Children of the Rune – Winterer


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A thousand years have passed since the great ancient kingdom suddenly fell to ruin for reasons unknown and became the ruins known as the Mortal Land. It is said that four weapons had become the keys to the kingdom’s destruction. Meanwhile, a young boy is left all alone in the midst of political strife and conflict and is fleeing from his enemies while clutching the sword Winterer, his house’s treasure that was passed down to him, in his hands.

The hidden powers lurking inside the sword reach out to control the boy as he struggles to survive. In the end, he has no choice but to race toward the future in order to beat back the harsh winter that glooms over his childhood.

Eventually, he meets a secret society that is trying to succeed a lost civilization and is greeted with their truths and lies. Whose fault is it that the shining legacy they inherited has disappeared? Will the boy manage to find the narrow path he must walk in the midst of his enemies who come to challenge him and his saviors offering him their hands?

Associated Names
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Children of the Rune
룬의 아이들
룬의 아이들 - 윈터러
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1 Review

Jun 22, 2024
Status: --
I tried to write a balanced review without spoilers. I think it pretty much covers the overall feeling for people who would like to read it. Many Korean readers think it's one of the best fantasy novels they ever read. I don't share this opinion. Still, despite its shortcomings, I think the story has A LOT of potential. I just wish the writing style was better ToT.

Webtoons don't have as much of an issue with transitions and "Show, don't tell" as novels. So I think I'll patiently wait for the... more>> adaptation unless I've got a dire need to know what happens next ^-^.


  • Atmospheric Setting: The novel sometimes has vivid descriptions of the environment like at the very beginning we could read: "a swamp covered by rotten weeds that were all tangled up together like a witch's long locks". The author effectively uses them to set the tone and create a strong visual image. The atmosphere is nicely put.
  • Character Dynamics: Right off the bat, a stark contrast is drawn between the warm relationship of Boris and his older brother vs. The tension between their father and uncle. This distinction leaves a clear line that establishes the characters' different views on how they treat family. This helps us to get emotionally engaged with them.
  • Character motivations: Clearly established.
  • Foreshadowing: world building + political tensions + Boris' premonitions + ominous atmosphere -> build anticipation for future events & hook readers.
  • Magic: Adds an interesting layer to combats and the world MC lives on.
  • Political intrigue: More thoughts have been put into it than the vast majority of novels on this platform. Kudos for that.
  • Translation: Very good.
  • World-building: The author continues to develop an intricate fantasy world with its own monsters, magical abilities, mythology and social structures.
Areas for improvement:

  • Character distinction: The writing style doesn't clearly differentiate between characters' voices.
  • Dialogue: the dialogue could use more subtext and character-specific quirks to make it feel more organic. Let the characters reveal the political tensions and personal histories through their interactions and conflicts rather than explicit exposition. Some dialogue exchanges feel overly expository. While some conversations are necessary to establish the political backdrop, it could benefit from more natural integration into the action and setting to avoid info-dumping. They feel unnatural, especially during intense moments.
  • Info dumps: As I noted, there are several instances of info dumps, especially regarding world-building. While this information is interesting, it could be integrated more smoothly into the narrative.
  • Pacing: The narrative slows down due to extensive exposition and background information, which disrupt the flow of action. Some sections feel too drawn out and lack tension/urgency. The author should have allowed readers to piece together the larger picture through the unfolding story rather than shoving the info dumps down our throats.
  • Transitions: The shifts between different character perspectives and locations could be smoother to maintain narrative cohesion.
  • Show vs. Tell: Important details and character emotions/thoughts/motivations are explicitly stated instead of being revealed through action or dialogue. Many times I've been pulled out of the narrative because of the author's shortcomings at "Show, Don't Tell". The immersion truly is disrupted by how frequently she tells us how this character thinks and feels.
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