Chaotic Sword God


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Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hun Dun Jian Shen
Hỗn Độn Kiếm Thần
Related Series
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (6)
Coiling Dragon (6)
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Chronicles of Primordial Wars (4)
True Martial World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Evil Protagonist
  3. Fantasy. Adventure. Action.
  4. A history of a vetran reader (70 novels)
  5. Novels read ranking

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/25/15 Hosted Novel c60
07/25/15 Hosted Novel c59
07/25/15 Hosted Novel c58
07/25/15 Hosted Novel c57
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07/25/15 Hosted Novel c54
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125 Reviews sorted by

Jagsaw rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c821
This is merrily an opinion on the story, I always do recommend reading something yourself even if it doesn't have the best reviews doesn't mean you will not like it.

This is truly one long story if I do say so myself, But that is a good and a bad thing for this story. For people who need something to kill a lot of time this story is alright for that. However sadly due to it's length large sections of the story are way to draw out leading you to feel... more>> like you reading about the same conversation, fight, narration, etc for a very long time. But at the same time there are sections that in my opinion aren't drawn out enough leading to confusion on the overall topic of the sections at hand. The character development is at best sub par and lead a lot to be desired in my opinion. The plot of the story and it's arcs can feel very repetitive as you read through seeing as the author recycles a lot of plot developments.

So overall it's an ok story that can fill a lot of time out of your day if needed, but it is sadly not a memorable story to say the least. An as I at the start this is mainly just my opinion of the story, you may personally really like the story who knows. Just give it a read and find out for yourself. <<less
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DubZer0 rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: c1054
If your looking to kill time, it's worth reading. Want to read quality work, don't waste your time.

A mediocre story with good translations. The MC is useless, just keeps running from one danger to the next, the entire story. He forgets or has to leave his friends, every hundred or so chapters because he managed to piss off somebody he shouldn't have, and 'mysterious forces' will have nefarious plans for all his women, even those he's completely forgetten (he has two at the moment, his family decided fiance and the... more>> one he actually cares for [who he hasn't thought of in several hundred chapters for some reason]. <<less
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July 22, 2017
Status: --
Rate is 4 stars. Rating it at 5 to offset some of the low star ratings.

There are a lot of fillers as text. You can skip a some chapters and still not miss any important details.

But in spite of that I found this novel entertaining, I read 700+ chapters in 1 week.

This the type of novel where you skim/skip read. If you read this word for word, you will go crazy due to the irrelevant sentences. If the translated 700+ chapters were consolidated in around 300+ chapters this will be... more>> really good. <<less
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hilexcruz rated it
June 30, 2017
Status: c650
Well I've had enough of all your pranting and noises. This story is as enjoyable as any other xianxia novel out there, in fact which other novels have the mc's not gone around stirring trouble everywhere, massacring an entire sect for one person mistake or running away only to come back stronger for revenge.

Why we all read these novel am sure is not for the realistic things but for the fantastic and exciting fight scences and cultivation methods.
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Zeikfried rated it
April 29, 2017
Status: c400
Don't let the name Dugu Qiubai fool you. If you had any hope for a novel in the same vein of Louis Cha's works you'll be sorely disappointed. This has nothing to do with "Smiling Proud Wanderer" or the Condor Trilogy. And ditto to the people voting 1-2 stars. ___________________________

The fact that even this got a manga adaptation is proof that these production teams value quantity over quality. It is 2000 chapters of repetitive nothing leading nowhere. You could argue that manga like Detective Conan or even One Piece... more>> also repeat and lead nowhere, but at least there are elements of originality there. Chaotic God Sword is literally the Xianxia/Wuxia webnovel tropes on repeat over and over again. It is essentially cut and paste. <<less
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grandplex rated it
January 6, 2017
Status: c590
Well, this was pretty good, until he reaches a certain point in his growth... then the author decides he will have him travelling around, doing basically nothing, not growing in any way, and spending 8-10 chapters each on how he's going to watch some random person anywhere from half a realm, to even 2-3 realms weaker than him, slowly slowly build up to attacking him, then dying in one move, this one move taking about two chapters usually. This has been going on for a couple hundred chapters, so I'm... more>> having trouble bothering to read this anymore, author clearly is dragging the story out in an extremely annoying fashion to just pad chapters, if this was a dozen chapters, fine, a hundred?, I'd take off two stars, but we are at 200+ chapters of this now...1-star. <<less
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September 9, 2016
Status: c522
This story has no plot or direction, but I don't mind.

It's a simple reincarnation story with nothing particularly rage inducing, and some epic moments sprinkled in.
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322dream rated it
July 5, 2016
Status: c425
Slash to the throat! Nuff said. However, this trick has been used over and over again that it makes you numb. At first it was awesome, but as the author kept repeating the same move, it becomes less awesome/special. Also the author kept making chase scenes which lasts for many chapters. I don't usually mind the MC running away because I know it is part of a tactic/strategy but when the chase scene lasts for 5+ chapters, it becomes annoying.

Other than that, the premise and setting of CSG is just... more>> like your typical reincarnation novel. A supreme/superior martial artist reviving as a child along with his knowledge and skills from his previous life. Added with some original elements from the author, the whole novel becomes quite enjoyable. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
June 28, 2016
Status: c390
The story is not bad. There are a lot inconsisties in this story. But the Action and Blood is worth reading. I really like this for the Cultivation & Ranking system that is easy to understand. I love the way Author describes the World which justifies the MC actions. Its a Cruel and Harsh place with limited resources which leaves you with no choice but to survive. But just like any Wuxia. The Author ignores a lot of its Characters and discards them. (Suddenly pop up too conveniently)

... more>> Ill say this here and now but the Romance sucks. Don't get me wrong the way he meets each girl was good but once it becomes over used.. its plain boring right?

The first girl he met was Romantic. Pretty girl who loves books meets him in the Library like a Fateful meeting. Both become pretty interesting but suddenly she is discarded in the story leaving no more room for character development. Suddenly the next girl and then the girl after that... the female heroines just become so Plain and hardly have a personality anymore. The good Impression they gave before is short because after a few chapters they are discarded.


The Novel keeps changing Arcs every 10-20chapters. Its because of this that the Characters don't really feel real. It leaves no room for Character Development or to grow attach as a Reader. Its very short.

Character Development: None
Romance: Yes but too plain
Comedy: Well hardly
Bromance: Pretty Good
Creative Ideas: Yeah but not used to its full potential
Action: Really good

It's fast and very short chapters. It's a decent read. It could had been a better story though. After 200-300 chapters is when this Novel will truly begin... sadly
Btwn. You will be reminded a lot about Kirito. The fighting style the same

I love the foreshadowing it gives. Since the beginning the MC had used his old power and knowledge from his previous life to adapt in this new world that has different powers. When he lost all his power that he got from this world. He only has his old abilities to rely on. Which have always been OP since the beginning. That's why he is called Chaotic Sword God. The Author ideas aren't bad but he's written this story way to fast. The way he shows the MC growth then kills off the MC abilities inorder to bring up his full potential at that very moment. Alas its sad that the whole story a mess

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Master_x01 rated it
June 26, 2016
Status: c489
Well... it's a good average novel out the rest in this site.

True to the word of many here this novel is something that made you feel that the autor doesn't have the minimal idea to where throw this novel, like this: At first the autor portail the Azulon Sword Law (The MC cultivation metod that he brough with him when he reencarnate) as some very special cultivation tecnique, 40-50 chapters later it vañish like it was another average tecnique and you see the MC cultivating like everyone else, and... more>> the around the chapter 300 the Sword Spirits told him that the Azulon Sword Law was a cultivation metod that came from a deity lvl character or something like that... practicaly throwing every other metod in the tr*sh pile.

Also the MC is very bipolar, since the beginning the guy goes from a bloodsheed to another, in a killing spree to another (practicaly all this novel is like that) and later the autor portail him as a relatively quiet character (humble if you like) that change from ruthless to this in a whimp and change his decisions made one day in the next...

So to resume, is a repetitive novel with a ruthless trouble-magnet MC going killing nearly everything that cross his path, with a plot that you don't see going to anywhere and that change occasionally throwing things into oblivion and taking it back chapters later.

The only thing that is good here is the apparent power that the autor have to make you wanting to see the next chapter despite that this is mostly average if no outright bad novel. <<less
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Ironfist Sect
Ironfist Sect rated it
April 8, 2016
Status: --
Start is amazing. MC isn't holding a billion skills that get dropped and forgotten after a couple of chapter either. Very lean and clean. Only issue is that he is too detached from everything in this new world and is only merely a guest the entire time with the way he acts. The bonds he shares with people is kinda weak and those it is stronger with you don't see often. Another issue is his goals. Jut wants to get stronger and faster and stronger and faster etc. Pretty good... more>> still <<less
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Nedrey rated it
April 8, 2016
Status: --
I felt that it had a good start, but then it just lost direction/dragged out random arcs too long. 3/5 because I enjoyed the beginning
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readingdigest rated it
March 26, 2016
Status: --
It’s apparent that the author had not thought out this story before he started on this novel and is mostly improvising as he goes. More often than not, we find our hero sidetracked for much of the translated chapters out so far. Each of his little adventures in and of itself are not terribly written, but fails to stand up to scrutiny when viewed as an entire story. The reader finds himself exasperated as the story recycles the same sequence of events.

The MC triggers the ire of vast number of cultivators in which a slaughter ensues leading to cultivators stronger than the MC chasing him until he nearly dies and is left for dead. He is then rescue by residents of a reclusive village in which he finds himself having miraculously leveled up. This happens when he was facing Earth Saint Masters and again when he faced Heavenly Saint Masters. It’s seriously lazy writing.

Like many other reviewers have said, the fight sequences are very dull and repetitive affairs that hardly made use of the MC’s past life as a master sword practitioner standing at the pinnacle of the martial world.

And the solution that the author found for his overused sword-to-the-throat fights was to turn the MC into Aang from Avatar. He literally became bald and hairless and controls the elements instead of fighting using a sword. It’s unreal. The entire first 400 chapters worth of cultivation is meaningless now because apparently cultivating in this world is not good enough for our MC.

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alexn rated it
March 18, 2016
Status: --
Not boring as some people say, chase phase has its own importance for the plot. There is almost no romance+mature combo yet (review 393 chapter), BUT there are girl characters at least and girls exist in that cultivation world (issth fails on this part tho), and MC meets girls sometimes and this fills the "romance hole" that some people said and eventually, you feel like its okay. MC has his goals and he knows what he needs to do. MC is very smart, he knows when to strike and when... more>> to retreat. He gets his cultivation resources mainly from his own hard work (sometimes from bloody baths and robbery), so there is no deus ex machina or other divine tricks like in issth or mga. His previous experience and skills closely linked to his new life and that is his main trump card - this part seems similar to other novels but has its own charm. Basically, in my opinion, this novel is better than WDQK, MGA and almost on par with TMW. <<less
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05rsales rated it
February 18, 2016
Status: --
The story is very good, love how the MC struggles a lot and finds ways to win the fights.

The only thing negative I can say is that during his adventure he gets like 3 side missions more than he completes his current tasks... And then it takes over a hundred chapters before he goes back to finish 1 and by then he's already got hundreds of things to complete... Anyways one of my favourite novels. I wanted to wait wait until the chapters build up before I read em but... more>> I can't help myself.. Have to read everyday! <<less
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
January 26, 2016
Status: --
If you haven’t read the reviews before this then you may or may not want to read mine. Depends. (Hope you read it though :-))

Chaotic Sword God had an extremely good beginning like... top notch. I loved it so much with the school, his talent, his past but... it seemed like the author got sidetracked. A lot is repeated, but it is still a really good xianxia. In my opinion.

And except for the repetition problems (typical xianxia stuff) it is in no way like mga. The mga MC... more>> is a pe*vert and a complete jerk (no offense to the fans). The csg MC is at least likable and he isn’t a huge hypocrite. He’s not trying to make a harem, but accidently does so overtime.

Csg is a typical xianxia, but it has some uniqueness. I just wish the author would have kept some things going from the beginning. I feel like he forgot a lot of stuff. I’m pretty sure he’s going to bring it back in, but it irritates me for some reason.

Hope you try it out. The rating for this is a four, but it’s a bit hazy for me. A definite five for the beginning though. A three in some parts. A one for the typical mc-accidently-peeks-on-an-short-tempered-annoying-girl-scene (-_-). A four for the most part. I want to give it a five but... ehhh. <<less
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Panda rated it
December 3, 2015
Status: --
Novel is really nice to read but u need to save up cause cliffs are strong with this one. I'm pretty sure there are no other characters than MC that got more than 2 sentences description and a few more for conversation before disappearing or dying by MC's hands. If u like a loner type protagonist who just gets stronger for the sake of being stronger then its definitely for you. There was some plot at the beginning, but it feels like author forgot about this or will just mention... more>> it when he gets ridiculously powerful. <<less
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Bob fred
Bob fred rated it
November 23, 2015
Status: --
Good read until chapter 140, everything after that seems to be pointless as plot doesn't progress at all..
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Melakias rated it
October 22, 2015
Status: --
The premise of the story's pretty cool, Strong Guy achieves a kind of enlightenment moments before death, instead of passing on, he reincarnates into a world of Martial Arts where everyone gets a cool Soul-Weapon if they train enough. Main Character ignores normal training and goes for his previous life knowledge, people take him as tr*sh initially but once he trains the actual world's cultivation quickly rises up in power.
Of course, things don't always are good, 'cause of pride of another cultivator MC's forced to run away, change his name and face to escape the country.
A note about later development.


Sadly some developments took a weird turn around chapter 90 when the MC 'adopts' a crappy group of Monster Hunters, they die and MC goes all broody, which in turn makes him clash with a local Power's main son, then the MC goes in a kill spree, he even taunts people to come and catch/kill him so he can kill them and/or steal their possessions.

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DarkArts rated it
October 18, 2015
Status: --
There seem to be a few inconsistencies at the beginning but it gets better after a while. Also, the novel gets a bit repetitive and is a bit boring around the part with the Magical Beast Mountain Range or all the throat and heart stabbing but otherwise it’s a nice read.
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