Ballad of the Beast


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“We’re of different species, so it’s unfounded for us to go into heat for each other. You’re gentle and kind, so I think it’d be okay to live together. What do you think?”

The boy nodded shyly. It seemed like a good agreement. For starters, wildcats were skilled hunters. She had also heard they were good at swimming.

‘Now I can eat meat and enjoy as many fish as I want.’

Since Sohwa hadn’t properly learned from her mother, she was clumsy at hunting. She barely remembered the last time she had eaten meat. Having a nimble wildcat friend seemed reassuring.

“I’m fine with anything as long as I’m with you…”

“We should start by changing that title. No more ‘mistress’; call me Sohwa.”


“Yes, that’s much nicer to hear. Then I should call you… hmm.”

She didn’t know where he had come from, nor his age, so how could she know his name?

“What should I call you?”


The boy who claimed to know nothing clearly spoke his name.

“Please call me Dohwi.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Forbidden Odd Melody
Living With Dangerous Beasts
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Recommendation Lists
  1. [Demibeast~shapeshifter] (KR)
  2. Read!!!
  3. the "male yandere" tag is actually yandereing
  4. Korean asian rofan novel (wuxia/martial arts)
  5. All Time Supreme Favorites

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/03/24 onedaythreeautumns c32
11/26/24 onedaythreeautumns c31
11/19/24 onedaythreeautumns c30
11/12/24 onedaythreeautumns c29
11/01/24 onedaythreeautumns c28
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09/08/24 onedaythreeautumns c21
08/25/24 onedaythreeautumns c20
08/18/24 onedaythreeautumns c19
08/11/24 onedaythreeautumns c18
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