Deep Pivot


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Due to trauma, the esper Ji Seo-joon refused to have a dedicated guide. He had been receiving low-quality guidings for years due to his aversion to contact with guides and repeatedly low matching rates.

In front of Seo-joon, who was on the verge of exploding from accumulated fatigue, a guide with a miraculous matching rate appeared.


The protagonist with an unprecedented figure, Cha Yeon-woo, was still a high school student who hadn’t even graduated yet. He was thrown into the field without undergoing training, as if they didn’t care if he died.

“Uh, I’m not a kid. I took a year off, so I’m twenty years old… I hope you don’t say I’m too young, even if you don’t know the other reasons.”

Seo-joon couldn’t help but feel itchy in his chest at the innocent and dedicated appearance of the rookie guide…

Associated Names
One entry per line
딥 피벗
Related Series
Success Oriented Guide (1)
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Declaration of Extra Strike (1)
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The Life of Low Level Espers’ Max Level Guide (1)
Dawnlight (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Hunter/Awakener/Gate - Guideverse
  2. Guideverse
  4. Hunters with plot, family/love relationships, not ...
  5. Danmei; has been read (1)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/13/25 Spring Of Romance c114
02/06/25 Spring Of Romance c113
01/30/25 Spring Of Romance c112
01/22/25 Spring Of Romance c111
01/15/25 Spring Of Romance c110
01/08/25 Spring Of Romance c109
01/01/25 Spring Of Romance c108
12/26/24 Spring Of Romance c107
12/19/24 Spring Of Romance c106
12/11/24 Spring Of Romance c105
12/04/24 Spring Of Romance c104
11/27/24 Spring Of Romance c103
11/20/24 Spring Of Romance c102
11/13/24 Spring Of Romance c101
11/07/24 Spring Of Romance c100
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4 Reviews sorted by

late_nights rated it
June 7, 2024
Status: c50
Both the MC and ML are green flags! The MC actually annoyed me a bit at the beginning because he’s so kind hearted and pure that he seems like a pushover but he’s actually very resolved and I love how his character develops. The dynamic between the MC and ML has to be my favorite part of the novel! Their relationship feels very realistic and they’re so sweet together. The plot is also well written and suspenseful!

Shoutout to the translator too! They’re a newer translator but so far I have... more>> seen zero issues and the chapters read smoothly. <<less
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sugar_plum rated it
May 28, 2024
Status: c40
I love it so far. A earnest puppy dog top (and guide!) committed to his super cool OP esper *chef’s kiss*. I love their dynamic. They’ve both been through a lot, but every time they’re together, it feels so right! I’m really excited to read more.
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riyu rated it
November 7, 2024
Status: c6
This had more body horror from the ML than I was expecting from other reviews and the description

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It's implied ML tore off his previous guide's head and possibly ate some of him while they were "guiding" and that's why he has to be muzzled and doesn't want deep guiding now???


It also makes ML and his supporting medical staff's approach to MC quite dubious, particularly in the way they're getting his "consent"


MC clearly doesn't know any of this and they don't tell him about the stakes involved, for example, even down to even the abort button they give him in the treatment room with ML. MC clearly thinks it's just a stop signal, like maybe to the staff outside, when it's actually a "call in the national guard" type situation and ML continues to... not tell him? Even when he can see MC going to press the button??? Also why give him the button there when ML can so easily stop him from using it anyway... orz why am I expecting logic from webnovels...


So this is a case of dubcon because MC is not fully informed. Maybe it gets better; it's certainly nowhere near the worst example in the genre, but I was going in expecting something fairly sweet and "green flag", and this ain't it. I'll update this review if I give this story another shot. It otherwise seemed like a fairly typical sentinel/guide story, but decently translated and nicely readable. Darn getting lured in by pretty cover art 😂 <<less
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QuietCherie rated it
October 19, 2024
Status: i forgot
I’m writing a review because I think this story is a bit underrated. I’m not done with it but it seems pretty interesting so far. I love the relationship between the MC and ML. MC is sweet and soft but can be strong when he needs to be and ML is so pitiful (his circumstances) but also strong.

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I left off at the part where an S class esper that died/ killed in Russia death led to no more gates opening in Russia. So now this organization is coming to kill ML and warn others to do so as well so that the gates may be stopped.

S class Espers for some reason feel really drawn to the gates/rifts ML almost walked in once but was stopped by MC


I might have confused some facts because it’s been a while since I’ve continued reading because I’m letting it marinate. <<less
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