9 Heavenly Thunder Manual


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The main character Lei Yu does not have the ability to practice his family’s martial arts. He gets stepped on and tossed around. Due to certain reasons, he leaves the family, coincidentally gains an ability, and makes his own path to becoming an immortal.

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35 Reviews sorted by

sleib rated it
February 12, 2016
Status: --
Action, pretty women and cultivation. well I do love xianxia novels.... this is not on level of swallowed star, panlong, issth or some really good xianxias but it's still entertaining to read.
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zetsuen_dark rated it
May 16, 2020
Status: c660
(Warning: Might be different to my other objective reviews. Although I'll try to be as objective as possible, please forgive any ranting I make.)

To be honest, I don't really mind the racism nor the r*pe tag in this story. 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual has your classic xianxia protagonist: so-called tr*sh, stumbles upon a great art/hidden power/met a mysterious person that changes protagonist's life, and then proceeds to be a stud.


As mentioned earlier, the plot is average. Young master considered as tr*sh goes away from home before stumbling upon... more>> great power. Then it follows xianxia novel's stereotype of plot progression such as: massive power boosts, face-slapping, and various fights due to some artifact. I was quite interested on how they would implement the 'modern day' tag but I ended up looking forward too much that I stumbled upon a rock beneath the path.


The MC is quite the surprise: cold-blooded, ruthless, and somehow arrogant MC that slays god when he meets him and slays buddha if he meets him as well. It was quite refreshing to see a decisive MC after reading countless novels that had countless of problem emerge due to a certain MC not killing a certain guy. But if only it was up to that point, I wouldn't have rated this 2 stars.

The side characters are bland. They're extremely empty. And it's not an exaggeration. You can probably find a random dog in the streets with more qualities than the side characters in this novel. Often times, I would say that the harem is debatable whether it's a good or bad thing, but in 9HTM, the harem seems extremely — redundant?

It's not because of the 'love at first sight' trope [although it's a major turn off for me personally] (objectively though it doesn't really matter) but the harem is more of a collection? Like a collection of stamps rather than a group of lovers of our MC. And it's not that the harem members are bland, it's more like the entire cast is bland. Other than the MC, which seems to have more personality since his thoughts are somewhat revealed, you can remove any certain side character, replace them with another character in another novel that does the same and you won't even notice the difference.

RANTS: (warning)


Okay, I put my rants in a spoiler tag because I don't like people to judge a novel because they saw a subjective, burst-of-emotion-type of review (although I seem hypocritical since I'm ranting).

  • One point in my rant is about the blandness of characters like ugh, it's such a wasted premise of a novel. Although I doubt if it would be a 5 star if it has okay characters, at least it deserves a 3.
  • Next would be the plot armor. Seriously, if all sorts of fortuitous encounter didn't exist I doubt MC would make it to the 100th chapter.
  • Another is of course, the racism. Although as I stated earlier that I don't really mind the racism, as it is a CN novel and you can't really help it if the author has to put racist remarks, (you can see in other novels that the author isn't really racist but has to put some racism in order to get more traction in Qidian) but the author has gone too far? Although there are some historical evidences that JP did r*pe CN people during war but the racism shouldn't be reeking in a literary piece? I believe that as an author, your personal beliefs should be cast aside as your writing only needs to convey the story and not your views? I might be wrong but I just can't help but rant about this.
  • Last would be about the sexism. I'm a man myself (gross, I know, men are tr*sh) but I feel that the views of the author towards women in this novel is beyond the line. Although the v**ginity thing of women is heavily discussed and debated whether they're still okay to respect if they're r*ped and stuff like that, I just can't ignore the victim-blaming mentality in this novel. It honestly irritates me.

It's not for everyone and definitely not for me either (sorry for the personal remark). If you can somehow stand the male chauvinistic mindset that reeks from this novel and stand bland side characters and massive plot holes, you can definitely give this a try. Although there are lot of mines in this novel, if you can somehow avoid it or tank through it, you can go ahead and read it. Do not say you haven't been warned beforehand. <<less
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Screed rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: c312
The greatest problem of this novel is that the flow of the story is horrible. It is too rushed and so everything feels fake. The women that the MC meets about 5 times will fall so much in love with him that she is willing to do anything for him. Also the story makes fun of the Japanese quite a lot. Even the plot armor seems forced. The story starts in modern age but as it progresses it will go to the ancient age which makes it just like other... more>> novels. I used to like it at the start but as the story progressed the quality decreased and in the end the novel was just disappointing. Before you start reading this novel, make sure that there are still updates because it was taken down when I was writing this review. <<less
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slaider23 rated it
May 8, 2017
Status: c190
I have been reading this for the from the moment the first translated chapter came out and I have yet to finish this, its only something I read every now and again when I run out of things to read. It doesn't have anything that makes it stand out truly from the good titles we probably read but its slightly entertaining enough for me to keep it in my reading list.

Story is 3.5/5 at most, has racist moments and so on but I just find those really funny. I don't... more>> understand how so many people are giving it bad reviews just because of something as simple as that. The novel itself is full of the typical cliches like random power up and convenient plot armor and such. Only a few things will keep you interested in this like the MC's past perhaps but things that I dislike in it....


Author keeps introducing all these girls that like the MC and still trying to not make this a harem, I love a good romance especially when its only one girl, harem I don't mind as long as each of the girls character's are developed well and not just some ret*rded big chest no brain types. The first one the nurse girl that was thrown in his face she get r*ped and su*cides later on, then there is the rich girl who pretty much likes the MC because he ignored her. She then realized that she was pretty s*upid and changed her ways for the MC and starts helping him with various problems while clearly still showing that she is in love with him. Next girl he met in another country she ended up working for him while he was there he saved her life and her gave her enough money for her family and such through some event he ended up sleeping with her but of-course our MC is strictly one woman kinda guy so at most he keeps her around but doesn't have any intimate relations with her. Then this guy goes way back in time to Egypt and falls in love with Cleopatra or something but because he has to go back in to our present time he has to leave her after. (completely ret*rded) Then the last girl introduced into where I currently stopped was the daughter of his enemy who started to like him, she basically just came in the story to just die for the MC pretty much because that's what she did lol


If you don't mind anything that was revealed above then you should be good to go in this novel. <<less
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Hutterer_Novel-Otaku rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c132
So far, this novel is an entertaining read. As for the character and plot development, both a slow-paced, but not so slow that you get bored after the first few chapters.

What makes '9 Heavenly Thunder Manual' interesting to read and different from the other wuxia/xianhuan novels is the additional plot aspect being the situation revolving around Lei Yu's disownment by his adoptive blood relatives and resulting resentment thereafter. This resentment is addressed throughout, but not fully resolved as we soon see throughout the storyline. As for the people he... more>> encounters, he finds himself more trusting in those outside of his immediate family, such as his two childhood friends and the men and women he befriends as the story progresses.

While this is all happening, he is also going through a cultivation evolution (a typical wuxia and xianhuan [he may or may not be cultivating to immortality... who knows?] add-on) while also encountering magical beasts (a typical xianxia add-on). As for the minutae of details throughout the story, you can read to find out more about Yu's background and his various encounters. Just a fair warning though: this story contains many of the same elements of a typical novel from the wuxia, xianxia, and xianhuan genres in Chinese literature. If you don't mind that aspect of repetitiveness and enjoy novels of these genres, this novel is worth reading. If you find these archetypal plots to repetitive and too easy to predict, this novel is not recommended for you. However, I must add that the characters within this novel are well filled out and easy to imagine as they are relatable to the people in your daily lives; not too shallow, but not too emotionally-attached either (unless the MC's main heroine is a yandere, in which case hold onto your stomach.)

From my personal standpoint, I don't mind the repetitive archetypes as Chinese literature on the whole is quite fresh compared to the British literature I grew up reading (think Robert Louis Stevenson and Charles Dickens) and other Western works. If there's one drawback on Chinese novels, it's this one: both the male and female characters are, at the mercy of the author, potentially shallow almost all of the time, regardless of whether they are the main or supporting characters.

As of Chapter 132, Lei Yu is no longer in modern America, but in a mysterious land in ancient times. That's all I can say right now. Although I give the author credit for his creative imagination throughout the story, his mix-up of Greek myths in this part is bringing about a mild headache. <<less
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April 7, 2016
Status: c110
This is one of the very few novels that is set in the modern world that I enjoyed... mind that, it's in the past tense. But... there were many things that I found really ridiculous to the point that it wasn't even funny. The whole mixing with modern world thing was all nice and stuff, but there’s a limit to that. Once a certain word was included in the story, I had a feeling that it had something to do with the MC's identity. It was after that I started... more>> to come across many things I didn't like. <<less
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Fathom rated it
November 9, 2015
Status: --
I have mixed feelings about this. I love xianxia type of stories, however, this is set in a modern setting with all of the same xianxia elements. The mix of modern elements and standard xianxia elements of martial arts, cultivation, sects, and etc just doesn't seem to blend very well. The imagery of a fantasy archaic are prevalent and then suddenly there are cars, military bases, phones, and cars. My mind struggles to jump from ancient scene to modern and vice versa. Very confusing. For now, I've put it on... more>> hold at Ch 41. I'll wait until more releases to continue. But for now, I'm not that enthusiastic about continuing. <<less
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October 28, 2015
Status: --
I don’t get the something with this in chapter’s 5 and 6 the guy mentions car’s so I’m wondering if this is modern age or ancient china like the plot has let me to believe until that point could it be that car is referring to those carts that are carry important people and are pulled by some dude at the front?

Edit: Upon further reading I notice that it seems to be set in present times (public transportation, backpack, etc...) for some reason that makes me lose interest by a... more>> lot....

Edit of the Edit: And upon 2 more lines cellphones come into play and I lost all interest, good for people that like that but I prefer my xianxia/wuxia stories to be set in sword and fist times except for Wicked Soldier King. <<less
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Metazone rated it
October 10, 2015
Status: --
Review at chapter 39. Giving 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual a 3. Not thrilled but not the worst light novel I have read. Of the 27 novels I am following on this site, it is at the bottom of the list. Author tends to jump around a lot, making it hard to follow the chapters. I will stick it out to 50 and if it improves, revise this review, else I will drop it. My thanks go out to the translator for putting out a schedule and all his hard efforts.
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March 30, 2017
Status: c236
Pretty cliche start to the novel with the usual revenge but manages to get a random powerup. The appealing thing for me was that the story was a mixture of cultivation and modern world. This made the novel stand out from the other cliches. However racism, character development, women were all treated rather badly. I still managed to push on but what made me drop this was that around 200s, he abandons his entire story's premise

He gets rid of the modern concept and goes with the normal xanxia concept which totally ruins the first 200 chapters worth of plot development. The character also abandons everyone that he had ever know and starts all over! The story may as well have finished in the 200s and stopped going since from then on there is no relationship between >200 and <200 chapters

Extremely disappointed in this story
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SlowPro rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c217
9 Heavenly Thunder Manual is quite the interesting novel in my opinion. Despite it's obvious cliche parts which are evident but at the same time necessary it is definitely a good novel to read.

The author in my opinion is very creative and shows himself to be erudite with his writing. Such examples of his creativity are his arc's. One such arc is where he is displaced and is located somewhere he shouldn't be.

Rating this low because of racism, in my opinion is plain s*upidity. Yes, despite all regards and... more>> honesty that the name of the countries and people could simply be changed and then that would stop being racist. I would prefer that the editor or translator simply changes the name of the countries to different counterparts such as Kou Country which I believe is the name Chinese gave Japanese to a different name which could be anything in all honesty.

As for how the main character gains revenge, it's quite complicated.... If you read the story you'll understand and notice it's unique and some characters are simply to s*upid in some regards and sometimes I find myself dumb from such interactions and conversations between certain characters.

Overall this Novel is without doubt in my belief that it is worthy of at least an average of 3.5 as thats literally the lowest amount of stars I could ever think to give it, with five obviously being the most. <<less
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Szatan0 rated it
March 10, 2016
Status: --
There is a lot of 1/5 ratings for that novel which I can’t really agree with. I used to read a lot of bad novels and 9HTM isn’t even close to being that unreadable. Honestly speaking it’s really decent story. What catched me is that it’s xianxa placed in modern day which really suits my taste. There weren’t any moments where I needed to make stop due to it being boring, what happened often during reading a lot of famous novels, xianxias especially. All in all IMHO 3, 5/5 to... more>> 4/5 in some places is proper grader for it, even if it's sometimes cliché, or feel copied. <<less
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heishiken rated it
March 1, 2016
Status: --
Nice Xianxia Novel for a casual read, however the Progression slows down quiete a lot in later Chapter and for me it got a bit boring, may come back to it after there is a big backlog on Chapters.
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makenai89 rated it
October 29, 2015
Status: --
The novel can be described as a standard xianxia type as it repeats almost every cliches out there. Not that it is bad, but It’s difficult to find something outstanding or memorable about 9HTM up to chapter 40s, so I’m still waiting for some trigger that will either made me leave this series for good or follow it till the end...

Edit at 62 chapters from 3 to 4:
There are cliches, awkward character development and plots, but I think 9HTM has built a niche among other xianxias.


A tragedy where one of the female character died and spurred the MC to go on a journey cinched this. The MC is not someone who kills people just cause he is offended. He doesn’t forgive or forget easily, but he is also not a heartless one.

A nice read for those who especially likes xianxia or as a filler when waiting for other novel updates. Don’t easily dismiss it, cause you might like it although others don’t.

Edit at 70+ chapters, rate dropped from 4 to 3.
I expected better from this one... but it failed to deliver better performance. The plot was still as awkward as ever, and... although I'm pretty open-minded, the mysoginistic and racism views conveyed consistently by the story grated my eyes. I dropped it at this point. But, it might still worth for some who don't fuss with things like these.
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Lachiel rated it
October 24, 2015
Status: --
Reviewed at 42. Lets start it off with.. Our MC gets kicked out of the family because he has no talent.. Sound familiar? Well good because its about the other 50% of the xianxia novel starts that are used... Needless to say he get strong and his family wants him back.. Ehh.. okay. Anyways, at 42 we get to see him find romance, train, and save lives... Alright good so far, but we just have to wait and see what the future beholds for us..
I recommend if one likes XianXia novels of any type as this one is pretty good.
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