The Loyal Knight Killed Me. After Changing to a Yandere, He Is Still Fixated On Me


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Tiana’s engagement was annulled by the prince of her own country, and she was sentenced to exile. However, the knight of a neighboring country, who was an aide to that country’s prince, suddenly proposed to her. Since he was her type, Tiana accepted the marriage proposal and traveled with him to his country, but what awaited her was an unjust death. However, although she should have died, Tiana finds herself back when her engagement was annulled and she was proposed to by the knight!

“Now… Now it’s too late… I’ll have to kill her.”

The last words the knight spoke before killing her lingered in her mind. But Tiana doesn’t want to die again! Terrified, she tries to refuse the marriage proposal, but she can’t escape from the knight who has gone completely crazy! A cat-and-mouse rom-com about Tiana, whose memories construe mu*derous intent, and a knight who refuses to let her escape and gets more and more yandere…

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Watashi wo Koroshita Wanko-kei Kishi-sama ga, Yandere ni Job Change shite Kyou mo Inochi wo Neratte Kuru
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