Wimpy Movie Queen Is Divorcing Me Again


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Original title “Moon and Tide”

Lu Xici has been in the industry for many years and has a well-known “secret” – she got married at a young age.

She always wears a plain ring on her left ring finger, and whenever asked, she would shyly smile.

Anyone who sees this smile would think that the two of them are deeply in love, and she is very happy. Only she knows how forced that smile is.

Lu Xici originally thought that Jun Youyue didn’t like her.

With a written contract, they have been married for three years, and the total number of words they have spoken to each other does not exceed ten.

Jun Youyue also has a highly publicized scandal partner.

It wasn’t until Lu Xici accidentally saw Jun Youyue’s photo album that she discovered it was full of pictures of herself.


Jun Youyue also has a “secret”.

She has been in a secret marriage for many years, and her wife is her lovely little green plum*.

*childhood sweetheart

She would grab her clothes and call her jiejie*, cling to her neck and kiss her ear, and even when she was tired, she wouldn’t forget to ask for a goodnight kiss.

*elder sister

Who could resist falling in love with that? Well, Jun Youyue couldn’t.

She always thought that her married life was harmonious and their feelings for each other were good.

Until one day, Lu Xici suddenly handed her a divorce agreement without any warning.

Jun Youyue was dumbfounded.

How can you chase your wife if your mouth is too s*upid? Waiting online, very urgent.


Small scene:

In the travel variety show “Honeymoon Again,” the director gave Jun and Lu a few mission cards with questions from netizens.

Question 1: How does Ms. Jun view the rumors about the original state of their relationship?

Jun Youyue innocently: I think our relationship has always been good, right?

Lu Xici snorted: It has indeed always been good.

It was she, as the person involved, who had a blackout after drinking and didn’t know what happened before.

Question 2: Is it true that Actress Lu pursued Ms. Jun for over five years?

Jun Youyue grabbed the microphone: I pursued her.

Question 3: How often do you two…?

Lu Xici: Is it appropriate to ask this??

Jun Youyue: You should ask how many times per day.

Question 4: Do you want children?

Jun Youyue: ?

Lu Xici: This is getting more and more unscrupulous! Director!

In the end, the director was chased around the island by Lu Xici’s people for an hour.

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Sǒng bāo yǐng hòu yòu zài hé wǒ nào líhūn
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