Chaotic Sword God


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Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hun Dun Jian Shen
Hỗn Độn Kiếm Thần
Related Series
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (6)
Coiling Dragon (6)
The Desolate Era (5)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (4)
True Martial World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Evil Protagonist
  3. Fantasy. Adventure. Action.
  4. A history of a vetran reader (70 novels)
  5. Novels read ranking

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/18/19 Hosted Novel c2176
06/17/19 Hosted Novel c2175
06/17/19 Hosted Novel c2174
06/16/19 Hosted Novel c2173
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06/15/19 Hosted Novel c2171
06/15/19 Hosted Novel c2170
06/14/19 Hosted Novel c2169
06/14/19 Hosted Novel c2168
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06/14/19 Hosted Novel c2166
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125 Reviews sorted by

Stompound rated it
April 16, 2018
Status: c1859

I initially rated this as two stars for my reasons below. But I never stopped reading mostly because I'm already so deep. I just popped back in here to mention that the translator seems to be even better as time goes on. Improvements are obvious. Although I still don't think much of the story, I'd give the translator 5/5 for some quality work.

It's a very hard read. It starts off fairly interesting and has a strong setting but... Nothing much happens that's clever or fun to read.

Probably 80% of the novel is shameless old people bullying the MC and him running for his life and feeling upset about it.

He gets a really awesome sword at the beginning and shows cool sword techniques, but his technique gets seemingly forgotten so we can focus on a story of the MC always getting his ass whooped. After about 100 chaps of ass whopping he manages to scrounge together a victory with his endless supply of plot armor and then a new old man or woman shows up to oppress him again.

I can't think of a single character of the older generation in this story that I could possibly respect. They are either bullied timid losers or huge jerks that constantly think of oppressing or stealing from others. Just a bunch of shitty or crazy daoists.

Basically. The plot is garbage and the characters have nothing good.

Ranting aside. The translation seems good and the release rate is awesome. I hope this translator picks up something better when they are done.
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NEOSSPACE rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: c1377
I've never fallen in love with action the same way I've fallen in the action of Chaotic Sword God. As I read it, it felt like Christmas and Santa just kept on giving.

I don't know about others but for me The idea of using the unique Azure and Violet swords were awesome it felt so new to me. At-least compared to other MC's that just relied on pure cultivation it felt certainly new.

Though I must confess no matter how much I loved this novel I ended dropping it. The reason???... more>> Its still ongoing. So I thought dropping it a few chapters after the MC first ascended would be good instead of suffering the fatal blow of a cliffhanger.

That being said: READ IT!!! ITS AWESOME!!! <<less
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alexrotten rated it
November 7, 2017
Status: c512
I never thought I would enjoy this novel THIS much. The story is full of ups and downs, truly a roller-coaster of emotion. A bit slow at early chapter, but the flow is very captivating for me. I am truly blessed, this novel makes me happy. Screw those who give bad review for this title, they should just go back to reading d*raemon.
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acoleman2 rated it
November 3, 2017
Status: c701
Lots of negative reviews. I won't directly address each issue they raise. Instead here are the reasons you should read this novel:

  1. High quality translations and a lot of completed chapters, plus Gravity is the official publisher now and will release ebooks.
  2. One of the few cultivation novels truly focused on the sword for the MC.
  3. MC actually goes through trials and tribulations, he does not have an easy time growing stronger.
  4. NO ROMANCE. I can't emphasize enough how refreshing it is to have a cultivation novel that doesn't have romance in it (so no harem, no smut, no misogyny, no lolis, basically none of the crap that ruins other novels)
  5. It's just an enjoyable story. It's a classic of the genre. If you don't like this then you just don't like the genre.
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August 17, 2017
Status: c761
CSG was the first LN I have ever read.. To hear that it is now n\a - such sadness.. I had hoped to let it build up a hundred chapters before carrying on in a bulk read like fashion.. Had I known earlier I would have kept up to date with it!

What I like about this story & that it had kept me submersed was MC - his struggles etc. For those that enjoy a good sword slasher - adventure, this will do nicely.

Other readers comment about plot holes etc... more>> - I did not notice any while reading it.. <<less
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Parpaing rated it
March 22, 2017
Status: c640
The characters become too diluted and start serving as foil for the protagonist after around 400 chapters, the story's pretty well written and the power system gets refreshing after 500 or so chapters. There is filler conversation which serves no pratical purposes and annoys quite a lot. I quite like this novel but it's starting to get pretty dull and I wonder what kind of interesting plot could make it revive.
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scribbledoutname rated it
September 12, 2016
Status: --
You've probably noticed by now that a lot of people enjoy this story but are giving it low ratings anyway. It's because it's pretty enjoyable in and of itself, but the author will make you rage by randomly doing away with common sense to try to twist the story in arbitrary directions. Characters suddenly do s*upid things for the sake of the author's agenda.


- Jian Chen's clan members are getting their asses kicked by an OP member of a group that's come to capture him. They're fighting to protect him at his father's orders. Only... Jian Chen is strong enough to solo all of them. He's just hiding his power. He could fly out and destroy them and save his clansmen, but instead, when his mother is afraid and asks him not to go, he just says okay and continues to watch a fight in which these guys could be slaughtered at any moment. WTF!? If he flew out and revealed his power he'd not only save the people FIGHTING TO PROTECT HIM but make his mother happy by letting her know he's a peak expert. But nope, the author has an agenda, so f*ck common sense!
- There's another point where Jian Chen is invading Eagle Kingdom or whatever. It's explained that there are millions of soldiers inside Eagle Kingdom's garrison, and 500k elite units on Jian Chen's side. A clash between Heaven Saint Masters would result in a massacre, and Eagle Kingdom's men are densely packed so they'd take massive losses. Instead of sending 500k men ahead, why didn't Jian Chen and the other Heaven Saint Masters just attack directly? Since Eagle Kingdom's men are stuck in one place, the shockwaves would decimate Eagle Kingdom's soldiers. After killing or capturing the Heaven Saint Masters, THEN they could send the 500k elite soldiers to deal with the injured remnants. Seriously!?!?
- A personal pet peeve of mine is how Jian Chen abuses the Qianqun (?) Kingdom's Imperial Advisors and soldiers for his own selfish desires, leading them into an unnecessary war they have nothing to do with without having done any services for the kingdom.


There are more incidents than this, and you WILL rage, but all in all it's a good story that's well worth reading (until the mid-400s to early 500s, where it takes a noticeable dip in quality due to Jian Chen's s*upidity/the author not thinking stuff through).

I agree that Jian Chen bounces around without really committing to any one goal, but the story does stay interesting throughout.
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March 27, 2023
Status: c589
Before I rip the bandaid off and start with tackling this clusterf*ck I need to come clean.

I was entirely unfamiliar with cultivation novels, let alone the genres that define the what goes where until I think August of 2022 when I came across "Crystal constellations". The novel is being published on Scribblehub and while I was looking for some wholesome yuri at the time I didn't think that it'd send me careening down a rabbit hole this deep. I dipped my toes into the tame waters of Scribblehub only to... more>> dragged into the pond that is RoyalRoad before being mercilessly punted face-first into the sewer systems of Wuxia, Xianxia and Xuanhuan. And this descent into the dogsh*t that is Chaotic Sword God has not been pretty.

The first two actual CN novels that I began reading were actually pretty good. Chronicles of primordial wars and Demon sword maiden had been an extremely promising start to my cultivation journey. But then my dumbass thought to scour deeper. I mean, second page on the search results kinda deeper. That was a mistake...

From Legend of The Great Sage, to Martial Peak to Chaotic Sword God, I have banged my head against a wall so many times that I attained the Dao of Blunt Force Trauma. I have managed to take the term "muscle brain" literally and refine it into a mantra to follow when reading CN novels; read first, ask questions later. My sanity these days is as mighty as papier mache due to the constant buzzing of "YOU DARE!" and "IMPUDENCE!" in my head. No, seriously, how in the flying f*ck did I ever go from the wholesome yuri of Crystal constellations to the thirst trap that is Demon sword maiden to CSG?

(side note, I also have beef with DSM's main charcter but I could let it slide cause there's fanservice. I like fanservice.)

Alright let's address this absolute mess of a novel and let's do it quick.

First problem, this novel faces the innate problem of sparse dialogue. The protagonist pretty much behaves like a blank canvas for you, the reader to slot yourself into... But that's not actually intended. Jian Chen in the earliest parts of the novel has very few he could call his own people. On top of that, his own principle of "an eye for an eye" did him more harm than it ever did good. Jian Chen basically doesn't get to interact with people through dialogue, making the bulk of the buildup being lost in the infodump sauce.

Second problem, charcters. In particular, the enemies. Like, "Cookie cutter" doesn't even come close to describing these pathetic losers. They walk, talk and act like they are procedurally generated. Not a single thought exists betwixt the hairy ti*s of these apes, but in the off chance they did, they instantly get converted into sworn brothers of the MC.

Third problem, the combat. Almost all of it is the same. The MC lusts after his enemies' throats. The number of times he's punctured enemy vocal chords, and in the process, my determination to continue reading the novel is terrifying. In all honesty, the combat in here reads like a bunch of toddlers slinging mud at each other's faces; it's boring as all hell 95% of the time, the remainder of the 5% is where MC gets his ass raked over the hottest bed of coals.

Fourth problem, the repetitive formula. The whole plot of the novel can be distilled into a set of steps, namely;

1. MC goes to location 2. MC meets people of interest 3. Said people turn into enemies 4. MC kills/ injures enemy 5. Enemy sends strong support villains to kill MC 6. MC barely manages to escape the enemy 7. MC goes back stronger to sh*t on the enemies. And repeat ad nauseum.

I have plenty more material I could use to sh*t on this novel but I'd rather not. I'm growing too old for this shit. <<less
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CapaxInfiniti rated it
May 6, 2022
Status: c3069
I made it this far into this story and I can only say you should just avoid it. Any problems the characters run into they approach it and try to solve it in the most painfully s*upid of ways. None have the slightest bit of intelligence. All characters see things in purely black and white with no in between basically despite the story showing otherwise. Finally the author themselves seems to just be writing words to make up word count instead of giving a crap about the story as a... more>> whole. The worst part is that the author has created a story that not only do you know how it's going to end (which isn't totally an issue if the journey there is fun) but you also can so very easily understand very early on the way the story is going to progress. What could have been fun and enjoyable is just a pile of garbage honestly. <<less
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demongordon rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: c600
Do you Really like the "youngmaster plot": (where someone being a son of someone with some status make trouble for the MC for no reason? And then they escalate that and now the MC has to fight the elder and the whole clan?) (literally almost all villains until now are like that)

Do you wish for the MC to do "dubious" decisions despite claiming his previous life experience? Often escalting further his conflicts (with the local powerful clan) ?or paint target on himself? Do you want to watch MC... more>> run away from pursuit of local clan time and time again?

No? Then this novel is not for you.

Meanwhile the dialogue and character interaction improved slight at later parts but it always feel very stiff, and you have to take at face value some of MC relationship, in special with the "flaming mercenary" that made really little sense by how much would be important later on.

Somehow the novel made 100ch of drawnout curbstomping without much story or power progression, so aside from dozen the new goons/ bland love interest orbiting him it felt like feller This novel fight start with more wuxia-style, where speed and skill can overcame raw total power, if is not too far apart. With even a later shield penetration ability to pass higher cultivator resistence. But that don't remain for long and the usual who throw more elemental attack win, in special with his high penetration buff.

I was intrigued by the unusual powersystem and the fact that the MC last life seen to be from a wuxia world. <<less
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Valixiant rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: c20
The novel is kind of a mess, and I can't really bring myself to like any of the characters here.

The main character, despite having a mental age of around 35, acts like a child. He literally gets provoked by the most childish provocations ever. Also, doesn't he feel bad about beating up children who have less combat experience than a fish? You would expect him to be able to ignore the mob characters that provoke him, but I guess not.

Also, speaking of provoking the main character, why? He literally got... more>> 1st place in the freshman competition, beat people of a higher realm than him, so why is everyone intent on making him an enemy? Hes not even a commoner like most novels with a similar setting, hes a noble with a very high status. Literally a chapter or two before some random noble picks a fight with him they talk about how every noble gets taught etiquette, so surely they would know that making pointless enemies is a terrible idea. Speaking of which, the logic the main character's enemies use is some of the most ret*rded stuff I've ever read. I mean, the enemies couldn't even hit him once in the competition, and he effortlessly deals with them, so what gives them the idea that having a round 2 will change anything? Atleast get some special illegal pill that increases your strength or something, it just makes me feel like my IQ is dropping.

Overall, poor novel, reincarnation trope seems like the only reason is to give the main character a ridiculous advantage. <<less
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June 11, 2019
Status: c2664
I cough up with chinese raws/ongoing

IDK why but I love this story maybe my expectation isnt that high or Im person who finds story easier to understand better than some complex story :D I read few reviews from u guys with 3stars and lower and I didnt find such thing u wrote down :D maybe thats because I storted this novel after reading its manhua and thanks to it I could easily imagine how MC and others looks and how the powers works I did the same with Peerless martial... more>> god that LN is 10/10 for me

That mean Im just novice at reading and I read just to find enjoyment in light novels.


The story is so interesting with his chaotic cultivation in new world and the bottleneck he is going to face that no one ever surpased with his type of cultivation and the tower of light. I like how author didnt forgot MCs healing powers and introduce us to new power with this cultivation combined with classic and healing power the power of soul and our MC is 8th person in the sage world and they are the royal of the healing cultivators coz they can use both fighting and healing but healing cultivators dont know these secrets so they are mortal enemies with the royals coz they are just plebeians.



We finally find out who is the winged tiger god and he is one of the fricking top powers of sage/fairy world and MC helps him with breaking the seal which sealed him for few thousands of years thanks to TRUE CHAOS power that MC achievs after this deed


BTW its my first review so dont sh*t talk me I know its not proper review how it should be but here u go xD <<less
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freedom1x rated it
February 16, 2018
Status: --
Got bored, Very typical and sometimes frustrating.

I have read some novels, and my novel drop rate is not that high. But this one is one of them novels I dropped recently.

Good luck! I do not want to tell you how much I do not like this one. Everybody has their own preference, this one is just not mine.

Sorry, Up to you to judge. But I find it a bit surreal. Can't put into detail buy my feelings for this novel is that I should forget about it. I cannot put... more>> it into words much. But in the end you decide.

All I can tell was that I did not enjoy this, And it feels like a burden to continue. <<less
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: c856
This novel was really boring for the first 300 chapters and I was really considering dropping it, but decided to just keep reading since I was bored. I'm glad I kept reading because the story just got better and better from that point on. Sadly, romance is non-existent so for those who want some romance, you will be disappointed.
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TagnumElite rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c625
I truly enjoy the story, then why do I rate it so low? Because you can skip 700 chapters out of the already translated 801 chapters as of writing this and still know what is going on (Exaggeration but you get my point). The MC has two states OP/Coward. He is either overpowered to the point that he can annihilate kingdoms but be scared of one guy. He doesn't know what romance is nor does he who can easily detect changes nearby him can see that a girl/women right next... more>> to him are in love with him. <<less
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rockinroll39 rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c718
While I will agree with some of the other reviews, on certain points that is, mostly about the slow pace thus far, but personally I love this novel. 30 chapters ago, I would have rated this between 4-5 somewhere, however recently, were jumping into some real plot, especially the last 10 or so chapters, where some things finally go wrong for the MC, and hes not just constantly lucking out.

So while many may find the "loop" boring, there are a few times in the chapters where certain events that take... more>> place have an impact on the later chapters of the story.

So, with that said, I personally believe that this story is more of a personal preference for some rather then others.

I personally don't care to much for MGA while others love it, but I gave it a try (800ish chapters) and it didn't give me the same happiness as other got from it. Simply my preference. So others are raging at this novel, when that is simply childish, and are discouraging others from giving CSG a try when they may like it. <<less
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Yuzu rated it
January 19, 2017
Status: c565
Reason I first liked it was because it used one of my fav characters from Jin Yong's novels' shared universe as an opening!!!

though it really is a disappointment at how the author portrays him anyways. Gives a bad impression to the man who seeks defeat.


It was a hit when I first began reading the translations when the started popping up on GT. Then... it went down hill as I read and waited, read and waited. The plot slowed down like he pulled the breaks hard almost as if all his gas was used developing the first set of chapters.

After the first 50 or so chapters we enter a period of 'mercenary recycling' that makes the Endless8 from SuzuHaru look amazing as it makes sense as that ties into the movie. As for CSG... it's like what.... 300 chapters of mercenary life back and forth with recycled antagonist personalities where the MC rarely gets any stronger and the author attempts to build more on what the world is all about, these weapons, etc that it makes it very boring to read.

By the time you get past all that does the story gets any progress in plot. Of which the MC gets faster boosts in strength in 100 chapters than it did in 300 that it took getting here. Around the 450 point was it iirc that the whole 'chaotic' part actually become relevant to the story.

You know what really urks me the most? How all his opponents die with a slit throat!

Only positive part I've felt was that there was no harem or lusting in these 500 chapters, making it decent enough to warrant 2 stars.
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kedar080340119014 rated it
May 7, 2016
Status: --
Its a good filler while waiting for chapters from your favorite novels.

The author goes to a whole lot of trouble to make various plot points which can be then used for future story. However, they are rarely touched upon. For instance, the mystery behind the annihilation of the MC's mother's paternal clan. It is mentioned on and off in few phrases through out but it is always the same content. After it introduction to this plot point in chapter 40 or 50 it is hardly touched upon and now we are at chap 450ish. This is ridiculous. Secondly, the some where down the line, MC starts aiming to build strongest mercenary corp in continent but that too is hardly ever mentioned after that aim of MC is mentioned. Thirdly, in just one chapter, author completely blows open entire world building. I.e. When MC's soul and sword spirits merge in chap 300 or 320ish (don't properly remember). The Sword Spirits communicate with MC and tell him that they can increase in power after he absorbs chaos energy. But unfortunately, this world (i.e. The plane of existence in which MC is currently) has meager chaos energy. Also, the cultivators of this world are too weak in strength. This gives an indication that after MC becomes strongest in this world, he will probably ascend to some higher plane (my speculation) (and bear in mind we are already at chap 450ish). This is too long content without any plot development.


--->Worth a casual read if u r bored or waiting for translated chapters of ur fav LN.
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August 16, 2023
Status: c135
At first I felt that maybe it would be ok if I turned my brain off and read it...

But the s*upidness just kept piling up and up.

I kept lowering my reading threshold... yet it kept getting worse.

Read at your peril
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DicerX rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: c1432
The first 1000 chapters are somewhat different and fun to read, but the author dragged unnecessary things for so long, giving the false impression that X or Y characters are essential to the plot and so on. Only 300 chapters later for you to realise that you were only reading filler chapters while the author struggled in forming a plot.


Slow progression, plot holes and side characters are given too much background and importance. Cultivation system that is thrown into chaos after every breakthrough. Not to mention how "dao guardians" are... more>> introduced every now and then.


Good novel to waste time on, feel-good moments, and the MC is op.

Frankly, the only good thing about this novel is the cliche of the MC getting chicks pregnant only for said chicks to hide it from the MC whilst raising the child in secret. You would wish that would happen in real life, but child support services would be on your ass in no time. I suggest only reading 1300 chapters and sleeping on the rest. <<less
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