2000 Years of Magic History in My Head


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Kang Min-hyuk, the loser of the checkpoint, gained a high-level magical civilization and everything changed.

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내 머릿속에 2000년 마법 역사
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rhianirory rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: c34
it's decent but something doesn't make sense to me. While the MC does have a huge talent for magic, I don't understand his initial motivation to give up his place as fighter and heir to begin with.

... more>>

the MC wasn't kicked out of his clan or anything, he just left. He transferred because he claims he 'has no talent' and yet we find out later that he won every competition in his age group and has a vast store of practical knowledge, skills, and experience despite that 'lack of talent.'

as the story moves along the magic seems to take on aspects of spiritual cultivation while the fighters are more like body cultivators, the only difference is they use mana instead of Qi. So his 'lack of talent' has more to do with his difficulties circulating mana the way a fighter needs to use it and despite that 'lack of talent, ' he was still the guy winning all the competitions. I could only wish I could be even close to as 'untalented' as he is at the start of the story.

if he s**ked at fighting and continuously failed challenges despite working hard, I would understand him giving up and moving on to something else, but it wasn't like that at all. He never failed at anything. He was always the champion and the fighter who came out on top, the pride of his clan and the person everyone looked up to. It's not a case of him pretending to be better than he is; he has bad-ass fighting skills, which we see some of in the way he handles those bullies in the other reality. Perhaps his 'lack of talent' will be explored later in the story; the author brings it up at least once a chapter so I hope he gets on with it sooner rather than later.

because there was no single moment (that we're aware of so far) where he failed as a fighter and nothing that triggered a need for change his sudden switch seems more like whim. As though he hit a wall (or got bored) and rather than trying to push through it he decided to give up and do something else because it was easier than working hard. It's backwards from the usual Korean trope of 'hard work can accomplish everything' but OK.

he's also presented in the summery as a loser, but he with all of his elite training and experience, there's no way he ever possesses that mentality, even at his lowest point.

for now it's a 3.5 <<less
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Cryarc rated it
June 14, 2020
Status: c9
A downgraded version of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei. This series is trying to emulate research-based logical magic settings but since the author seemingly lacking in engineering expertise so instead of being 'novel', it feels pretentious. The author also chose the easy way to make the MC looks awesome by making all the other characters dumb, it's further exacerbated by setting the world's magic level at the embryo level of development so every basic innovation he pulled out of his cheat sheet is 'evolutionary'. And to be honest, the level of... more>> 'innovation' is something that is very basic it's questionable that all of these 'researchers' never even attempt on doing them on trial-and-error basis, it's kind of: even when they know how to create fire, they don't know that woods will turn into ashes when burnt and they're just awed by the revelation from the MC. Also instead out of his own intellectual mind, his achievement is basically just getting a cheat sheet by someone smarter than him and crediting it as his own. In a story with academical system like this, it made the plot feels cheap, while the other characters are trying to increase their skill/knowledge by their own effort, the MC steamrolled them with cheat sheet and being praised for it. There's a better Korean novel alternative for this genre, 'A Returner's Magic Should Be Special', it might have flaws too but at least it has better defined magic system and the MC himself is actually is the one who do the hardwork, he's not crediting someone else's achievements, or even better yet just read MahouKoukou rather than this series. <<less
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MonkeDanana rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: Completed
I have read the raw it's pretty okay for killing time. I enjoyed it when the MC borrowed the body of a person from magic world to learn magic but skipped most of the chapters when he's back in the modern world. The modern world chapters is pretty basic and not that enjoyable to read. It feels like the magic world chapters and the modern world chapters are written by different person. Overall, I say that's it's okay killing time.

Edit: I also forgot to mention that people will praise the... more>> MC a lot. We will get many chapters dedicated to just people praising the MC for his genius ability to create spells (which he actually took from the magic world). Most of the modern world chapters are about MC showing off and people praising the MC while the magic world chapters are about MC learning magic and where he learned more about the monsters. It's one of the reason why I liked the magic world chapters and why I didn't like the modern world chapters. <<less
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hotgibu rated it
June 1, 2020
Status: c8
My favorite new KR novel. It has a good plot and characters.

Modern day stuff all the way.


I'm about to read it again because it was re uploaded by the translation group. I saw on a discord group that this series is one of the most popular ones in Korea.
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richter03 rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: Completed
It's ok story with alright ending, work hard MC with no time for romance (not even a moment), a bit rush at final chapter but nothing bad about it.
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Teadragon rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: c17
I was really enjoying this series. Yes, it is a bit fluffy (especially the science), but I like fluffy and easy to read! The very fact that the magical science is not very rigorous allows me to turn my brain off and just enjoy the story.

Translators, oh wonderful translators, please would you continue the translation of this novel? ?
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MyRAMEN rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: c9
Note, the novel is still being updated

Whoever originally posted the links to Novel Updates stopped doing so for this novel. I did not enjoy the story enough for me to take time to link the new chapters.

Frankly the story is okay. It is essentially a time waster. The main plot direction is interesting, but the writing is bland and dull. Same for the sub plots, they could've been more interesting. The translation quality also isn't the best. It seems to be edited machine translation, unless if the original writing was... more>> also this stagnant.

I was debating to give a 2, but the story didn't have any huge negatives other than the boring writing style of the book. <<less
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redleaf97 rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: c17
I've read up to latest chapter, sadly this book was not the priorities translated by the group. Anyways my thoughts: Awesome kinda fresh, as to MC is only talented not up to level genius. The real genius was the other dude which helped him soul transfer.

Fresh because rather than transmigrated into new world MC just go there for a day once a month.

I really want to read this till the end hopefully It will not get dropped.
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ZeroA2 rated it
January 19, 2022
Status: c78
Interesting premise. Interesting cheat. The translation really struggles and completely gives up at times. The number of different ways they translate the protagonist's home and the position of his father for instance. On top of the usual gender and subject confusion you can expect from an unedited machine translation.

The site has completed through chapter 120 or so, but they randomly have locks on several chapters starting at 79.

I really enjoy it, but not sure if it will be popular enough for them to do an edit or even notice they... more>> have old chapters still locked. <<less
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