A Butterfly Through the Mist


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The second son of the Davenport Ducal House and the top student at Arkansis Royal Academy. And officially, the best scumbag at the Academy, second to none.

A man who seemed like proof of an unfair world. So different from herself, who was desperately trying to escape her own tr*shy family.

Tilia Ambrose hated Ilex Davenport.

But who would have known?

That she would end up in the same bed as that prestigious scumbag.

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1 Review

New Natalie21
Jan 25, 2025
Status: c48
The gorgeous novel!. The best in its genre. Smart, strong, charismatic heroes. An interesting story. No romanticization of violence! The chemistry between the characters is captivating, you want to reread it again and again.
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