Cinderella Did Not Leave Her Shoe


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In the middle of a grand ball, my fiancé cancelled the engagement. The reason was…

I tried to avoid the cancellation of the engagement, but it wasn’t meant to be.

An unfortunate pitiful lady and a stubborn general.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sakkon no Cinderella wa Kutsu wo Otosanai.
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Pleasure Dome
  2. Romance but make it happen at a ball/castle/tea pa...
  3. JP Romance/Reverse Harem
  4. Absolute 10/10's
  5. Quick and Dirty

Latest Release

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03/21/21 Zubeneschamali ss 6 part1-2
03/07/21 Zubeneschamali ss 5 part7-8
02/13/21 Zubeneschamali ss 5 part5-6
01/03/21 Zubeneschamali ss 5 part3-4
12/20/20 Zubeneschamali ss 5 part1-2
12/13/20 Zubeneschamali ss 4 part3
11/29/20 Zubeneschamali ss 4 part2
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11/14/20 Zubeneschamali ss 3 part2
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28 Reviews

May 15, 2018
Status: c24
This is an interesting read so far, but my only gripe is that there are a lot of side comments from the translator throughout the story. It gets really annoying to read through. Trust me, it's not just one comment per chapter, it's a large handful sprinkled in throughout the chapter and it ruins the moment. Other than that, the story is cute and light. Would love to try to continue reading.


This is straight from the translations:
I called it up in my imagination and said inwardly, "Thank you for protecting my c*otch till now!" It was better to let it go, I decided. (Zuben: hahahaha, let it go)

77 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 01, 2018
Status: c24
The story isn't bad so far.... it's just that I can't bring myself to continue reading because the translator's comment are just too many.

And when I say too many, I'm not kidding. REALLY

They annoyed me so much that the story didn’t looked as sweet as it should have been. *sigh*
72 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 11, 2018
Status: c20
The story is quiet different and fun to read. The translation is pretty good and the translator's comments are hilarious!

Give this story a try!
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 18, 2019
Status: Completed
Just a fluffy novel. The downside is that I felt the story was written by a kid and not an adult. What's with the "let's be friends" phrase. that's overuse to me. Another downside would be the translator's comments in between the story which sort of cut off the story. It's sort of annoys me that every now and then the translator interrupts the flow of the story. The comments should be place at the footnote. Really gets me on my nerve

As for the smuttiness of this novel... It left... more>> much to be desired. <<less
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Apr 28, 2018
Status: c4
If you have a favored pair of underwear that you wear all the time then you'll understand why it can be dangerous to run in a skirt.

Learn from Cinderella and don't lose yours!!

Funny and amusing, short and fast. Very easy to read.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 18, 2020
Status: Completed
The story is cute and has a huge potential, however, the translator's comments were so many and really unnecessary. It kinda affected my reading experience in this. Plus the translations are often confusing and the pacing is rushed. The smut scenes are also kinda unsatisfying.

The ML is sweet but FL is air-headed and only got 2D personalities, their characters are kinda too shallow. The only good twist is...

... more>>

Julia, the other girl of FL's ex fiance (Eugene).. is actually a man.

Julia (who is really Julius) liked the FL and only wanted Eugene to break the engagement bc he knew that Eugene is a jerk who doesn't deserve FL. He wanted her to be happy.


Julius is my fav character tho. <<less
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 13, 2020
Status: Completed
This is story about unusual cinderella but instead of leaving a shoe, she left a... panties which is mistaken by ML as a handkerchief. After their bizzare first meeting, he starts to court her despite their age difference (he is literally almost as old as her father). And then they live happily ever after. The end.
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Apr 30, 2018
Status: c15
The story is refreshing. The characters are fun to read, especially the female protagonist. At first I was skeptical about this kind of story (which usually has a s*upid reason to cancel a noble engagement) but the story itself was cute and fluffy.

The fast pace and multiple POV were a plus too. And I love the fact that both male and female lead are mostly oblivious in this case.

Totally recommended.
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 28, 2018
Status: c53
A quick read despite the 53 + extra length. The entire thing was a romcom from the start.


Especially when you realise that the reason Fredericka went away quickly from the ball in the beginning wasn't because she was heartbroken, but embarrassed and panicked because her old sidestring panties have come undone and she's a minute away from losing them.

Which she did.

And then someone picked up.



The first 20 or so chapters are completely riddled with the TL's comments/tsukkomi so that might be off-putting to some. I found them funny though.
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May 20, 2018
Status: c3
The main characters feel balanced and human except maybe that the General seems a bit naive. It's funny but doesn't dwell on embarrassing moments for the sake of slapstick. Feels almost Austen in it comedy when playing with the rules of noble society and the kind of ridiculous situations it can make.

The age gap between the leads is treated as an issue but not an insurmountable one. The General's surprise at his attraction to the lead proves he's not simply interested in young girls which is a huge point in... more>> his favour. I like that Freddie (I'm calling her that and you can't stop me) is allowed to be womanly. She has breasts and hips and enjoys beautiful jewellery and lacy underthings (heh) not the humble, waifish MC of most shoujo genre. Liking sparkly things isn't a crime!


The father's unsubtle courtship of the General for his daughter also reminds me of Austen as with nobles you're not just marrying an individual but an entire family, anyone of which could cause a scandal and get you in no end of trouble so you'd better be sure how well you like your in-laws.

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Aug 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Lovely novel to read !

I read it in 1 day, there's is no unnecessary drama.

The smut is okay, nothing extraodinary.

The MC are adorable <3

The commentary of the translator are fun and if you don't like it, just don't read them. IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT !
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 19, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the best japanese novels I have read!! I really like it a lot!! Although the translator’s comments are very annoying. The plot was really good. I recommend it but the translator use a lot of commentary so you might get annoyed. For me, it was really funny!
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Apr 28, 2019
Status: --
I didn't see this here, and there was no smut tag where I was, so I was pretty darned surprised. Starts like typical fluff but devolves. Basically lolicon. She's a very young 17 and he's a kinda old 35. The relationship between the two is creepy and based on nothing but smut. I deleted it with tongs shortly after they got engaged. The only reason it isn't a one is that something must re reserve for truly horrible writing and vile events. Don't get me wrong, s*xual content can be... more>> fine (see Assassin Farmer), but it isn't here. <<less
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Jan 22, 2021
Status: Completed
A fluffy, silly and simple story.

Slightly ecchi, but mostly focused on a typical cinderella story (well, the FL is really silly - might be called an idiot even - and the story could be summed up in 4 sentences).

There is a running commentary of the translator-sama. At the beginning of the translation you will find a warning, so any complaints about it later on are simply dumb.

... more>> I personally like the comments. Though I can also ignore it when reading when I feel it is too much.

All in all, be AWARE that there are comments.

Back to the story, it is so simple, easy to read - if you need a break from tragic, complex and dark novels, read it. <<less
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Oct 12, 2020
Status: Completed
A light and fluffy read with plenty of amusing moments. It is coupled with some hilarious comments by translator Zuben. My only issue with the story is that it, at times, feels like a shoujo heroine placed in a smutty josei rom-com which can make for some odd dialogue. However, it is still a fun and easy to read story, that I binge-read in one afternoon.
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Apr 20, 2020
Status: c26
What a s*upid story. The plot is dummy, the characters are idiotic and I can't even laugh.
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Jan 03, 2020
Status: Completed
Truly a great read!! I picked this one up cause I thought the premise was funny with Cinderella dropping her panties instead lol

Loved this novel it was funny, full of fluff with the mutual pining between the 2 main leads and I loved the dynamic of the characters and what I loved most is- no unnecessary drama!!!

Plot is straight to the point and easy to read although there is a plot twost towards the end that I didn't expect.

... more>>

Not gonna lie, I teared up at the epilogue with that "Happy if you're happy" note. I didn't expect to get emotional with this book since I thought this was just a cute fluffy novel.

I felt bad for Julius, he lost before he even had a chance with Fredericka but I'm glad he moved on from that and had a mature decision in the end. Fredericka had no obligations to love him just because he did her a great favor. Also if your whole reason for loving someone is because they were kind to you that one time, you may have to rethink that "love" mate.

Anyways, "Julia" truly is the MVP, story wouldn't happen without her.


Also fair warning to anyone, this does contain a bit of pe*ophillia since Fredericka is 17 and Brennan is 34 but you also have to remember that this was on a different timeline. This was based on old aristocracy where women are married off young and also Brennan is a good man, he has full respect towards Fredericka.

Overall 4/5 for me, but I added an extra star for Julia because she's best girl. <<less
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Oct 08, 2018
Status: c52
This one gave me a few good laughs, the NSFW parts are fairly short and aren't exactly all that steamy, but they are there.

Grammar: 3.9/5

Writing: 2.7/5

... more>> Story: 3/5

The grammar is pretty good, a few places where there are errors, but nothing really detracts from the story.

The writing is decent but could use a bit more description. The NSFW scenes need some work as they felt rather... underwhelming.

The story is okay though it could have done with a bit more on the condition of the antagonist, it works well as a short story. I would really have liked something concrete to happen to the antagonist since he had committed lese majeste in front of a crowd (even should it have been part of an act, lese majeste would have been punished with execution 100% of the time, that's why plays that mocked kings were done in secret instead of openly).

Overall, it was a light and fairly fluffy affair of a read, not much in the way of deep romance. <<less
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Sep 02, 2018
Status: Completed
Sugary and Cute. The translator's comments aren't as annoying as you would think, so don't let the comments above put you off if what you want is a sugary story with some smut in it.
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Aug 31, 2018
Status: Completed
Sugary and very cute. Loved the translator's comments!
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