman". Where is no romance and thats good. There is only a semblance of it further along the plot (but its more like close friendship). MC practices mentioned skill just a certain number of chapters too.

people are contradictory by nature, what's strange about helping others on a whim?

anyway, I will leave it at 4 stars for now, whether the plot will reduce the score or keep it, we will have to see... more>> in the future.

It is a somewhat interesting mix of cultivation systems. MC's "cheat" is not that pronounced too, at least the plot acknowledges that there are people with similar or stronger gifts. (And the cheat is that he literally just have more time to grind before dying)
I wouldn't say that the main characters are somehow brilliantly written, but at least you remember and distinguish them. <<less
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Mar 10, 2024
Status: --
Finally a biochip system novel..... It's been a while since I saw one. It's too early to leave a review. I hope this will become a fantastic novel. Thank you translator boss for picking such unique novel.
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Apr 12, 2024
Status: c200
you will think MC is a natural person indifferent, he even practices a skill which he has to have no s*xual relationship with woman which mean no romance obviously but this guy is a pe*vert (lusts over every woman then says with regreting that can't do that) and helps everyone like hero which he isn't. It's disgusting.

But thank you for the translation.
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